WinR - Your Win Resource
<8=o)— WinR —(o=8>
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Ѱ۝ BROADCASTERS Radio Freq. low to high
am◛ - KLAC AM 570 | KOGO AM 600 | KFI AM 640 | KABC 790 AMϾ | fm◛ - XHITZ 90.3 | XETRA 91.1 | KRRL 92.3 | XHRM 92.5 | KCBS 93.1ʘ॰\ | KHTS 93.3 | KDAY 93.5 | KLLI 93.9 | KMYI 94.1 | KDAY 94.3 | KTWV 94.7 ॰\ | KBZT 94.9 ॰\ | KFRoG 95.1 ॰\ | KLOS 95.5 | KXOL 96.3 | KYXY 96.5 | KCAL 96.7 | KNX 97.1 ॰\ | KYSR 98.7 | KGGI 99.1 | KOLA 99.9 | KKLQ 100.3 | KFBG 100.7 | KRTH 101.1ʘ ॰\ | KATY 101.3 | KGB 101.5 | KJLH 102.3 | KIIS 102.7 | KOST 103.5 | KSON 103.7॰\ | KBIG 104.3 | KKGO 105.1 | KIOZ 105.1 | KPWR 105.9 | KPRZ 106.1 | KROQ 106.7ʘ ॰\
Ѱ۝ TV - Broadcast Television
KCBS 2.1 | KNBC 4.1 | KTLA 5.1 | KABC 7.1 | KCAL 9.1 | KTTV 11.1 | KCOP 13.1 | KDOC 56.1

WinR — Your Win Resource

Holliday Season is over, with radio sweepstakes in full gear hit the ground running I've no time to get back to keeping WinList and this WinResource current, it's a lot of unpaid work (no ads either ^-^, because I love you and value your time it's a really big page worth the wait for all killer no filler) If there is a contest or station promo you feel is important to all but neglected, then please
✔ Drop me a ♫ NOTE .


✔ ^-^ Secrets|Codewords so marked with this text enableing "find on page" as search term to skim codewords, secret phrases, et cetera is built of two Carets{^^}like eyes squint with delight, then dash{-} between them for upmouth reminds me of a cute anime face of "bursting with secretary" I imagine ^-^ in a circle fury with pointy ears and plush eyebrows to flesh it out, anthropomorphically. Yeah, so speaking of quick access to keywords, soon you can utilize URL command line # indexed-search extxentions as well with these internal links - like…  /index.html#kcal9^-^ suffix or …  /index.html#kabc7^-^ suffix or …  /index.html#iheart^-^ suffix when typing URL then tap enter, to land there directly. #^ Single caret has already been in use as "top of page." Facilitating not only page hopping with ease like #kxxx station call has done all along. It facilitates sharing to the point, For example I copy significant links with location extensions like #iheart & more to my phone browser folder. Streamline access, load the page once and jump within. BTW latest update shown at the bottom of most pages as timestamped when posted.
^-^ happy secret bursting! as both search term AND anchor!

KEYWORDS   are oversized Impact purple and also at a glance -

Announcement time such as 6a-9p every top of the hour or starting Friday 7:10a-5:10p when to listen - what slice of clock is assigned to the contest/sweep. Comming soon Station Advertisment block clocks, to better aviod noise and DJ chatter segments.
Oversized Orange Impact grabs the eye. The better to see you with dearie.

Thanks for stopping by and please do me a favor? Enjoy good luck!

—(o=8> wiz. ďIsney

How I maximize my iHeart entry efficiency.

On you may notice on the -So.Cal LOCAL iHeart ONLINE ENTRY FORM PAGES that the contest hours (highlighted in bold) have been expanded, some hours in the morning, most now into the 6pm hour. followed by `bonus' - a link to each bonus entry page as linked on the success screens (I include because I've forgotten to click it before closing the entry tab.) My only concern is that my efforts are needlessly duplicated should a single, national `participation flag' in each of our files be the case. I believe each entry is preserved independently by the accepting site, so I run up the winr list center-clicking on each $1K site link, five or so at a run ignoring links not participating that hour. I then cop a sip or snack while the pages render. Then I cycle CTRL-PgDN, click the entry field, CTRL-V pastes the keyword, enter commits and repeat CTRL-PgDn to switch to the next tab, not bothering to wait for the `accepted' render. After the last then check each again with the switch-tab CTRL-PgDn to verify and close or, on the first run, click `Bonus Entry' in a tab-run. I'd go forwards if I utilized CTRL-PgUp, but find it easier to allow the expansion of the tab bar efficiently. When tab-run at the top of the hour I can zip them all up in six minutes, while renders after :45 may lag so bad that by the time it renders the contest period has expired. That is how I maximize my iHeart entry efficiency.

Speed tip:

The full URL of WinResource ends with a hashtag after the ‘.html’ - that is a locator anchor name and all my websites are littered with them so you can load the page once and jump within to any named section. Each station in WinR begins with the hidden name anchors and several others like #iheart and #fresh. I keep a tab open with the page so reloading becomes unnecessary, simply jump anywhere from #kabc to #xhrm by changing the end of the URL. If you forget the internal link list of station links at the top middle and bottom do the same, hover to peek at the station extension or jump to the top with #^.
A, you are looking for same as last week and next year. #kfrOg won’t work, my naming convention is all lower case and the actual call sign.
Speed tip #2 - KEYWORD_STRING shift left and cut entry method list of keyword string:
can be copied to the clipboard, then paste the whole shebang into the “enter the Keyword” field, this leaves the cursor at the end enabling to hold select [shift on my laptop] and click all but the first word [and its trailing space to save time as the entry accepts it and ignores the trailing space.] Now you have all but the first word highlighted, CTRL-X cut replaces the clipboard with the trimmed list and leaves the first word to submit.
Rinse and repeat session each day takes 15 min to be done. That’s why I place the space delimited list at the bottom to jump start your speed list.
BTW I like having two input fields at the top of my browser windows - search to the left of the URL for nifty short term storage. With KFRoG I load it with my fully highlighted e-mail address and just drag it onto the entry field - saving the typing to once. Basic computer science has named this trim method of entry “cut and shift left.” Rather than reinventing the wheel , I’ll refer to my pure, space delimited keyword list included at the bottom, as the cut and shift left list.


Most popular sweeps at a glance.



․\udacy $2,500

  • KABC 790, Games, contests
    $2,000 Fresh Start Funds Giveaway
  • KLOS 95.5 Games, contests
    $2,000 Fresh Start Funds Giveaway
  • KCAL, Games, contests
    $2,000 Fresh Start Funds Giveaway
  • KKGO , Games, contests
    $2,000 Fresh Start Funds Giveaway
  • KSKS-FM 93.7 Games contests FUN and Winning
    $2,000 Fresh Start Funds Giveaway
  • KPLX-FM 99.5 Games current-contests-2 FUN and Winning
    $2,000 Fresh Start Funds Giveaway
    Winter Wish List Ends: 12.30
  • WBAP-FM 99.5 Games current-contests-2 FUN and Winning
    $2,000 Fresh Start Funds Giveaway
    Winter Wish List Ends: 12.30
  • ZROCK 103 WYZZ-FM Games Contests
    $2,000 Fresh Start Funds Giveaway Ends 12.16
    Winter Wish List Ends: 12.30

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  • Repeat of a word OK? Yes
  • Show candidate words only: Yes

  • Magic Band +
  • My Disneyland Park Reservations
  • Calendar- Blockouts
  • Show Schedules
  • Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway CARTൈN!

    Tൈn Town reൈpens 100 Years of Disney Anchor showpiece next week but twice I enjoyed the new fireworks from Small World mall accompanied by projections onto her facade followed by rope-drop testing via boarding group.the latest thrilling ride and confused ride system in the el CAPITൈN theatre of downtown tൈntown, It ended in a show, er, shop of course with curtains up veiling the merchandise The experience at first sublime Rosa Parks er, Mickey and Minies Runaway Railway er, Hariet Tubman underground railway for runaway… it's hard to explain, but I went to the new premier of Runaway Ralway when there was a tൈn explo er implosion safest evacuation was INTO the film. I wasn't expecting that was I?

    DISNEYLAND Win Tickets to the Disneyland® Resort!

    COME FIND YOUR HAPPY PLACE AT THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH Z90 FIND YOUR HAPPY PLACE AT THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH 91X wants you to enter for a chance to win a visit to the Disneyland® Resort! The 91X Song of the Day is your chance to win four 1-day, 1-park tickets to Disneyland® Park or Disney California Adventure® Park! From 9am and 6pm weekdays February 10 to March 21, we’ll announce a winning 91X Song of the Day. When you hear it play, be caller 91 to 877-572-1-91X (1919). Enter online for another web-exclusive chance to win. Plus, we’ll automatically sign you up to get a weekly e-mail cheat sheet with the list of winning songs.
    COME FIND YOUR HAPPY PLACE AT THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH Z90 From February 10 to March 7, listen weekday mornings to Hey Morton on Z90 for your chance to win four 1-day, 1-park tickets to Disneyland® Park or Disney California Adventure® Park! A code word will be announced at the top of every hour at 6am, 7am, 8am and 9am. Enter the Code Word online within 10 minutes, each entry is another chance to win that day’s four-pack of tickets. Rick Morton will call you if you win, good luck!

  • Win Tickets to the Knott’s PEANUTS Celebration at Knott’s Berry Farm! LISTEN TO KOST 103.5 ALL WEEK (2/3 – 2/7). After you hear “the cue to call” be the designated caller at 1-800-929-KOST (1-800-929-5678) and win your tickets to Knott’s PEANUTS Celebration at Knott’s Berry Farm!
  • 99.1 KGGI Enter to win a 4-Pack of Tickets to the Peanut Celebration at Knott's Berry Farm!
  • KISS FM Enter to win a 4-Pack of Tickets to the Peanut Celebration at Knott's Berry Farm!
  • KOST 102.7 Enter to win a 4-Pack of Tickets to the Peanut Celebration at Knott's Berry Farm!

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  • link to here #iHeart
    ❣iHeart ❣ $1K-ALL-DAY $1K Payday promotion Enter this hours ❣iHeart keyword ONLINE before 0:55
    ❣iHeart Listen To Win $1,000 (rules)
  •  6a:0? BONUS & BONIFICACIÓN? Y ?
  •  7a:0? GREEN & VERDE? Y ?
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  •  4p:0? BONUS & BONIFICACIÓN? Y ?
  •  5p:0? GREEN & VERDE? Y ?

    ❣iHeart ❣ participating stations SoCal list in -So.Cal LOCAL iHeart ONLINE ENTRY FORM PAGES:
  • iHeart iHeartRadio Contests & Promotions [National]
    ❣ Listen To Win $1,000 6a-6p
  • AM 570 LA Sports AM 570 LA Sports KLAC Contests & Promotions
    ❣ Listen To Win $1,000 9am-5pm
  • 600 KOGO Newsradio Newsradio 600 KOGO Contests & Promotions
    ❣ Listen To Win $1,000 6am-6pm
  • KFI AM 640 KFI AM 640 Contests & Promotions
    ❣ Listen To Win $1,000 9am-5pm
  • Real 92.3 REAL 92.3 Contests & Promotions
    ❣ Listen To Win $1,000 6a-6p
  • Channel 933 Channel 933 Contests & Promotions
    ❣ Pay Your Bills 6a-6p
  • STAR 94.1 STAR 94.1 Contests & Promotions
    ❣ Easy Money 6a-6p
  • Jamn 957 KSSX Jamn 957 Contests & Promotions
    ❣ Delete Your Debt 6a-6p
  • ALT 98.7 ALT 98.7 Contests & Promotions
    ❣Listen to Win $1,000 ALTernative Income 6a-6p
  • 99.1 KKGI 99.1 KGGI Contests & Promotions
    ❣ DELETE YOUR DEBT! 9a-6p
  • 101.5 KGB 101.5 KGB Contests & Promotions
    ❣ Money on the 20's 6a-6p
  • 102.7 KIIS FM KIIS FM Contests & Promotions
    ❣ Win $1000 from Ryan Seacrest to Pay Your Bills! 10a-6p
  • KOST 103.5 KOST 103.5 Contests & Promotions
    ❣ Listen to Win $1,000 103.5! 6a-5p.
  • 104.3 MYFM 104.3 MYFM Contests & Promotions
    ❣ $1000 Fill-Up on 104.3 MYfm 6a-6p
  • ROCK 105.3 ROCK 105.3 Contests & Promotions
    ❣ Rock The Bank 6a-6p.
  • ———(o=8> ❣ iHeart National Contests <8=o)———

