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April 4, 2006 - Tuesday

Sunny and nice but a bit cold.

I had a pretty good day today. I got up early to watch the news but discovered that the news wasn't on. It was blooming baseball again. So, I checked email and finished my book. I just finished Confessions of a Shopaholic. It was very funny in places. I liked it, but you'll have to check my bookpage for the review. I just started reading the foreword of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World today. I hope to be able to read the novel soon.

I did laundry today, and I wrote up a proposal for my school. I've been thinking about it recently and I don't want a huge school with lots of students. I am more interested in the personal touch so I'm leaning more towards teaching private students and being more selective than I would be if I ran a bigger school. I'm not sure if that makes a lot of sense, but I hope so.

In the afternoon I wrapped up the presents for my friend. Her birthday is next week and I haven't sent off the gift yet. Sigh. Manana.

When Fumihiko came home tonight I showed him my plan and we discussed it a little. I don't know exactly what he thinks of it. He seems to think it would be more difficult to cover expenses than I do. However, with a "big" school, I'd need a lot more help than I know he's able to give me.

We went out for dinner to a fish restaurant. It's run by the parents of one of his co-workers. The first time we went there the food was great, last time kind of blah for me, but this time it was back to great! We had grilled sanma, grilled clam with soy sauce, grilled miso trout, and raw octopus. Everything was very nice.

After dinner Fumihiko suggested karaoke, but I knew he was really tired so I gave him a raincheck and we went grocery shopping instead. We got most of dinner for the next two nights. I might have to pick up some veggies/salad tomorrow, but that's okay.

We came home and I made Fumihiko watch last night's episode of ER, then we watched Monk. It's back again. I like it, but I think The West Wing is much better!

Fumihiko is off having his bath now and soon we'll probably eat the yakitori that someone insisted on buying. I'm still quite full from dinner so I didn't want it earlier. I don't really want it now either.

Anyway, that's my day. I'll chat at you tomorrow. Night!


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