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April 4, 2001 - Wednesday

A quiet day for me at work. I only had a few classes plus 2 interviews. I did get a lot of planning done too, which was good. Something nice though, the child's lesson that I had today went well, we both enjoyed it.

And the new teacher arrived today. I only saw him for a minute, but I'm happy to say that he doesn't look like his picture!

I managed to leave the office at a reasonable time tonight. It was a good change. I ate mushroom soba for supper...I'd bought it last night. It was darn good.

Tomorrow I'll have more classes...which is nice. I hope they go well. That and I have more planning to do. Sigh! It never seems to end.

Anyway, I'm off. I watched the first episode of Charmed tonight. It looked okay, but I'll have to watch a few more episodes before I make a decision. Night night.

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