  • Win A Trip To The iHeartRadio Event Of Your Choice! The new and improved iHeartRadio app is finally here with everything you love about your car radio in the palm of your hand! To celebrate, we're letting one lucky winner choose a trip to any iHeartRadio Signature event, including tickets, airfare, hotel, and more! You could be headed to one of these great events: iHeartRadio Music Awards 2025, iHeartCountry Festival 2025, iHeartRadio Music Festival 2025, iHeartRadio Fiesta Latina 2025, iHeartRadio Jingle Ball 2025, iHeartRadio ALTer Ego 2026, iHeartRadio Podcast Awards 2026 Enter now for your chance to win!
  • Win A Trip To Our 2025 iHeartCountry Festival And Tickets Before You Can Buy Them! iHeartRadio has your chance at a trip to our 2025 iHeartRadio Country Festival presented by Capital One! Listen to any participating station at 9am, 1pm and 5pm then text the nationwide keyword you hear to 200200 for your chance to win! All winners receive a trip for TWO including: Round-trip coach-class airfare to Austin, TX, Ground transportation from airport and hotel, Two nights hotel accommodations in Austin, Two tickets to our 2025 iHeartCountry Festival at the Moody Center *Standard message and data rates may apply in this nationwide contest. One winner will be randomly selected from all entries received during each contest hour. Age: 18+
  • Win A Trip To See Metallica On Tour From The Snake Pit! To enter to win open up your iHeartRadio app and listen to Classic Hard Rock Radio on iHeartRadio. Once you start listening you'll see the message pop up to enter. It's that easy!
  • iHeart’s “One of Them Days” Sweepstakes From Producer Issa Rae, One Of Them Days is a hilarious ride-or-die buddy comedy starring KeKe Palmer and SZA…best friends who must avoid eviction, while navigating one wild situation after another. #OneOfThemDays. Exclusively in movie theaters January 17th! Rated R.
  • Vote Daily For Podcast Of The Year
  • iHeartRadio Is Inviting You To Spend Valentine's Day With Janet Jackson In Las Vegas! To enter to win open up your iHeartRadio app and listen to iHeartRadio. Once you start listening you'll see the message pop up to enter. It's that easy!
  • Win A Trip To The iHeartRadio Event Of Your Choice! Enter Now Login with your iHeartRadio account Enter with iHeartRadio The new and improved iHeartRadio app is finally here with everything you love about your car radio in the palm of your hand! To celebrate, we're letting one lucky winner choose a trip to any iHeartRadio Signature event, including tickets, airfare, hotel, and more! You could be headed to one of these great events: iHeartRadio Music Awards 2025 iHeartCountry Festival 2025 iHeartRadio Music Festival 2025 iHeartRadio Fiesta Latina 2025 iHeartRadio Jingle Ball 2025 iHeartRadio ALTer Ego 2026 iHeartRadio Podcast Awards 2026 Enter now for your chance to win!
  • iHeart radio latest update 2025.01.16 



    Ѱ۝ BROADCASTERS Radio Freq. low to high
    am◛ - KLAC AM 570 | KOGO AM 600 | KFI AM 640 | KABC 790 AMϾ | fm◛ - XHITZ 90.3 | XETRA 91.1 | KRRL 92.3 | XHRM 92.5 | KCBS 93.1ʘ॰\ | KHTS 93.3 | KDAY 93.5 | KLLI 93.9 | KMYI 94.1 | KDAY 94.3 | KTWV 94.7 ॰\ | KBZT 94.9 ॰\ | KFRoG 95.1 ॰\ | KLOS 95.5 | KXOL 96.3 | KYXY 96.5 | KCAL 96.7 | KNX 97.1 ॰\ | KYSR 98.7 | KGGI 99.1 | KOLA 99.9 | KKLQ 100.3 | KFBG 100.7 | KRTH 101.1ʘ ॰\ | KATY 101.3 | KGB 101.5 | KJLH 102.3 | KIIS 102.7 | KOST 103.5 | KSON 103.7॰\ | KBIG 104.3 | KKGO 105.1 | KIOZ 105.1 | KPWR 105.9 | KPRZ 106.1 | KROQ 106.7ʘ ॰\
    Ѱ۝ TV - Broadcast Television
    KCBS 2.1 | KNBC 4.1 | KTLA 5.1 | KABC 7.1 | KCAL 9.1 | KTTV 11.1 | KCOP 13.1 | KDOC 56.1


    KLAC AM 570 LA Sports

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-866-987-2570 Text ͢» to: 51881 Business ☏ ℡ +1-818-559-2252 Traffic Tipline: ☏ ℡ +1-800-500-5003
  • Win A Trip To The iHeartRadio Event Of Your Choice! The new and improved iHeartRadio app is finally here with everything you love about your car radio in the palm of your hand! To celebrate, we're letting one lucky winner choose a trip to any iHeartRadio Signature event, including tickets, airfare, hotel, and more! You could be headed to one of these great events:, iHeartRadio Music Awards 2025, iHeartCountry Festival 2025, iHeartRadio Music Festival 2025, iHeartRadio Fiesta Latina 2025, iHeartRadio Jingle Ball 2025, iHeartRadio ALTer Ego 2026, iHeartRadio Podcast Awards 2026
  • Vote Daily For Podcast Of The Year VOTE BELOW FOR PODCAST OF THE YEAR THE YEAR Normal Gossip Three Giggly Squad Call Her Daddy Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang Hysterical The Telepathy Tapes Who Killed JFK? Empire City: The Untold Origin Story of the NYPD The Good Whale Icon Awards SOCIAL IMPACT AWARD Sarah Spain (Good Game with Sarah Spain) AUDIBLE AUDIO PIONEER AWARD Dan Taberski (Hysterical, Headlong, 9/12) INNOVATOR AWARD Daniel Alarcón (Radio Ambulante, The Good Whale) CATEGORIES + NOMINEES BEST BUSINESS + FINANCE PODCAST Planet Money How to Money Networth and Chill with Your Rich BFF Money Rehab with Nicole Lapin The Ramsey Show BEST COMEDY PODCAST The Nikki Glaser Podcast Fly on the Wall with Dana Carvey and David Spade Normal Gossip Bad Friends Call Her Daddy BEST CRIME PODCAST Three Betrayal Up and Vanished CounterClock Something Was Wrong Best Pop Culture Podcast Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang The World's First Podcast with Erin & Sara Foster Still Processing Keep It! Pop Culture Happy Hour Best Food Podcast Gastropod Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Radio Be My Guest with Ina Garten The Recipe with Kenji and Deb The Sporkful Best Wellness + Fitness Podcast Huberman Lab The Mel Robbins Podcast 10% Happier with Dan Harris A Slight Change of Plans We Can Do Hard Things Best History Podcast The Rest Is History Empire City: The Untold Origin Story of the NYPD Throughline American History Tellers You're Wrong About Best Kids & Family Podcast Good Inside with Dr. Becky Koala Moon - Kids Bedtime Stories & Meditations Smash Boom Best: A funny, smart debate show for kids and family Story Pirates Wow In The World Best Music Podcast Song Exploder Questlove Supreme Popcast The Wonder of Stevie The Joe Budden Podcast Best News Podcast The Journal. The Daily Up First from NPR Pivot Today, Explained Best Fiction Podcast Hello From The Magic Tavern Welcome to Night Vale Impact Winter The Magnus Archives Midnight Burger Best Sports Podcast New Heights with Jason & Travis Kelce The Herd with Colin Cowherd The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz The Bill Simmons Podcast All The Smoke Best Science Podcast Hidden Brain StarTalk Radio Stuff To Blow Your Mind Ologies with Alie Ward Science Vs Best Technology Podcast All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg Hard Fork Better Offline Darknet Diaries TED Radio Hour Best Ad Read Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend Where Everybody Knows Your Name with Ted Danson and Woody Harrelson (sometimes) My Brother, My Brother And Me SmartLess Office Ladies Best Overall Host Alex Cooper (Call Her Daddy) Jamie Loftus (Sixteenth Minute [of Fame]) Sabrina Tavernise (The Daily) Mel Robbins (The Mel Robbins Podcast) Dan Taberski (Hysterical) Best Overall Ensemble We Can Do Hard Things My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark Handsome Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard Pivot Best Political Podcast Native Land Pod The NPR Politics Podcast Pod Save America The Megyn Kelly Show Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar Best TV + Film Podcast Films To Be Buried With with Brett Goldstein Two Ts In A Pod with Teddi Mellencamp and Tamra Judge How Did This Get Made? The Rewatchables Blank Check with Griffin & David Best Spanish Language Podcast Radio Ambulante Duolingo Spanish Podcast Leyendas Legendarias Mija Podcast Escuela Secreta Best Advice /Inspirational Podcast Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus On Purpose with Jay Shetty The Mel Robbins Podcast Life Kit Savage Lovecast Best Beauty + Fashion Podcast Naked Beauty The goop Podcast Glowing Up Breaking Beauty Podcast Lipstick on the Rim Best Travel Podcast Travel with Rick Steves The Atlas Obscura Podcast Zero To Travel Women Who Travel JUMP with Traveling Jackie Best Green Podcast Unf*cking the Future Environmental Insights Green Dreamer Threshold TED Climate Best Spirituality /Religion Podcast Elevation with Steven Furtick Oprah's Super Soul WHOA That's Good Podcast Bible in a Year with Jack Graham Transformation Church Best Branded Podcast NerdWallet's Smart Money (NerdWallet) Into The Mix (Ben & Jerry's) Symptomatic (Novartis) You Can't Make This Up (Netflix) Mind The Business: Small Business Success Stories (Intuit QuickBooks) Best Emerging Podcast Not Gonna Lie with Kylie Kelce So True with Caleb Hearon Hysterical Wild Card with Rachel Martin Shell Game Best International Podcast The Business of Doing Business with Dwayne Kerrigan (Canada) Mamamia Out Loud (Australia) Between Two Beers Podcast (New Zealand) The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett (United Kingdom) Las Alucines (Mexico) IHEARTRADIO PODCAST AWARDS
  • KLAC latest update 2025.01.07 

    600 KOGO News Radio

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-800-600-5646 Traffic Tipline ͢» to: 858-467-0504 Business ☏ ℡ +1-858-292-2000 Newsroom ☏ ℡ +1-858-522-5500
  • Listen to Win $1,000 6a-6p
  • Win a healthy lunch for your office! Kravings Fruit Bar is providing local San Diego businesses with healthy lunches for their office. Enter below for your chance to win lunch from Kravings Fruit Bar for your office up to 25 people.
  • George Chamberlin Community Leadership Award Enter Now Login with your iHeartRadio account Enter with iHeartRadio Full promotional terms and conditions provided by: Newsradio 600 KOGOClick Here The life of longtime KOGO personality, George Chamberlin was defined by doing the right thing. During his life, George's positive outlook, integrity, and generosity touched so many people. By doing the right thing day-to-day, George created a legacy that is being honored through the George Chamberlin Leadership Award, presented by Palomar Solar & Roofing. It's not big bank banking. It's better. The award will recognize individuals and organizations that devote their time, talents and resources to helping others and making San Diego a better place to live. Submit a nomination for the award below. Nominations will be reviewed by the staff at KOGO who worked closely with George during his tenure at the station. Recipients of the award will be announced once per quarter and recognized by KOGO on-air and online with a feature that sheds a light on their commitment to helping others and the impact it has on our community as well as a $1,000 donation. Review award recipients.
  • 600 KOGO latest update 2024.12.13 

    KFI AM 640

    ۝\n Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-800-520-1534 Studio TEXT/SMS Line ͢» to: 640640 Trafic Tip Line ☏ ℡ 888-500-5003 Newsroom Line ☏ ℡ 323-2255-534 (CALL-KFI) Business ☏ ℡ +1-818-559-2252
  • Win A Trip To The iHeartRadio Event Of Your Choice! The new and improved iHeartRadio app is finally here with everything you love about your car radio in the palm of your hand! To celebrate, we're letting one lucky winner choose a trip to any iHeartRadio Signature event, including tickets, airfare, hotel, and more! You could be headed to one of these great events:, iHeartRadio Music Awards 2025, iHeartCountry Festival 2025, iHeartRadio Music Festival 2025, iHeartRadio Fiesta Latina 2025, iHeartRadio Jingle Ball 2025, iHeartRadio ALTer Ego 2026, iHeartRadio Podcast Awards 2026
  • Vote Daily For Podcast Of The Year VOTE BELOW FOR PODCAST OF THE YEAR THE YEAR Normal Gossip Three Giggly Squad Call Her Daddy Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang Hysterical The Telepathy Tapes Who Killed JFK? Empire City: The Untold Origin Story of the NYPD The Good Whale Icon Awards SOCIAL IMPACT AWARD Sarah Spain (Good Game with Sarah Spain) AUDIBLE AUDIO PIONEER AWARD Dan Taberski (Hysterical, Headlong, 9/12) INNOVATOR AWARD Daniel Alarcón (Radio Ambulante, The Good Whale) CATEGORIES + NOMINEES BEST BUSINESS + FINANCE PODCAST Planet Money How to Money Networth and Chill with Your Rich BFF Money Rehab with Nicole Lapin The Ramsey Show BEST COMEDY PODCAST The Nikki Glaser Podcast Fly on the Wall with Dana Carvey and David Spade Normal Gossip Bad Friends Call Her Daddy BEST CRIME PODCAST Three Betrayal Up and Vanished CounterClock Something Was Wrong Best Pop Culture Podcast Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang The World's First Podcast with Erin & Sara Foster Still Processing Keep It! Pop Culture Happy Hour Best Food Podcast Gastropod Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Radio Be My Guest with Ina Garten The Recipe with Kenji and Deb The Sporkful Best Wellness + Fitness Podcast Huberman Lab The Mel Robbins Podcast 10% Happier with Dan Harris A Slight Change of Plans We Can Do Hard Things Best History Podcast The Rest Is History Empire City: The Untold Origin Story of the NYPD Throughline American History Tellers You're Wrong About Best Kids & Family Podcast Good Inside with Dr. Becky Koala Moon - Kids Bedtime Stories & Meditations Smash Boom Best: A funny, smart debate show for kids and family Story Pirates Wow In The World Best Music Podcast Song Exploder Questlove Supreme Popcast The Wonder of Stevie The Joe Budden Podcast Best News Podcast The Journal. The Daily Up First from NPR Pivot Today, Explained Best Fiction Podcast Hello From The Magic Tavern Welcome to Night Vale Impact Winter The Magnus Archives Midnight Burger Best Sports Podcast New Heights with Jason & Travis Kelce The Herd with Colin Cowherd The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz The Bill Simmons Podcast All The Smoke Best Science Podcast Hidden Brain StarTalk Radio Stuff To Blow Your Mind Ologies with Alie Ward Science Vs Best Technology Podcast All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg Hard Fork Better Offline Darknet Diaries TED Radio Hour Best Ad Read Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend Where Everybody Knows Your Name with Ted Danson and Woody Harrelson (sometimes) My Brother, My Brother And Me SmartLess Office Ladies Best Overall Host Alex Cooper (Call Her Daddy) Jamie Loftus (Sixteenth Minute [of Fame]) Sabrina Tavernise (The Daily) Mel Robbins (The Mel Robbins Podcast) Dan Taberski (Hysterical) Best Overall Ensemble We Can Do Hard Things My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark Handsome Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard Pivot Best Political Podcast Native Land Pod The NPR Politics Podcast Pod Save America The Megyn Kelly Show Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar Best TV + Film Podcast Films To Be Buried With with Brett Goldstein Two Ts In A Pod with Teddi Mellencamp and Tamra Judge How Did This Get Made? The Rewatchables Blank Check with Griffin & David Best Spanish Language Podcast Radio Ambulante Duolingo Spanish Podcast Leyendas Legendarias Mija Podcast Escuela Secreta Best Advice /Inspirational Podcast Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus On Purpose with Jay Shetty The Mel Robbins Podcast Life Kit Savage Lovecast Best Beauty + Fashion Podcast Naked Beauty The goop Podcast Glowing Up Breaking Beauty Podcast Lipstick on the Rim Best Travel Podcast Travel with Rick Steves The Atlas Obscura Podcast Zero To Travel Women Who Travel JUMP with Traveling Jackie Best Green Podcast Unf*cking the Future Environmental Insights Green Dreamer Threshold TED Climate Best Spirituality /Religion Podcast Elevation with Steven Furtick Oprah's Super Soul WHOA That's Good Podcast Bible in a Year with Jack Graham Transformation Church Best Branded Podcast NerdWallet's Smart Money (NerdWallet) Into The Mix (Ben & Jerry's) Symptomatic (Novartis) You Can't Make This Up (Netflix) Mind The Business: Small Business Success Stories (Intuit QuickBooks) Best Emerging Podcast Not Gonna Lie with Kylie Kelce So True with Caleb Hearon Hysterical Wild Card with Rachel Martin Shell Game Best International Podcast The Business of Doing Business with Dwayne Kerrigan (Canada) Mamamia Out Loud (Australia) Between Two Beers Podcast (New Zealand) The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett (United Kingdom) Las Alucines (Mexico) IHEARTRADIO PODCAST AWARDS
  • Enter to Win a 4-Pack of Captain's Passes to BeachLife Festival! (5/2 - 5/4) Win a 4-Pack of Captain's Passes to BeachLife Festival happening at Redondo Beach on May 2nd - 4th! BeachLife Festival, Southern California’s premier live music, art and culinary event, is back again for its sixth year taking over Redondo Beach’s picturesque waterfront May 2-4, 2025. Featuring performances by Lenny Kravitz, Sublime, Alanis Morissette, Train, Sugar Ray, The Beach Boys, Aloe Blacc and more! For a truly unique luxury experience, BeachLife offers the all-inclusive premium Captain’s Pass with privileges such as complimentary culinary and beverage offerings, exclusive bungalow lounge, front-row and sidestage platform views of main stage, parking, access to artist meet and greets, and more.
  • KFI AM 640 latest update 2025.01.07 KFI AM 640 latest update 2025.01.07 

    KABC 790 AM 'News, Talk, Evolved' Ͼumulus Media

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-800-222-5222 Business ☏ ℡ +1-310-840-4900
  • [none]
  • 790 KABC latest update 2025.01.07 

    XHITZ-FM 90.3 Z90 Today's Hit Music

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-866-570-1903 Text ͢» to: 619-570-1925 Business ☏ ℡ +1-619-570-1925
  • Rick’s Military Salute at Supercross! Rick wants to honor San Diego military members on the big screen at Monster Energy AMA Supercross Championship on January 18th at Snapdragon Stadium. E-mail a picture of yourself or family member in uniform, and include name, military branch and rank. 10 winners will win a pair of tickets, and have their picture included in a Military Salute at Supercross!
  • Win Four Tickets to a San Diego Rodeo Concert of Your Choice Win four tickets to one of the concerts below. The San Diego Rodeo returns to Petco Park, January 10-12, 2025! Don’t miss 3 days of world class rodeo action and country concerts in the heart of downtown San Diego. With up to $800,000 in prize money, you can catch thrilling rodeo action in this unique, three-day, electric event! There’s something for everyone, as you can come for the Rodeo and stay for the Party! We have daily After Parties featuring top country artists like Elle King, Ryan Bingham and the Texas Gentlemen, and Colter Wall. • Elle King on January 10 • Ryan Bingham on January 11 • Colter Wall on January 12 Age: 21+ & San Diego resident. Ends:2025.01.07
  • Win Two Canyon Club Tickets for the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines January 22-25! Canyon Club ticket holders will enjoy all-inclusive food and full bar, covered open-air seating, (first come, first served), televisions showing live coverage and scoring and the chance to Torrey like a VIP! Age: 21+ & San Diego resident. Ends:2025.01.15
  • Win tickets to Shakira Shakira’s ‘Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran’ World Tour is coming to San Diego on Thursday, June 26, 2025, at Snapdragon Stadium Ends: 06.22
  • Hey Morton! Guess Words - Z90.3 San Diego Hey Morton! Guess Words HOW TO PLAY GUESS WORDS: You have :30 seconds to identify as many words as possible from the clues you get from D-Rock, or Edina. You cannot use part of the word, anything that rhymes with the word. Your correct guess must be the exact word on the list. It cannot include past tense, plural, or conjunctions, or compound versions of the word. ie “Jump” Jumping Jumps Jumped Jumpsuit Say pass if you get stumped. In the event of a tie game, Rick will give a clue for a final word. The first person to yell out their name (NOT THE ANSWER), but their name, will be called on and have 5-seconds to guess. Get it right, you win. Get it wrong, your opponent wins. Yelling out the answer will cause you to forfeit the game. GUESS WORDS IS SUPPORTED BY THE PICTURE PLACE Studio quality photos, fast and affordable. Play Guess Words to win a photo package compliments of the Picture Place at Plaza Bonita and Mission Valley malls! Win the “Standard Package” each round weekdays on Hey Morton ($139 Value; Free Session, 4 poses, 6 sheets 8×10 or smaller and 1 digital).
  • XHITZ-FM latest update 2025.01.07 

    XETRA 91.1 91X

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-877-572-1919 Text ͢» to: 877-572-1919 Business ☏ ℡ +1-858-888-7000
  • Win a 4-pack of VIP tickets to the North Park Festival of Beers Enter by March 23, 2025 Join us on Saturday, April 5, 2025, from 12-4pm at the Lafayette Hotel for an afternoon of craft brews, live music, and good vibes. Enjoy performances by Buck-O-Nine, Mistress 77, and a special DJ set from Lou Niles of 91X Loudspeaker. A portion of proceeds benefits the San Diego Music Foundation and the Taylor Guitars in Schools program.
  • Win Four Tickets to a San Diego Rodeo Concert of Your Choice at Petco Park, January 10-12, 2025! 3 days of world class rodeo action and country concerts in the heart of downtown San Diego. With up to $800,000 in prize money, you can catch thrilling rodeo action in this unique, three-day, electric event! There’s something for everyone, as you can come for the Rodeo and stay for the Party! We have daily After Parties featuring top country artists like Elle King, Ryan Bingham and the Texas Gentlemen, and Colter Wall. Tickets are on sale now for the 2025 San Diego Rodeo! Enter for a chance to win four tickets to one of the concerts: •Elle King on January 10 •Ryan Bingham on January 11 •Colter Wall on January 12 Must be 18+ to enter contests. Age: 18+ & San Diego resident Ends: 2025.01.07
  • Win tickets to Linkin Park at Dodger Stadium on Saturday, September 13, as part of the From Zero World Tour 2025, with special guests Queens of the Stone Age and JPEGMAFIA
  • Win tickets to My Chemical Romance Long Live The Black Parade, with special guest Wallows, is coming to Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles for their exclusive Southern California show on Saturday, July 26th
  • Win Two Canyon Club Tickets for the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines Score a complimentary pair of Canyon Club tickets for the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines happening January 22-25! Canyon Club ticket holders will enjoy all-inclusive food and full bar, covered open-air seating, (first come, first served), televisions showing live coverage and scoring and the chance to Torrey like a VIP! Age: 18+ & San Diego resident Ends: 2025.01.15
  • Win tickets to Oasis Oasis: Live’ 25, featuring special guest Cage The Elephant, is coming to the Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena, CA, on Saturday, September 6th
  • XETRA latest update 2025.01.07 

    KRRL 92.3 Real 92 LAs Home for Hip Hop

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-866-2468-923 Business ☏ ℡ +1-818-559-2252
  • Listen to Win $1,000 6a-6p
  • Win A Trip To The iHeartRadio Event Of Your Choice! The new and improved iHeartRadio app is finally here with everything you love about your car radio in the palm of your hand! To celebrate, we're letting one lucky winner choose a trip to any iHeartRadio Signature event, including tickets, airfare, hotel, and more! You could be headed to one of these great events:, iHeartRadio Music Awards 2025, iHeartCountry Festival 2025, iHeartRadio Music Festival 2025, iHeartRadio Fiesta Latina 2025, iHeartRadio Jingle Ball 2025, iHeartRadio ALTer Ego 2026, iHeartRadio Podcast Awards 2026
  • Vote Daily For Podcast Of The Year VOTE BELOW FOR PODCAST OF THE YEAR THE YEAR Normal Gossip Three Giggly Squad Call Her Daddy Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang Hysterical The Telepathy Tapes Who Killed JFK? Empire City: The Untold Origin Story of the NYPD The Good Whale Icon Awards SOCIAL IMPACT AWARD Sarah Spain (Good Game with Sarah Spain) AUDIBLE AUDIO PIONEER AWARD Dan Taberski (Hysterical, Headlong, 9/12) INNOVATOR AWARD Daniel Alarcón (Radio Ambulante, The Good Whale) CATEGORIES + NOMINEES BEST BUSINESS + FINANCE PODCAST Planet Money How to Money Networth and Chill with Your Rich BFF Money Rehab with Nicole Lapin The Ramsey Show BEST COMEDY PODCAST The Nikki Glaser Podcast Fly on the Wall with Dana Carvey and David Spade Normal Gossip Bad Friends Call Her Daddy BEST CRIME PODCAST Three Betrayal Up and Vanished CounterClock Something Was Wrong Best Pop Culture Podcast Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang The World's First Podcast with Erin & Sara Foster Still Processing Keep It! Pop Culture Happy Hour Best Food Podcast Gastropod Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Radio Be My Guest with Ina Garten The Recipe with Kenji and Deb The Sporkful Best Wellness + Fitness Podcast Huberman Lab The Mel Robbins Podcast 10% Happier with Dan Harris A Slight Change of Plans We Can Do Hard Things Best History Podcast The Rest Is History Empire City: The Untold Origin Story of the NYPD Throughline American History Tellers You're Wrong About Best Kids & Family Podcast Good Inside with Dr. Becky Koala Moon - Kids Bedtime Stories & Meditations Smash Boom Best: A funny, smart debate show for kids and family Story Pirates Wow In The World Best Music Podcast Song Exploder Questlove Supreme Popcast The Wonder of Stevie The Joe Budden Podcast Best News Podcast The Journal. The Daily Up First from NPR Pivot Today, Explained Best Fiction Podcast Hello From The Magic Tavern Welcome to Night Vale Impact Winter The Magnus Archives Midnight Burger Best Sports Podcast New Heights with Jason & Travis Kelce The Herd with Colin Cowherd The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz The Bill Simmons Podcast All The Smoke Best Science Podcast Hidden Brain StarTalk Radio Stuff To Blow Your Mind Ologies with Alie Ward Science Vs Best Technology Podcast All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg Hard Fork Better Offline Darknet Diaries TED Radio Hour Best Ad Read Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend Where Everybody Knows Your Name with Ted Danson and Woody Harrelson (sometimes) My Brother, My Brother And Me SmartLess Office Ladies Best Overall Host Alex Cooper (Call Her Daddy) Jamie Loftus (Sixteenth Minute [of Fame]) Sabrina Tavernise (The Daily) Mel Robbins (The Mel Robbins Podcast) Dan Taberski (Hysterical) Best Overall Ensemble We Can Do Hard Things My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark Handsome Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard Pivot Best Political Podcast Native Land Pod The NPR Politics Podcast Pod Save America The Megyn Kelly Show Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar Best TV + Film Podcast Films To Be Buried With with Brett Goldstein Two Ts In A Pod with Teddi Mellencamp and Tamra Judge How Did This Get Made? The Rewatchables Blank Check with Griffin & David Best Spanish Language Podcast Radio Ambulante Duolingo Spanish Podcast Leyendas Legendarias Mija Podcast Escuela Secreta Best Advice /Inspirational Podcast Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus On Purpose with Jay Shetty The Mel Robbins Podcast Life Kit Savage Lovecast Best Beauty + Fashion Podcast Naked Beauty The goop Podcast Glowing Up Breaking Beauty Podcast Lipstick on the Rim Best Travel Podcast Travel with Rick Steves The Atlas Obscura Podcast Zero To Travel Women Who Travel JUMP with Traveling Jackie Best Green Podcast Unf*cking the Future Environmental Insights Green Dreamer Threshold TED Climate Best Spirituality /Religion Podcast Elevation with Steven Furtick Oprah's Super Soul WHOA That's Good Podcast Bible in a Year with Jack Graham Transformation Church Best Branded Podcast NerdWallet's Smart Money (NerdWallet) Into The Mix (Ben & Jerry's) Symptomatic (Novartis) You Can't Make This Up (Netflix) Mind The Business: Small Business Success Stories (Intuit QuickBooks) Best Emerging Podcast Not Gonna Lie with Kylie Kelce So True with Caleb Hearon Hysterical Wild Card with Rachel Martin Shell Game Best International Podcast The Business of Doing Business with Dwayne Kerrigan (Canada) Mamamia Out Loud (Australia) Between Two Beers Podcast (New Zealand) The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett (United Kingdom) Las Alucines (Mexico) IHEARTRADIO PODCAST AWARDS
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Kendrick Lamar at Sofi Stadium (5/23) on May 23rd!
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to The Millennium Tour Feat: Trey Songz, Omarion, Bow Wow & More at Kia Forum (4/27) Win a pair of tickets to The Millennium Tour Featuring: Trey Songz, Omarion, Bow Wow, Boosie, Rick Ross, Plies, Ying Yang Twinz, Nivea, RSVP (Ray J, Sammie, Bobby V, and Pleasure P) and of course Surprise Guests! It's happening at the Kia Forum on April 27th
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Tyler, The Creator at Arena 2025.02.15
  • KRRL latest update 2025.01.07 

    XHRM-FM 92.5 'Magic92.5'

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-619-570-1925 Text ͢» to: 619-570-1925 Business ☏ ℡ +1-858-888-7000
  • Win a 4-pack of VIP tickets to the North Park Festival of Beers Enter by March 23, 2025 Join us on Saturday, April 5, 2025, from 12-4pm at the Lafayette Hotel for an afternoon of craft brews, live music, and good vibes. Enjoy performances by Buck-O-Nine, Mistress 77, and a special DJ set from Lou Niles of 91X Loudspeaker. A portion of proceeds benefits the San Diego Music Foundation and the Taylor Guitars in Schools program.
  • Win tickets to Linkin Park at Dodger Stadium on Saturday, September 13, as part of the From Zero World Tour 2025, with special guests Queens of the Stone Age and JPEGMAFIA
  • Win tickets to My Chemical Romance Long Live The Black Parade, with special guest Wallows, is coming to Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles for their exclusive Southern California show on Saturday, July 26th
  • Win Two Canyon Club Tickets for the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines Score a complimentary pair of Canyon Club tickets for the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines happening January 22-25! Canyon Club ticket holders will enjoy all-inclusive food and full bar, covered open-air seating, (first come, first served), televisions showing live coverage and scoring and the chance to Torrey like a VIP! Age: 18+ & San Diego resident Ends: January 15, 2025.01.15
  • Win tickets to Oasis Oasis: Live’ 25, featuring special guest Cage The Elephant, is coming to the Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena, CA, on Saturday, September 6th
  • XHRM-FM latest update 2025.01.08 

    KCBS 93.1 Jack FM ॰\udacy

    ۝ Studio/Contest ☏#20 ℡ +1-866-931-5225 (931-JACK) Text ͢» to: 20357 Business ☏ ℡ +1-866-931-5225 (931-JACK) Promotions ☏ ℡ +1-323-930-5561
  • Enter for a chance to win tickets to see Oasis at the Rose Bowl! Live Nation presents Oasis, Live '25, at Rose Bowl Stadium Sat.2025.09.06
  • Enter for your chance to win passes to Cruel World 2025 Cruel World, featuring New Order, The Go-Go's, Devo, OMD, Garbage, Madness, and many more, returns to Brookside at the Rose Bowl in Los Angeles Sat.2025.03.17
  • Enter for a chance to win tickets to see Ricky Gervais at Hollywood Bowl Live Nation presents Ricky Gervais, Mortality, North America 2025 tour at the Hollywood Bowl on Sat.2025.05.31
  • Enter for your chance to win tickets to see Papa Roach Live Nation presents Papa Roach and Rise Against with special guest UnderOath at the Kia Forum Fri.2025.03.28
  • Enter for your chance to win tickets to see Lewis Black Live Nation presents Lewis Black: Goodbye Yeller Brick Road, The Final Tour at the Orpheum Theatre Sat.2025.02.01
  • Enter for your chance to win tickets to see AC/DC Live Nation presents AC/DC, Power Up Tour 2025, at Rose Bowl Stadium on Fri.2025.04.18
  • Enter for a chance to win tickets to Lost 80's Live at the Greek Theatre Goldenvoice presents Lost 80's Live with A Flock of Seagulls, Big Country, General Public, The Vapors, Belouis Some, The Icicle Works, Josie Cotton, China Crisis, The Polecats, and more at the Greek Theatre Sun.2025.08.24
  • Enter for your chance to win tickets to see Elvis Costello Nation presents Elvis Costello, “Radio Soul!: The Early Songs of Elvis Costello,” Performed by Elvis Costello & The Imposters with Charlie Sexton, at the Orpheum Theatre Sun.06.21
  • Enter for your chance to win tickets to see Elvis Costello on June 22nd! Nation presents Elvis Costello & The Imposters with Charlie Sexton performing “Radio Soul!: The Early Songs of Elvis Costello,” at The Orpheum Theatre Sun.06.22
  • Enter for your chance to win tickets to see Countess Cabaret Live Nation presents Countess Cabaret with Luann De Lesseps at The Wiltern Fri.2025.04.25
  • KCBS latest update 2025.01.08 

    KHTS 93.3 'Channel 933'

    ۝ Studio ☏ ℡ +1-855-570-1933 Text ͢» to: 94333 Business ☏ ℡ +1-858-292-2000
  • Win a healthy lunch for your office! Kravings Fruit Bar is providing local San Diego businesses with healthy lunches for their office. Enter below for your chance to win lunch from Kravings Fruit Bar for your office up to 25 people. In partnership with Kaiser Permanente.
  • Listen To Win $1,000 & Be A Jingle Ball VIP Listen to Channel 933 weekdays at :05 after the hour 6a-6p for the nationwide $1,000 keyword, then enter it for your chance to win and qualify for a VIP trip to our iHeartRadio Jingle Ball!
  • $10,000 Scholarship Contest ENTER NOW FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A $10K SCHOLARSHIP TO ATTEND NORTH-WEST COLLEGE LET YOUR HEALTH CARE CAREER START WITH NORTH-WEST COLLEGE. At the college, you can train for a great career in a supportive environment where the quality of education is the highest priority. Join more than 55,000 graduates and find your career path through one of the College’s specialized health care programs. North-West College is accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) and licensed by the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. The Associate of Arts in Nursing (Registered Nursing) program is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN). Programs vary by campus location. Financial aid and scholarships are available to students who qualify. Scholarships cannot be redeemed for cash and can only be applied to tuition. Job placement assistance available to all graduates. North-West College cannot guarantee employment. Students must enroll in a program at North-West College within six months of winning or being contacted by the station. Students who have previously attended North-West College or are currently enrolled at the Colleges are not eligible to win. Upon three contact attempts, the station will move on to contacting the next person.
  • KHTS 93.3 'Channel 933' last updated 2025.01.11 

    KDAY 93.5 Hip Hop Back in the Day

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-323-520-5329 Text ͢» to: ? Business ☏ ℡ +1-818-953-4200
  • Listen for your chance to win tickets to Knott’s Merry Farm! When the world is draped in darkness, nightmares come alive. Monsters slither around every corner while your heart pounds. This fall at Knott’s Scary Farm, escape horrifying mazes, traverse wicked scare zones, and witness sinister shows on select nights now thru November second. Tickets are as low as fifty-nine ninety-nine at Knott’s Scary Farm, where nightmares never end
  • KDAY latest update 2024.10.20 

    KLLI CALI 93.9 #1 For Reggaeton Y Mas!

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-818-520-0939 Business ☏ ℡ +1-818-525-5000
  • Cali Fright Night Fiesta ¡Prepara tus disfraces! ¡Jack Daniels y Cali 93.9 están organizando la fiesta de Halloween más exclusiva de la ciudad! Esta lista de invitados es tan exclusiva que hasta los vampiros ya pusieron sus nombres en la lista. ¡Los duendes no pueden dejar de hablar sobre el open bar y la comida que tendra Jack Daniel’s! El evento es para mayores de 21 años Age 21+ & San Diego resident.. ¡Regístrate para tener la oportunidad de estar en la lista de invitados!
  • Listen for your chance to win tickets to Knott’s Scary Farm! When the world is draped in darkness, nightmares come alive. Monsters slither around every corner while your heart pounds. This fall at Knott’s Scary Farm, escape horrifying mazes, traverse wicked scare zones and witness sinister shows on select nights now through November 2nd. Tickets are as low as $59.99 at Knott’s Scary Farm, where nightmares never end.
  • Enter to win a $10K Scholarship to North-West College
  • KLLI 93.9 latest update 2024.10.20 

    KMYI STAR 94.1

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-866-570-1941 Text ͢» to: ? Business ☏ ℡ +1-858-292-2000
  • Easy Money Listen to STAR 94.1 weekdays at 6:25-6:25PM for the nationwide $1,000 keyword, then enter it for your chance to win!
  • Win a healthy lunch for your office! Kravings Fruit Bar is providing local San Diego businesses with healthy lunches for their office. Win lunch from Kravings Fruit Bar for your office up to 25 people. In partnership with Kaiser Permanente.
  • Win Tickets to Charli XCX & Troye Sivan at Viejas Arena on Friday, October 18, 2024. Win a pair of ticket.
  • iHeartRadio Ultimate Las Vegas Flyaway with New Kids On The Block Sweepstakes iHEART RADIO WANTS TO SEND YOU ON TE ULTIMATE TRIP TO LAS VEGAS… TO HANG WITH NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK! New Kids On The Block is getting ready to kick off their Las Vegas Residency at Park MGM, and you and a friend could be catcing their show fro the FRONT ROW, AND get to attend Dream Racing, the multi-award-winning driving experience at Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Are you ready to win? Head to the Free iHeartRadio app to qualify!
  • Win Star Night Tickets Win a pair of tickets to Star Night with Phillip Phillips & Fitz and The Tantrums. Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at Sycuan Casino Resort. (seating is not guaranteed, first come, first served) Age 21+
  • KMYI latest update 2024.10.20 

    KTWV 94.7 'The Wave' ॰\udacy

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-800-520-9283 (520-WAVE) Text ͢» to: KTWV 94.7 'The Wave' Business ☏ ℡ +1-323-937-9283 (937-WAVE)
  • Sing The WAVE! It’s 94.7 The WAVE's “Sing The WAVE!” Listen weekdays for us to open the phone lines then be the correct caller, win $1,000 and sing "Ninety-four-seven-the WA-A-A-VE!" For the On Air Contest: Sing The WAVE, listen for the cue to call 800-520-9283 each weekday starting Monday, October 14, 2024, and ending on Friday, November 15, 2024 between the hours of 6:00am PT - 7:59pm PT and be the designated caller at 800-520-9283 (as announced on-air prior to the cue to call). The correct caller, upon verification of eligibility, will be awarded one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and will have the opportunity to sing The WAVE's jingle: "Ninety-four-seven-the WA-A-A-VE!" Singing The WAVE's jingle will not be a factor in determining eligibility to win the contest. There will be up to twenty-five (25) winners in this contest.
  • Enter for a chance to win tickets to see Justin Timberlake at Acrisure Arena Live Nation presents Justin Timberlake, The Forget Tomorrow World Tour, at Acrisure Arena on January 20th. For ticket purchase information visit Enter for your chance to win two tickets to the show!
  • Enter for your chance to win tickets to STING 3.0 11/17/24 Live Nation presents STING 3.0 - three-piece featuring Sting, guitarist Domenic Miller & Drummer Chris Maas (Mumford & Sons, Maggie Rogers, etc.) for a fifth and final show at The Wiltern on November 17th. For ticket purchase information visit Enter for your chance to win tickets to STING 3.0 on November 17th!
  • Win Brunch for Two at The WAVE's Sunday Brunch at Spaghettini! The WAVE’s legendary Sunday Brunch at Spaghettini is where Southern California celebrates. Every Sunday enjoy live music, delicious food, tons of giveaways, and high-energy performances! Bring your friends and let’s celebrate together the way only Spaghettini & 94.7 The WAVE can! Enter for your chance to win Sunday Brunch for two!
  • Win tickets to see Mariah Carey at Hollywood Bowl & John Legend at YouTube Theater Win two tickets to see Mariah Carey at the Hollywood Bowl on November 8th and two tickets to see John Legend at YouTube Theater on December 3rd.
  • KTWV latest update 2024.10.17 KTWV 94.7 lastest update 2024.10.17 

    KBZT ALT 94.9 San Diego's Alternative ॰\udacy

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-833-272-1949 Text ͢» to: 61749 Business ☏ ℡ +1-619-291-9797
  • Win tickets to Sick New World Listen all weekend for the keyword to text to 61749 for your chance to win a pair of GA tickets to Sick New World at the Las Vegas Festival Grounds on April 12th SAND
  • KBZT 94.9 latest update 2024.10.19 

    KFRoG 95.1 'New Country' ॰\udacy

    ۝ Studio be ☏ ;#24 ℡ +1-888-431-3764 Text ͢» to: 888-431-3764 Business ☏ ℡ +1-909-825-9525
  • Weekend Code Words: Stagecoach Music Festival Football Jerseys! Listen this weekend to Pepper from 10a-3p and Dana from 3p-7p for the code words for your chance to win two Stagecoach Music Festival Football Jerseys! Once you hear the code word at around the :05, enter it online, and you're entered! weekend-code-words-stagecoach-music-festival-football-jersey [K-FRoG keywords can be batch entered at the end of the day - they aren't confined to expire by the hour and are valid both Saturday and again on Sunday. Monitor updates at or update wiki —(o=8>:wiz.]
  • Sat.02.08
    HELMET	10:05
    FIELD	11:05
    REF	12:05
    QB	1p:05
    DEFENSE	2p:05
    STADIUM	3p:05
    PUNT	4p:05
    FLAG	5p:05
    TOUCHDOWN	6p:05

  • Your chance to win K-FROG’s 35th Birthday Bash Tickets! Win 4 tickets to K-FROG’s 35th Birthday Bash Presented by Dr. Troy Andreasen at, featuring LoCash, Bryan Martin, and Kelsey Hart at Morongo Casino Resort and Spa January 23rd. It’s all Driven by Toyota of Redlands! You'll also get a commemorative Birthday Bash T-Shirt! If you wear your shirt to the Birthday Bash, you could be surprised by a secret spotter with a $25 gift card to Boot Barn!
  • Enter To Win Kane Brown Tickets at Toyota Arena! Enter for your chance to win a pair of tickets to The High Road Tour with Kane Brown, Mitchell Tenpenny and Dasha March 14th at Toyota Arena
  • K-FROG Street Team Proudly Presented By Stater Bros. Markets New year. New healthy habits! Feeling your best starts with fresh-cut fruits, crisp veggies, and protein-packed lean meats. With Stater Bros. Market’s large selection of healthy choices, eating better has never been easier. Happy Holidays from Stater Bros. Markets! Here's where you can join the K-FROG Street Team: 1/19 2p-4p Toyota of Redlands. Enter for a chance to win a $100 gift card to Stater Bros. Markets, Fresh. Affordable. Community First.
  • Kelli & Guy's Road to Stagecoach Driven by Toyota of Redlands! Win 3-day GA passes to Stagecoach 2025, happening April 25th - 27th at the Empire Polo Club in Indio. Sign up below and don't miss out on the bonus entries by following the K-FROG socials and your favorite K-FROG on-air talents! The name calling is back Monday, January 27th - Listen for your chance to win weekdays at 8:05a! When you hear your name, call us back at 888-431-3764 within 10 minutes to walk away with your pair of tickets to Stagecoach 2025.
  • Family 4-pack to Grand National Roadster Show! Enter below for your chance to win a family 4-pack to the Grand National Roadster Show! The Grand National Roadster Show is now in its 75th year. Once known as the Oakland Roadster Show, it is the longest running indoor car show in the world! Produced at the Fairplex in Pomona for the 20th consecutive year. Get more info here! Over 500 show vehicles will compete for awards inside the Fairplex buildings. Another 400-800 vehicles will join the event each day for the 19th Annual Grand Daddy Drive-In. Vehicles will park between buildings as part of the show.
  • Totally Private with Kane Brown We're giving you a chance to win a once-in-a-lifetime experience for you and your crew... a Totally Private concert in Nashville, starring Kane Brown! This money-can't-buy experience includes a Totally Private show with you and four of your friends to see Kane Brown at Reverb at Hard Rock Cafe Nashville, roundtrip airfare, hotel accommodations, and backstage passes to meet Kane! Entering is easy! Listen weekdays at 9:30 am, 11:30 am, 1:30 pm, 3:30 pm, and 5:30 pm for the keyword and enter it below for your chance to win! Kick-off 2025 in style and win your Totally Private concert with Kane Brown.
  • Clint Black's 35th Anniversary of the Killin' Time Tour Tickets! Listen to the At Work Perk at 9:40a for your chance to win a pair of tickets to Clint Black's 35th Anniversary of the Killin' Time Tour to the Long Beach Terrace Theater on Sunday, February 2nd.
  • Monster Jam Family 4-Packs with Anthony! Listen to Anthony at 4:40p for your chance to win a family 4-pack of tickets to Monster Jam, coming to Angel Stadium on February 15th & 16th!
  • KFRoG latest update 2025.01.18 

    KLOS 95.5 Rock of So. Cal. MERUELO MEDIA

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-818-955-5567 (955-KLOS) Text ͢» to: 62582
    Morning Studio Heidi&Frank ☏ ℡ +1-818-955-2955 Heidi&Frank Morning Show text the trigger "FHF" then your message ͢» to: 68683 &
  • ❣ $3,500 Dash into Cash Giveaway
  • Register for your chance to win a pair of VIP Gary Clark Jr. tickets! Modern-day icon and four-time Grammy winner Gary Clark Jr. returns to the Bowl with new music in tow. “Rolling Stone” says Gary Clark Jr. is “definitely in his everything everywhere all at once era.” He brings together ideas from African music, hip-hop, psych-rock, blues, and more. Don’t miss him at the Bowl on August 21 with openers The War and Treaty.
  • Listen for your chance to win 4 Tickets to Six Flags Hurricane Harbor! Listen 6a-9p all week for your chance to win 4 tickets to beat the heat this summer at Six Flags Hurricane Harbor, Southern California’s most thrilling water park!
  • Daughtry at the KLOS Helpful Honda Rock Room | KLOS-FM Daughtry will invade the KLOS Helpful Honda Rock Room on the afternoon of 8/27 for a private performance at a secret location in the mid-Wilshire area of LA. Want to go to this private event? Sign-up to get your name on the standby list.
  • Listen for your chance to win tickets to Knott’s Scary Farm! Listen 6a-9p when the world is draped in darkness, nightmares come alive. Monsters slither around every corner while your heart pounds. This fall at Knott’s Scary Farm, escape horrifying mazes, traverse wicked scare zones and witness sinister shows on select nights now through November 2nd
  • KLOS latest update 2024.10.08 

    KSSX JAM'N 95.7

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-888-570-1957 Text ͢» to: 20357 Business ☏ ℡ +1-858-292-2000
  • Delete Your Debt
  • Win Tickets to See Don Toliver Win a pair of tickets to see Don Toliver at Viejas Arena on October 20, 2024.
  • Enter To Win A Trip To Our 2024 iHeartRadio Fiesta Latina! Enter to win a trip to our 2024 iHeartRadio Fiesta Latina! The lucky prize winner will receive an exclusive trip for two to Miami, FL, including round-trip coach airfare, two-night hotel accommodations, and ground transportation between the airport, hotel, and venue. The package also includes two tickets to the 2024 iHeartRadio Fiesta Latina at Kaseya Center on Saturday, October 26th, and access to a backstage meet & greet with Maria Becerra and Chencho Corleone!
  • Enter To Win A Trip To Our 2024 iHeartRadio Fiesta Latina! The lucky prize winner will receive an exclusive trip for two to Miami, FL, including round-trip coach airfare, two-night hotel accommodations, and ground transportation between the airport, hotel, and venue. The package also includes two tickets to the 2024 iHeartRadio Fiesta Latina at Kaseya Center on Saturday, October 26th, and access to a backstage meet & greet with Maria Becerra and Chencho Corleone!
  • Win a healthy lunch for your office! Kravings Fruit Bar is providing local San Diego businesses with healthy lunches for their office. Enter below for your chance to win lunch from Kravings Fruit Bar for your office up to 25 people.
  • Win Tickets to Charli XCX & Troye Sivan Win a pair of tickets to see Charli XCX & Troye Sivan at Viejas Arena on Friday, October 18, 2024
  • Win a trip to see Mary J. Blige: The For My Fans Tour! iHeartRadio wants to send you and a friend to see Mary J. Blige: The For My Fans Tour! You pick the city and we'll take care of your flights, hotel stay, ground transportation, 2 premium tickets to the show, $100 merch voucher and a Family Affair VIP Lounge Package! Want to win? Just open up the FREE iHeartRadio App, listen to Chill Jams Radio and you'll be automatically entered for a chance to win!
  • Win a trip to see Latto on her Sugar Honey Iced Tea Tour! iHeartRadio wants to send you and a friend to see Latto on her Sugar Honey Iced Tea Tour! You pick the city and we'll take care of your flights, hotel stay, ground transportation, 2 premium tickets to the show and a meet & greet with Latto! Ready to win? Just open up the FREE iHeartRadio App, listen to Hip Hop Workout Radio and you'll be entered for a chance to win!
  • KSSX JAM'N 95.7 latest update 2024.10.08 

    KXOL 96.3 'Mega 96.3FM'

    ۝ Studio & Ganar/win ☏#20 ℡ +1-310-229-3200 Ticket &ticket p/u ☏#20 ℡ +1-213-566-9696 Text ͢» to: 43902 Business ☏ ℡ +1-310-229-8749 (866) 794-5099 310-229-3200 213-566-9696 Spanish Broadcasting System Los Angeles 5055 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 720, Los Angeles, CA 90036
    Envía tu entrada
  • Mega Competitions
  • Mega Halloween Party at Hollywood Park Casino
  • Win tickets to Redbull Sound Clash with Danny Lux!
  • Win box seats to see CAMILO at the Hollywood Bowl!
  • Feel-good Moment : Jay Wheeler
  • Win Tickets to Myke Towers in Los Angeles
  • Mega 96.3 FM is giving you the chance to win 4 tickets to Universal Studios Hollywood
  • Win tickets to Warner Bros. Studio Tour Hollywood
  • Enter to win concert tickets courtesy of Rocket Convenience Stores
  • Summer Spotlight Series with Reyna Tropical
  • Text meganews to 43902 Text meganews to 43902
  • Knott's Summer Nights
  • Join us and celebrate this Sunday!
  • Win tickets to Messi Experience
  • Wellness Moment : Resident
  • Win tickets to Monster Jam World Finals!
  • Win a Homerun Prize Pack!
  • Register to win a Homerun Prize Pack!
  • Participate for tickets to KnuckleMania IV
  • Wellness moment
  • Tickets for National Band Day in Las Vegas!
  • Enter to win a Toyota Journey to Las Vegas!
  • Participate for tickets to CALIBASH thanks to BOB MARLEY: ONE LOVE
  • Mega 96.3 FM is giving you the chance to win 4 tickets to Universal Studios Hollywood!
  • KXOL latest update 2024.10.10 

    KYXY 96.5 The 80’s through Today at Work ॰\udacy

    ۝ Studio ☏ #20 ℡ +1-888-560-9650 Text ͢» to: ? Business ☏ ℡ +1-619-291-9797
  • Tribute to Teachers a celebration to recognize public and/or private elementary and secondary school teachers and coaches who showcase the true spirit of being an exceptional teacher. Please share your reason in 250 – 500 words why your child’s teacher or coach deserves the American Assets Trust/KyXy 96.5 Tribute to Teachers Award. If selected, they will be one of 10 selected teachers or Coaches within the San Diego County School Systems, including private, charter and public during the 24/25 academic school year.
  • AUTO  Win tickets to the 2025 San Diego International Auto Show December 28 – January 1 at the San Diego Convention Center
  • Enter to win 4 tickets to Paw Patrol Live! Heroes Unite 2025 at San Diego Civic Theatre on January 5th.
  • PLUS  6:00 Stocking Stuffer- win a $100 Lazy Acres gift card Listen at 6p this week for the keyword to enter for your chance to win a $100 gift card to Lazy Acres!
  • KYXY 96.5 latest update 2024.12.18 

    KCAL 96.7 'ROCKS'

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-909-431-4967 Text ͢» to: 62582,
  • $3,500 Dash into Cash Giveaway
  • Disturbed @ The Kia Forum Legendary rockers Disturbed are bringing The Sickness 25th Anniversary Tour to The Kia Forum on Tuesday, May 13th, 2025! Playing with special guests Daughtry and Nothing More. Disturbed is an American rock band formed in 1994 in Chicago. Known for their powerful sound and intense performances, they gained fame with hits like “Down with the Sickness” and “Stricken.” Their music blends heavy metal, hard rock, and alternative elements, captivating a global audience. Tickets for this show are available HERE. + Google Calendar+ iCal Export Details Date: May 13, 2025 Time: 6:30 pm Event Category: Concerts Venue Kia Forum 3900 W Manchester Blvd. Inglewood, CA 90305 United States + Google Map Phone: 310-330-7300
  • Wired In The Empire Anniversary Party with Powerman 5000 @ Stage Red Join KCAL and Mike Z as we celebrate 20 years of Wired In The Empire, featuring a live performance by Powerman 5000! The show is on Saturday, November 9th, 2024 at Stage Red in Fontana! With special guests Breaking Serenity, The Mendenhall Experiment, and Breaking In A Sequence. Tickets are on-sale HERE. + Google Calendar+ iCal Export Details Date: November 9 Time: 8:00 pm Event Category: Concerts Venue Stage Red 8463 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 United States + Google Map Phone: 909-507-2532
  • Win 30-Days of Free Car Washes From Quick Quack!
  • Fairplex Presents Oktoberfest Dust off your lederhosen and dirndls because it’s that time of year. Oktoberfest returns to Fairplex with all the bier and brez’n to make this the perfect fest! Fairplex Presents Oktoberfest is in its 11th year celebrating Bavarian music, authentic German food and Der Ententanz (the Chicken Dance). With the addition of games and prizes, tribute bands and a live DJ, Oktoberfest is a month-long celebration that brings a drop of Germany to Los Angeles County. It’s a night of good grub, dancing and cold beers. For tickets and more information click HERE + Google Calendar+ iCal Export Details Start: October 6 End: October 21 Event Category: Events Venue Pomona Fairplex 1101 W. McKinley Avenue Pomona, CA 91768 United States Phone: 909-623-3111
  • Pro Football Pick ‘Em Challenge 2024 Powered by Morongo Resort Casino
  • Big Bear Lake Oktoberfest 2024 The 54th annual Big Bear Lake Oktoberfest is going on now through Saturday, Nov. 2nd. Come visit the KCAL Street Team booth @ Big Bear Oktoberfest on Saturday, September 21st! The Fall season in Big Bear Lake is without a doubt absolutely gorgeous. The air gets just a bit crisper, leaves begin to change color, and the cool evening breezes usher in the enchantment of a German celebration like no other. Oktoberfest in Big Bear combines the mountain’s charm with authentic German traditions, live entertainment direct from Germany, and the very same beers and food served at the celebrations of Germany. This year’s festival features three bands direct from Germany, more Oktoberfest biers, and new faire foods! For tickets and more information click HERE + Google Calendar+ iCal Export Details Start: September 7 End: November 2 Event Category: Events Venue Big Bear Lake Convention Center 42900 Big Bear Blvd. Big Bear Lake, CA 92315 United States Phone: 909-585-3000
  • KCAL 3 O’Clock Challenge Tune in weekdays at 3pm for the KCAL 3 O’Clock Challenge! Daryl will ask you 4 trivia questions, and if you get 3 right, you WIN!
  • KCAL latest update 2024.10.17 

    KNX NEWS 97.1 FM ॰\udacy

    ۝ Studio ☏ ℡ +1-323-900-2070
  • Enter for a chance to win tickets to the LA Auto Show 2024 Win four tickets to the LA Auto Show coming to the LA Convention Center November 22nd thru December 1st.
  • Enter for a chance to win tickets to the LA Kings 11/16/24 Join the LA Kings for Native American Heritage Night as they take on the Detroit Red Wings on November 16th at 5pm, presented by the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
  • KNX latest update 2024.12.17 

    KZLA 98.3 'Old School' 98.3 FM Riverdale Broadcasting LLC

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-p1 Text ͢» to: t1 Business ☏ ℡ +1-559-540-2705
  • [none]
  • KZLA last updated 2024.10.06 

    KYSR 98.7 'Alt 98.7'

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-800-782-7987 Text ͢» to: 22987 Business ☏ ℡ +1-818-559-2252
  • Enter for a chance to win a $250 gift card to Burke Williams Day Spa
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to See Phantogram at Hollywood Palladium! (2/28/25)
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see RÜFÜS DU SOL at Rose Bowl! (8/16/25)
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see The Wrecks at The Wilern! (5/31)
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Linkin Park at Dodger Stadium (9/13)
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Morrissey at Hollywood Palladium (12/31)
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to OASIS LIVE '25
  • Enter to win tickets to Myles Smith at The Wiltern (1/29/25)
  • Enter to win tickets to Guster at Orpheum Theatre (2/15/25)
  • Enter to win tickets to COIN at Hollywood Palladium (2/21)
  • Enter to win tickets to Travis at The Wiltern (1/28)
  • Enter to win tickets to see OMD at Greek Theatre (6/20 or 6/21) OMD - Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark at the Greek Theatre on June 20th or June 21st
  • KYSR latest update 2024.12.17 

    KGGI 99.1 Riverside's Hottest Hit Music

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-909-431-5991 Text ͢» to: 57739


  • Win Tickets to the BIG3 at Honda CenterListen all-day Monday - Friday for the car jingle to be played and caller number 9 at (909) 431-5991 scores a FREE Cleanse Wash from Bliss Car Wash, the eco-friendly car wash and is entered into the Grand Prize drawing to win a brand-new 2024 Toyota Corolla! Second Method of Entry Follow these 3 easy steps: 1. Follow @991kggi and @valleyhitoyota on Instagram. 2. Like our Pinned Contest Post on Instagram. 3. Tag 3 friends on our Pinned Contest Post on Instagram. Multiple winners daily
  • Win Tickets to the BIG3 at Honda Center 1. Follow @991kggi on Instagram if you haven't already 2. Like our pinned sweepstakes post here 3. Send @991kggi a Direct Message (DM) on Instagram with the word BIG3 and include your full name, phone number and email address
  • Win Tickets to Monster Jam®! weekend at Arena from July 19 – 21, 2024
  • Win Tickets to See The Chainsmokers at LA Historic Park The Party never stops with The Chainsmokers. Come catch them at Los Angeles State Historic Park with Alok Saturday, August 17th
  • Win Tickets to How The West Was Won Saturday, November 16th!
  • Win Tickets to the Hollywood Black Comedy Festival Sunday, September 1st!
  • Win Tickets to See Kane Brown at BMO Stadium Saturday, August 24th!
  • Win Tickets to See Ms. Lauryn Hill & The Fugees at the Hollywood Bowl Tue Sept 17
  • Win Tickets to See Nicki Minaj at Arena Arena Saturday, September 21st and Kia Forum Sunday, September 22nd!
  • Win Tickets to See Ski Mask The Slump God at the Hollywood Palladium Thursday, August 15th
  • Win Tickets to See YG at Riverside Municipal Auditorium Friday, August 9th
  • Win Tickets to See Kirk Franklin "The Reunion Tour" hits Honda Center October 30th and Kia Forum November 3rd!
  • Win Tickets to A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie: Better Off Alone Tour at YouTube Theater Monday, September 30th
  • Win Tickets to See Snow Tha Product at Riverside Municipal Auditorium Sat. Aug 10
  • Win Tickets to Yung Gravy "The Grits & Gravy Tour" Friday, September 27th
  • Win Tickets to See Shakira at Acrisure Arena November 2nd
  • Win Tickets to See Shakira at Acrisure Arena November 2nd
  • Win Tickets to See Future & Metro Boomin at Intuit Dome Saturday, August 31s
  • Win Tickets to See Bruno Mars at Intuit Dome on August 15th!
  • Win Tickets to See P!NK: Summer Carnival 2024 Sunday, September 15th
  • Win A Trip To See Missy Elliott's OUT OF THIS WORLD THE EXPERIENCE Tour! iHeartRadio wants to send you and a friend to see Missy Elliott with special guests: Busta Rhymes, Ciara & Timbaland on tour! You pick the city from the list below and we'll take care of your flights, hotel stay, 2 premium tickets to the show and an OUT OF THIS WORLD VIP LOUNGE EXPERIENCE! Dates to choose from: Wed Aug 14 Cleveland, OH Thu Aug 22 Rosemont, IL Fri Aug 23 Rosemont, IL Ready to win? Just open up the FREE iHeartRadio App, listen to R&B Jams Radio and you'll be entered for a chance to win!
  • Win Tickets to See Usher at Honda Center Honda Center November 18th & 19th!
  • Win Tickets to See Jelly Roll in Concert Arena Friday, September 6th and Honda Center Saturday, September 7th!
  • Win Tickets to Six Flags Magic Mountain with 99.1 KGGI
  • Win Tickets to See Chris Brown at Arena August 6th & 7t
  • Win Tickets to See Usher at Intuit Dome
  • Win Tickets to See Chicago and Earth, Wind & Fire at Kia Forum Kia Forum Friday, September 6th
  • Win Tickets to See Chicago and Earth, Wind & Fire at Acrisure Arena Saturday, September 7th!
  • KGGI 99.1 latest update 2024.07.10 

    KOLA 99.9

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-909-798-5600 National text ͢» to: +1-909-798-5600 local text ͢» to: +1-909-909-7985 Business ☏ ℡ +1-909-793-3554
  • KOLA Listen to Win | All I Want for Christmas is CASH! listen-to-win-all-i-want-for-christmas-is-cash-2/ powered by our friends at SkyPark at Santa's Village! Starting Monday (12.02, listen to KOLA weekday between hours 7:10a - 5:10p. When you hear us play that que to text - Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas is You," that's your chance to be a random texter and win $500! YOU could win $500 with KOLA's "All I Want for Christmas is CASH!"
    AND As a little extra stocking stuffer, enter online daily for a family (4) pack of tickets to experience SkyPark at Santa's Village!
  • Listen to Win | Tesla at Yaamava' Theater Listen to Jesse Duran in the Morning all this week (10.21-10.25) for a chance to win a pair of tickets to see Tesla on Friday, November 8th, 2024 at Yaamava’ Theater in Highland, plus $50 in slot play!
  • Listen to Win | Black Jacket Symphony Presents Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon at Fox Performing Arts Center Listen to Jesse Duran in the Morning all this week (10.21-10.25) for your chance to win a pair of tickets to see Black Jacket Symphony Presents Pink Floyd’s legendary album Dark Side Of The Moon at Fox Performing Arts Center on Saturday, October 26th, 2024! The Black Jacket Symphony recreates this classic album note-for-note, sound for sound with no sonic detail overlooked
  • Enter to Win | Toyota of Redlands Free Oil Change Enter daily for your chance to win a free oil change from Toyota of Redlands! Can't wait to win?! Visit for current offers! NOTE: This certificate has a redeemable maximum amount of $85.00 for the service listed above. Some restrictions may apply on the vehicle that can be serviced
  • Enter to Win | Quick Quack Car Wash Enter now for a chance to win 30 Days of Free Car Washes from Quick Quack Car Wash! Listen to Vic Slick in the afternoon every week day (10.7-10.11) after 5pm as he announces a daily winner!
  • Enter to Win | Trans Siberian Orchestra at Honda Center Trans Siberian Orchestra is back with “The Lost Christmas Eve Tour!” on Saturday, November 30th at Honda Center and we have your tickets almost every hour of the workday!
  • Enter to Win | Mary J. Blige at Intuit Dome Win a pair of tickets to see Mary J. Blige: The For My Fans Tour with Ne-Yo and Mario at Intuit Dome on Saturday, March 1st, 2025!
  • Enter to Win | Justin Timberlake at Acrisure Arena Win a pair of tickets to see Justin Timberlake on The Forget Tomorrow World Tour at Acrisure Arena on Monday, January 20th, 2025!
  • Pro Football Pick 'Em Challenge 2024
  • Enter to Win | Mariah Carey at Acrisure Arena Jingle all the way to Acrisure Arena to see the Queen of Christmas herself, Mariah Carey, in Palm Desert on Wednesday, November 13th! Enter once per day for a chance to win your way in!
  • Enter to Win | Cyndi Lauper at Acrisure Arena Win a pair of tickets to see Cyndi Lauper: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Farewell Tour with special guests at Acrisure Arena on Sunday, November 24th, 2024!
  • KOLA 99.9 latest update 2024.10.21 

    KKLQ 100.3 'K-LOVE positive and encouraging'

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-800-900-1300 Text ͢» to: 21947
  • [none] ADOPT ME!
  • KKLQ last updated 2024.10.06 

    KFBG 100.7 'BIGfm?' [format change under new ownership]

    ۝ Studio ☏#100 ℡ +1-888-570-1007 Text ͢» to: 888-570-1007 Business ☏ ℡ +1-858-888-7000
     Format change under new ownership
  • [none]
  • KGGI 100.7 BIG FM latest update 2025.02.04 

    KRTH 101 ॰\udacy

    ۝ Studio ☏#10 ℡ +1-+1-800-232-5784 (232-KRTH) Text ͢» to: 20357 Business ☏ ℡ +1-323-936-5784 [936-KRTH]
  • K-EARTH 101’s 12 G’s of Christmas 2024 Listen weekdays at 16:10 ends Fri.12.20 each weekday & be ℡#12 ☏ 800-232-5784 (232-KRTH) for a chance to win a “G” ($1,000) for Christmas!
  • Enter for a chance to win tickets to see “Weird Al” Yankovic at the Kia Forum! “Weird Al” Yankovic: Bigger & Weirder 2025 Tour, with special guest Puddles Pity Party, at the Kia Forum on Saturday, August 30th
  • Enter for a chance to win tickets to see Lisa Lisa at YouTube Theater, 40th Anniversary, Take You Home Tour. See Lisa Lisa along with The Jets, Color Me Badd, Evelyn "Champagne" King, Montell Jordan, Rob Base and the original Mary Jane Girls all perform live at YouTube Theater on Saturday, March 1st
  • Enter for a chance to see Sammy Hagar in Las Vegas Win a trip to Las Vegas to see Sammy Hagar at Dolby Live at Park MGM on May 2nd, plus a two-night hotel stay at Park MGM and a gift card for travel Age: 21+
  • Enter for a chance to win tickets to see Goo Goo Dolls at the Greek Theatre with Dashboard Confessional, Summer Anthem Tour 2025, at the Greek Theatre on September 7th
  • Enter for your chance to win tickets to see AC/DC, Power Up Tour 2025, at Rose Bowl Stadium on Friday, April 18th
  • Enter for a chance to win tickets to Lost 80's Live at the Greek Theatre Goldenvoice presents Lost 80's Live with A Flock of Seagulls, Big Country, General Public, The Vapors, Belouis Some, The Icicle Works, Josie Cotton, China Crisis, The Polecats, and more at the Greek Theatre on August 24th
  • Enter for a chance to win four tickets to Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit at the Reagan Library
  • Enter for your chance to win a $500 Gift card for an Electrifying night out to see A COMPLETE UNKNOWN
  • Enter for a chance to win tickets to see Toto, 8/24/25 Live Nation presents Toto, Men At Work and Christopher Cross, 2025 Tour, at Kia Forum on August 24th
  • Enter for a chance to win Monster Jam tickets + Pit Passes + Meet & Greet Passes Win four tickets to Monster Jam with Pre-Show Pit Party Passes & post event Driver Meet & Greet Passes taking place Sunday, January 5th at Angel Stadium of Anaheim
  • Listen for your chance to win a $500 Gift card for an electrifying night out to see A COMPLETE UNKNOWN Listen this week 5:00-09:59 ends Fri.12.20
  • Listen for a chance to win tickets to see Lisa Lisa, 40th Anniversary, Take You Home Tour, at YouTube Theater Sat.2025.03.01. Listen this week 5:00-09:59 ends Fri.12.20 for the cue to call & be ℡#12 ☏ 800-232-5784 (232-KRTH)
  • Listen for a chance to win two tickets to see Goo Goo Dolls with Dashboard Confessional, Summer Anthem Tour 2025, at the Greek Theatre on September 7th. Listen to The Gary Bryan Morning Show this week 5:00-09:59 ends Fri.12.20 for the cue to call & be ℡#12 ☏ 800-232-5784 (232-KRTH)
  • KRTH 101 latest update 2024.12.17 

    KATY 101.3 'Light & Refreshing' KATY-FM All Pro Broadcasting

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-951-676-1013 Text ͢» to: 508-777-1000 Main ☏ ℡ +1- 951-506-1222 (^contests)
  • 101.3 KATY’s Post Holiday Cash Craze Brought to you by Soboba Casino Resort! 101.3 KATY’S Post Holiday Cash Craze Brought to you by Soboba Casino Resort is here. With 4 chances to enter to win $1,000 each day. Listen for the “Post Holiday Cash Craze” keyword at the top of the hour at 9am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm, then text ͢» that word into: 508-777-1000 for a shot to win in this nationwide contest. Every keyword is another entry for our $1,000 drawings every day.
  • 101.3 KATY’S Fall Into Cash KATY’S Post Holiday Cash Craze Brought to you by Soboba Casino Resort is here. With 4 chances to enter to win $1,000 each day. Listen for the “Post Holiday Cash Craze” keyword at the top of the hour at 9am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm, then text that word into 508-777-1000 for a shot to win in this nationwide contest. Every keyword is another entry for our $1,000 drawings every day.. Ends:
  • Listen to win a 4 pack of 3 day passes to the Temecula Valley Balloon and Wine Festival! Listen all this week for your chance to win a 4-pack of 3 day passes to the 2024 Temecula Valley Balloon and Wine Festival.
  • Vegas VIP: Listen to win a 2 Night Stay at the New Fontainebleau Las Vegas with $150 F&B Credit CONTEST DATES: January 22nd, 2024 at 5:30AM PDT through January 26th, 2024 at 7:00 PM PDT. CONTEST RULES: Any person that wins a prize on Hot 1039 from 1/22/24 to 1/26/24 are automatically entered for a chance to win a two night stay at the Fontainebleau Las Vegas with $150 F&B credit. (1) winner will be selected to win on Friday January 19th, 2024. Must be 21+ to win.
  • Coachella 2024 Line Up Get ready to groove, because the 2024 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival is bringing a stellar lineup to the Empire Polo Club in Indio! Lana Del Rey will rock Friday evenings, Tyler, the Creator takes over Saturdays, and Doja Cat wraps up both weekends with a bang on Sundays. Even No Doubt is making a comeback, listed as “and … No Doubt” – Instagram teasers really do work wonders. Other acts include J Balvin, Blur, Ice Spice (a new favorite condiment?), Peso Pluma, Lil Uzi Vert, and many more. It’s like a musical feast with a side of unexpected goodness. Lana Del Rey, last seen at Coachella in 2014, was set to share the stage with Frank Ocean in 2020 but made a surprise appearance at Stagecoach in 2022. Tyler, The Creator, a Coachella veteran, dropped his latest album, “Call Me If You Get Lost: The Estate Sale,” featuring unreleased gems like “Dogtooth” and “Wharf Talk.” And sorry to break it to you, but Rage Against the Machine won’t be causing any festival mosh pits as drummer Brad Wilk declared their retirement on Instagram. RIP to the raging dreams. Mark your calendars, set your alarms, do whatever it takes – tickets for Coachella go on sale again on January 19 at The 2023 festival had its share of surprises, with headliners like Bad Bunny, Blackpink, and Frank Ocean (well, briefly). Ocean’s leg injury led to a weekend two surprise from Blink-182, who upgraded from the Sahara Tent to close the main Coachella Stage. The beats go on! And if country tunes are more your jam, the Stagecoach Country Music Festival follows Coachella on April 26-28. Eric Church, Miranda Lambert, and Morgan Wallen will be there to twang it up. But good luck getting tickets – that one’s already sold out. Yeehaw!
  • Listen for your Chance to win Tickets to see Janet Jackson with Nelly at Acrisure Arena Listen to Chris Ramone all week for your chance to win tickets to see the legend Janet Jackson with Nelly on her “Together Again Summer 2024” tour.
  • KATY 101.3 latest update 2024.01.23 

    KGB 101.5

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-888-570-1015 Text ͢» to: 888-570-1015 Business ☏ ℡ +1-858-292-2000
  • MONEY ON THE 20'S [
  • Win Iron Maiden Tickets at the North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre on Friday, October 4
  • Win A pair of tickets to see Chicago + Earth, Wind & Fire
  • Win a healthy lunch for your office!
  • Win Santana with special guest Counting Crows
  • KGB latest update 2024.07.10 

    KKIQ 101.7

    ۝ Studio ☏ ℡ +1-925-447-1017 Text ͢» to: 925-455-4500 Business ☏ ℡ +1-925-455-4500
  • WIN TIX: Disney’s Descendants & Zombies: Worlds Collide Tour We’ve got your chance to WIN A Family 4-pack of tickets to: WHAT: Disney’s Descendants & Zombies: Worlds Collide Tour WHEN: Saturday, July 19, 2025 WHERE: Golden 1 Center – Sacramento Register below for your chance to WIN!
  • Listen To Win A 3 City Getaway! HOW TO PLAY 1. Listen WEEKDAYS (11/4-11/15) for the Words That Win – EVERY HOUR ON THE 10’S – from 7:10a-4:10p 2. Enter them below for your chance to win not one, not two, but THREE adventures including a concert flyaway, LA shopping spree, and a retreat to Cabo. 3. You can enter EVERY HOUR – EVERY WEEKDAY 11/4 – 11/15 4. The more words you enter, the better your chance of winning!
  • Join the KKIQ At-Work Network How To Play 1. Sign Up below & be sure to tell us where you work! 2. Then LISTEN at 8:45am for your name. 3. If you hear your name, you’ll have 10 minutes & 17 seconds to CALL 925-447-1017, or EMAIL and get hooked up!
  • WIN TIX: HEART @ Golden 1 Center We’ve got your chance to WIN 2-Tickets to see: What: HEART – “Royal Flush Tour” 2024 Where: Golden 1 Center – Sacramento When: 12/9/24 Register below for your chance to WIN tickets!
  • Faith’s Lunchtime SurPRIZE This week during Faith’s Lunchtime SurPRIZE, your chance to win 4-Tickets to WHAT: Disney’s Descendants & Zombies: Worlds Collide Tour WHEN: Sunday, July 20, 2025 WHERE: Golden 1 Center – Sacramento
    Listen ALL WEEK in the 12pm hour for Faith to announce the “Words That Win”. When you hear them, enter them below for your chance to WIN!
  • Enter for a chance to win a $500 gift certificate to Barons Jewelers in the Hacienda Crossings in Dublin
  • Teacher of the Month At the end of each month KKIQ selects a teacher who receives special recognition! We appreciate all our educators and this is something to show the community that there are businesses that care about the hard work put forth by our teachers. Congratulations to KKIQ’s September Teacher of the Month: Mrs. Sue Twisselmann from Wicklund Elementary School in Mountain House. The winning teacher is also awarded wisth a $35 gift certificate to Buckhorn Grill and the class will get $10 gift certificate to Buckhorn Grill! At the end of each month, KKIQ selects a teacher who receives special recognition. We appreciate all our educators and this is something to show the community that there are businesses that care about the hard work put forth by our teachers. Fill out the form below to nominate your teacher
  • Home For The Holidays: You Could Get Your Rent OR Mortgage PAID Up to $18,000 Home For The Holidays is BACK!! We’re partnering with Waters Moving and Storage AND American Health Education and taking care of your rent or mortgage payment up to $18,000! Register below for your chance to WIN! You can register once daily. The more time you enter, the better your chances are of WINNING!
  • KGB latest update 2024.11.11 KKIQ last updated 2024.10.06 

    KJLH 102.3 'Kindness, Joy, Love & Happieness'

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-310-330-2200
  • YOU + ME and R&B Keep it locked to Radio Free 102.3 KJLH for your chance to win tickets to a night of LOVE & R&B with some of the hottest R&B artists from the 90’s, 2000’s all under one roof on Valentine’s Day Weekend! 112??, LLOYD, JON B., NIVEA, ROME and PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT. One lucky winner will receive the grand prize of front row seats & VIP backstage experience.
  • Spend the Night with Charlie Wilson Get ready to spend the night with Charlie Wilson for the Ultimate “Valentine’s Day Concert” with Stephanie Mills and Howard Hewett at the Peacock Theater, Valentine’s Day, February 14. Enter for your chance to win! Winner will receive: Hotel Accommodations – February 14th 2025 Dinner for Two (2) at FIXINS SOUL KITCHEN.COM Dozen Roses from LAST MINUTE FLORIST in CARSON Two (2) VIP CONCERT TICKETS Deadline To Enter: February 12th – 12 Midnight!
  • The For My Fans Tour with NE-YO and Mario Win tickets to see Mary J. Blige “The For My Fans Tour” with NE-YO and Mario at Intuit Dome Saturday, March 1, 2025
  • 102.3 KJLH Black Business Ballot Radio Free 102.3 KJLH celebrated “Black Business Month” this August by recognizing exceptional Black-owned businesses through the 2024 KJLH Black Business Ballot contest. Thanks to everyone who participated and voted for their favorite companies. Check out the winners of the KJLH Black Business Ballot here. Together, let’s make Black business our business!
  • Legends of Laughter | Radio Free 102.3 KJLH Sommore, Lavell Crawford, Don DC Curry and Guy Torrey are bringing the Legends of Laughter tour to the Long Beach Terrace theater on February 7th!
  • KJLH 102.3 latest update 2025.01.18 

    KIIS FM 102.7

    ۝ Studio ☏#102 ℡ +1-800-520-1027 Text ͢» to: 41027 Business ☏ ℡ +1-818-559-2252
  • Win $1000 from Ryan Seacrest to Pay Your Bills! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 6:10a, 7:10a, 8:10a, 9:10a. Thursday: 6:10a, 7:10a, 8:10a, 9:10a, 10:10a, 11:10a, 12:10p, 1:10p, 2:10p, 3:10p, 4:10p, 5:10p, 6:10p When you hear your name and city, call us back within 30 minutes at (800) 520-1027 to win $1,000 to pay your bills! Submissions open now through Sunday, December 1 at 11:59pm. We're calling names until Thursday, December 5, 2024.
  • Enter for a Chance to be the #1 Ultimate Jingle Baller! Thanks to Habit Burger & Grill voted #1 by USA Today and Official Burger of Jingle Ball! Win a pair of upfront tickets to KIIS-FM’s Jingle Ball presented by Capital One at Intuit Dome December 6th and $1000 spending cash for the ultimate night out! Enter now for your chance to win
  • Enter to Win a 4-Pack of Tickets to an Advanced Screening of WICKED at AMC The Grove 14! (11/17) Enter for a chance to win a 4-pack of tickets to an Advanced Screening of WICKED at AMC The Grove 14 on November 17th! Wicked, the untold story of the witches of Oz, stars Emmy, Grammy and Tony winning powerhouse Cynthia Erivo (Harriet, Broadway’s The Color Purple) as Elphaba, a young woman, misunderstood because of her unusual green skin, who has yet to discover her true power, and Grammy-winning, multi-platinum recording artist and global superstar Ariana Grande as Glinda, a popular young woman, gilded by privilege and ambition, who has yet to discover her true heart. Watch the trailer below! Click HERE for more info! Prize will be fulfilled at Will Call. Valid photo ID required.
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Finneas at Hollywood Palladium! (3/5/25) Enter for a chance to win a pair of tickets to see Finneas at Hollywood Palladium on March 5th! Prize will be fulfilled in the form of digital tickets that will be sent to the email provided upon entry.
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Kane Brown at Toyota Center! (3/14/25) Enter for a chance to win a pair of tickets to see Kane Brown at Toyota Arena on March 14th! Tickets are on sale this Friday, October 18th at 10AM PT on! Click HERE for tickets and more info! Prize will be fulfilled in the form of digital tickets that will be sent to the email provided upon entry.
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Kylie Minogue at Arena! (5/2/25) Enter for a chance to win a pair of tickets to see Kylie Minogue at Arena on May 2nd! Prize will be fulfilled in the form of digital tickets that will be sent to the email provided upon entry.
  • to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Dinah Jane at The Roxy (11/7) Enter for your chance to win a pair of tickets to see Dinah Jane at The Roxy on November 7th! Click HERE for tickets and info! Prize will be fulfilled in the form of digital tickets sent via AXS to the email provided upon entry.
  • Enter to Win Tickets to see Justin Timberlake at Honda Center! (1/18/25) Enter for a chance to win a pair of tickets to see Justin Timberlake at the Honda Center on January 18th, 2025! Prize will be fulfilled in the form of Digital Tickets and will be sent to the email provided upon entry.
  • Enter to Win Tickets to see aespa at The Kia Forum! (2/1/2025) Enter for a chance to win a pair of tickets to see aespa at The Kia Forum on February 1st, 2025! Prize will be fulfilled in the form of digital tickets and will be sent to the email address provided upon entry
  • Enter to Win a Trip to Vegas to see Maroon 5 at Dolby Live at Park MGM! (3/7/25) Enter for a chance to win a trip to Vegas to see Maroon 5 at Dolby Live at Park MGM on March 7th! You'll get a pair of tickets to the show, a 2-night hotel stay at Park MGM Hotel & Casino, along with a $100 gas card to help get you there! Just Announced: Maroon 5 has added additional shows to their M5LV Vegas Residency next March 7 – 22 at Dolby Live at Park MGM! Tickets are on sale NOW at! Click HERE for tickets and more info! Prize will be fulfilled in the form of Will Call. Valid ID required. Transportation not provided. Winner must be 21+
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to Wild Horses Festival Featuring Post Malone at Petco Park (12/30) Enter to win a pair of tickets to the Wild Horses Festival Featuring Post Malone on December 30th at Petco Park in San Diego! Prize will be fulfilled in the form of digital tickets sent to the email provided upon entry.
  • Win a Trip to Vegas to see New Kids on the Block at Dolby Live at ParkMGM + 2 Night Hotel Stay + $100 Gas Card (6/20) Enter for your chance to win a trip to Vegas to see New Kids on the Block at Dolby Live at ParkMGM on June 20th! Plus you'll get a two night hotel stay at ParkMGM Hotel & Casino, along with a $100 gas card to get you there! Due to popular demand, New Kids on the Block are extending their Vegas Residency for select dates February 14-28, 2026. Prize will be fulfilled in the form of will call at the venue. Valid ID Required. Must be Age: 21+ to enter.
  • Enter to Win Tickets to see Justin Timberlake at Acrisure Arena! (1/20/25) Enter for a chance to win a pair of tickets to see Justin Timberlake at Acrisure Arena on January 20th, 2025! Tickets go on sale this Monday, September 23rd at 10am PT on! Click HERE for tickets and more info! Prize will be fulfilled in the form of Digital Tickets that will be sent to the email provided upon entry.
  • Win a Trip to Vegas to see Black Eyed Peas at PH Live at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino + Two Night Hotel Stay + $100 Gas Card! Enter for your chance to win a trip to Las Vegas to see the Black Eyed Peas at PH Live at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino on February 15th! Plus you'll get a Two Night Hotel Stay at Club Wyndham Desert Blue, February 14th - 16th and a $100 Gas Card to get you out there! Just Announced! Black Eyed Peas are taking over Vegas with their first ever Las Vegas Residency! Black Eyed Peas: 3008 The Vegas Residency opens February of 2025 at PH Live at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino! Click HERE for tickets and info! Must be 21+ to enter. Prize will be fulfilled in the form of will call at the venue. Valid ID required
  • Enter to Win Tickets to see Billie Eilish at Kia Forum (12/17)
  • Enter to Win a Trip to Vegas to see Bruno Mars at Dolby Live at Park MGM + 2-Night Hotel Stay + $100 Gas Card! (12/18) Enter for your chance to win a pair of tickets to see Bruno Mars at the Dolby Live at Park MGM in Las Vegas! Plus you'll get a two night hotel stay at the Park MGM along with a $100 gas card to get you out there! Prize will be fulfilled in the form of will call. Valid ID Required. Must be Age: 21+ to enter.
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Dua Lipa at Kia Forum (10/4/25)
  • Win a Trip to Vegas to see Mariah Carey at Dolby Live at Park MGM! (1/31) Enter for a chance to win a trip to Vegas to see Mariah Carey at Dolby Live at Park MGM on January 31st plus a 2-night hotel stay at Park MGM and a $100 gas card to help get you there! Prize includes: Pair of tickets to the show on January 31st. 2-night hotel stay at Park MGM (1/30 - 2/1). $100 Gas Card. Just announced! Mariah Carey has added new shows to The Celebration of Mimi Live in Las Vegas next January 31 to February 15 at Dolby Live at Park MGM! Get excited to celebrate in Las Vegas! Tickets on sale Friday at 10 AM PT at Click HERE for more info. Must be age: 21+ to enter. Prize will be fulfilled at Will Call. Valid ID required.
  • Enter to win a Pair of 3-Day Passes to Stagecoach! (4/25-4/27)
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Blxst at YouTube Theater (11/22)
  • Enter to Win Tickets to see Latto at YouTube Theater! (12/1)
  • Enter to Win Tickets David Kushner at Hollywood Palladium (11/22) on November 22nd!
  • KIIS FM 102.7 latest update 2024.10.20 

    KOST 103.5

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-800-929-5678 (929-KOST) Text ͢» to: 51035 contest alternate Text ͢» to: 200200 national Text ͢» to: 45495
  • Listen to Win $1,000 Fill-Up! 104.3 MYfm has your chance to win $1000 Fill-Up! Listen to 104.3MYfm weekdays for the hourly keyword every hour from 6am to 6pm. Enter the keyword here for your chance to win!
  • Enter to Win a Visit to Experience the Holidays at the Disneyland® Resort!
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Shakira at SoFi Stadium! (6/20/25)
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Ricky Gervais at the Hollywood Bowl! (5/31/25)
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Snow Patrol at The Wiltern! (3/26/25)
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Kelsea Ballerini at Arena! (3/21/25) Holidays at the Disneyland® Resort!]]
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Coldplay at Allegiant Stadium + Qualify for the Grand Prize Trip to Vegas! (6/6/25) Win a pair of tickets to see Coldplay at Allegiant Stadium on June 6th, 2025! Plus, you'll qualify for the Grand Prize Package, which includes: A pair of tickets to the show on 6/6/25 A 2-night hotel stay at Excalibur Hotel & Casino A $150 gas card for the road Age: 21+
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Dua Lipa at Kia Forum (10/4/25)
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Mary J. Blige at Intuit Dome (3/1)
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see James Blunt at Greek Theater (6/27)
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Kane Brown at Toyota Center! (3/14/25)
  • Enter to Win a Pair of 3-Day Corral Pit Passes to Stagecoach! (4/25-4/27)
  • Enter to Win Tickets to see Billie Eilish at Kia Forum (12/17)
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Finneas at Hollywood Palladium! (3/5/25)
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Kylie Minogue at Arena! (5/2/25)
  • Enter to Win a Family 4-Pack of Tickets to an Advanced Screening of WICKED at AMC The Grove 14! (11/17)
  • Enter to Win a Trip to Vegas to see Maroon 5 at Dolby Live at Park MGM! (3/7/25) in a trip to Vegas to see Maroon 5 at Dolby Live at Park MGM on March 7th! You'll get a pair of tickets to the show, a 2-night hotel stay at Park MGM Hotel & Casino, along with a $100 gas card
  • Win a Trip to Vegas to see New Kids on the Block at Dolby Live at ParkMGM + 2 Night Hotel Stay + $100 Gas Card (6/20) in a trip to Vegas to see New Kids on the Block at Dolby Live at ParkMGM on June 20th! Plus you'll get a two night hotel stay at ParkMGM Hotel & Casino, along with a $100 gas card to get you there! Age: 21+
  • Win a Trip to Vegas to see Black Eyed Peas at PH Live at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino + Two Night Hotel Stay + $100 Gas Card! Win a trip to Las Vegas to see the Black Eyed Peas at PH Live at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino on February 15th! Plus you'll get a Two Night Hotel Stay at Club Wyndham Desert Blue, February 14th - 16th and a $100 Gas Card Age: 21+
  • Enter to Win Tickets to see Justin Timberlake at Honda Center! (1/18/25)
  • Win a $200 Grocery Outlet Gift Card thanks to Lisa Foxx! (9)
  • Enter to Win Tickets to see Justin Timberlake at Acrisure Arena! (1/20/25)
  • Enter to Win a Trip to Vegas to see Shania Twain at Planet Hollywood! (1/31) Enter for a chance to win a trip to Vegas to see Shania Twain at Planet Hollywood Theater on January 31st! Prize includes: One pair of tickets to the show on January 31st A 2-night hotel stay at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino January 30th - February 1st A $100 gas card to help get you there! Age: 21+
  • Win a Trip to Vegas to see Mariah Carey at Dolby Live at Park MGM! (1/31) Enter for a chance to win a trip to Vegas to see Mariah Carey at Dolby Live at Park MGM on January 31st plus a 2-night hotel stay at Park MGM and a $100 gas card to help get you there! Prize includes: Pair of tickets to the show on January 31st. 2-night hotel stay at Park MGM (1/30 - 2/1). $100 Gas Card.
  • Enter to Win a Trip to Vegas to see Bruno Mars at Dolby Live at Park MGM + 2-Night Hotel Stay + $100 Gas Card! (12/18) Enter for a chance to win a trip to Vegas to see Mariah Carey at Dolby Live at Park MGM on January 31st plus a 2-night hotel stay at Park MGM and a $100 gas card to help get you there! Prize includes: Pair of tickets to the show on January 31st. 2-night hotel stay at Park MGM (1/30 - 2/1). $100 Gas Card.
  • Enter to Win Tickets to see Derek Hough Dance For The Holidays at YouTube Theater! (12/21)
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Myles Smith at The Wiltern (1/30)
  • KOST 103.5 latest update 2024.11.05 

    KSON 103.7 'San Diego`s #1 for New Country' ॰\udacy

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-833-287-1037 Studio ☏ ℡ +1-833-287-1037 Business ☏ ℡ +1-619-291-9797
  • Military Moments with John and Tammy: San Diego's Morning Show Enter for your chance to win a $550 Let’s Go PlaceS Prize Pack thanks to your San Diego County Toyota Dealers. Every last Monday of the month, John and Tammy: San Diego's Morning Show will select a member of our local Military to feature on-air to thank them for their service. If we feature you on the air, you will receive a $500 VISA gift card and a $50 gas card, courtesy of your San Diego County Toyota Dealers.
  • Wild Horses Festival Tickets with Post Malone! Enter below for your chance to win Outriders Presents: Wild Horses Festival with Post Malone, Paul Cauthen, Zach Top, and Vincent Neil Emerson! December 30th at Petco Park
  • John & Tammy’s Road to Stagecoach! San Diego's morning show John & Tammy have YOUR chance for you to win 3-day GA passes to Stagecoach 2025, happening April 25th - 27th at the Empire Polo Club in Indio. The name calling begins September 16th! Sign up below and don't miss out on the bonus entries by following the KSON socials and your favorite KSON on-air talents! Listen for your chance to win every day at 8:05a. If you hear your name, call us back at 833-287-1037 within 10 minutes to walk away with your pair of tickets to Stagecoach 2025.
  • Tickets & Meet & Greet with Megan Moroney! John and Tammy present: KSON’s Country Christmas! Starring: Megan Moroney, Tucker Wetmore, Tyler Braden, and San Diego's own Morgan Leigh Band! It's all happening December 7th at Frontwave Arena. Tickets to this event are SOLD OUT, but thanks to Soapy Joes, you can win your way in! Enter below for your chance to win a pair of tickets, AND, a pair of meet and greet passes for Megan Moroney!
  • Tammy’s College of Hollywood Knowledge Parker McCollum Play Tammy's College of Hollywood Knowledge, weekdays at 7am and 8am on 103.7 KSON. It's pop culture trivia with a chance to win $100! Play Tammy's College of Hollywood Knowledge, weekdays at 7am and 8am on 103.7 KSON. It's pop culture trivia with a chance to win $100 VISA gift card! Contestants will need to listen for the cue to call in at 7am and 8am and be caller 10 to get set up to play Tammy’s College of Hollywood Knowledge. If you can beat Tammy, you'll win $100 VISA gift card! Whether you beat Tammy or not, this week, you'll also have a chance to win a pair of tickets to see Parker McCollum's "Burn it Down" tour with Chayce Beckham and Dasha on October 25th at Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Theatre at SDSU.
  • Lunchtime Link With Greg: Aaron Lewis at Harrah's Resort SoCal Listen to the Lunchtime Link with Greg at 12:20p Win a pair of tickets to see Aaron Lewis and The Stateliners: American As It Gets Tour on February 2nd at Harrah's Resort SoCal.
  • RaeLynn At Moonshine Beach Tickets with Kimo! Listen to Kimo at 4:05p for your chance to win a pair of tickets to see RaeLynn at Moonshine Beach October 25th
  • KSON's Sneaky Sound! Take your guess at :50 after 7,8,11,3,& 5 Listen 7:50a, 8:50a, 11:50a, 3:50p & 5:50p weekdays to take a guess at KSON's Sneaky Sound! If you think you know the sneaky sound, listen for the cue to call for your chance to take a guess! If you guess right, you could win a Las Vegas getaway to see Blake Shelton in February! You'll get two tickets to the show, 2-night hotel stay, and $100 gift card for travel! Once the correct sound is guessed, we'll unveil the new sneaky sound!
  • KSON 103.7 latest update 2024.10.18 

    KBIG 104.3 MyFM

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-866-544-6936 (544-MYFM) Text ͢» to: 31043
  • $1000 Fill-Up Listen to MYfm weekdays from 6a-6p ~:00's for the hourly keyword! Enter the keyword online for your chance to win $1000!
  • Enter to Win Tickets to see Imagine Dragons at The Hollywood Bowl! (10/22)
  • Win Tickets to see Zedd in the Park LA State Historic Park on September 7th!
  • Enter to Win Tickets to see Billie Eilish at Kia Forum (12/17)
  • Enter to Win Tickets to see Stephen Sanchez at YouTube Theater (9/13)
  • Win a Trip to Vegas to see Chelsea Handler at The Chelsea! (9/1)
  • Enter to win tickets to see Joey Fatone & AJ McLean at The Wiltern (8/3)
  • Enter to Win a Trip to see Lenny Kravitz at Dolby Live at Park MGM in Las Vegas + Two Night Hotel Stay & $100 Gas Card
  • Enter to Win Tickets to see Gracie Abrams at Greek Theater (9/11)
  • Enter to Win Tickets to see Ashton Irwin at The Belasco! (7/18)
  • Enter to Win Tickets to see Hanson at The Belasco! (11/10)
  • Enter to Win a Family 4-Pack of Tickets to an Advanced Screening of TWISTERS at AMC Burbank! (7/16)
  • Enter to Win Tickets to see Olivia Rodrigo at Intuit Dome! (8/20)
  • Enter to Win Tickets to see Big Time Rush at Pacific Amphitheatre + Qualify for a Meet & Greet with the band! (8/30)
  • Enter for Your Chance to Win a Four-Ticket Box Seat to see the Disney 80s & 90s Concert at the Hollywood Bowl
  • Enter for Your Chance to Win a Box for Four to see Maestro of the Movies: The Music of John Williams and More at the Hollywood Bowl!
  • Enter to Win Tickets to David Foster's 75th Birthday at Hollywood Bowl (11/3)
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see Sabrina Carpenter at Arena (11/15)
  • Yellow Tail is bringing the fun this summer and giving you the opportunity to win tickets for two to the local concert of your choice
  • Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to see The Chainsmokers at Los Angeles State Historic Park (8/17)
  • Win a Trip to Vegas to see The Killers at the Colosseum! (8/14)
  • Win Tickets to see Twenty One Pilots at Intuit Dome (8/27)
  • Win Tickets to see Glass Animals at The Kia Forum (9/14)
  • Win Tickets to see Bruno Mars at Intuit Dome! (8/16)
  • Enter to Win Tickets to see Tori Kelly at The Wiltern (11/9)
  • Enter to Win Tickets to see Alec Benjamin at Hollywood Palladium (10/25)
  • Win Tickets to see Maggie Rogers at The Kia Forum! (11/2)
  • Enter to Win Tickets to see Shakira at Kia Forum (11/9)
  • Win Tickets to see Meghan Trainor | The Timeless Tour at Kia Forum (10/19)
  • Win a $200 Grocery Outlet Gift Card thanks to Lisa Foxx! (5)
  • Win Tickets To See Usher At The Intuit Dome in Inglewood On September 21st!
  • Enter to win tickets to see KIDZ BOP LIVE 2024 at YouTube Theater (9/8) at 4pm.
  • Enter to win tickets to see P!NK at Dodger Stadium (9/15) at 6:30pm.
  • Enter to win tickets to see Alanis Morissette at Kia Forum (8/10) at 7pm.
  • KBIG latest update 2024.07.07 KBIG latest update 2024.07.07 

    KKGO 105.1 GO Country

    ۝ Studio ☏#25 ℡ +1-866-479-1051 Text ͢» to: 36957 Business ☏ ℡ +1-310-478-5540
  •!&type=onair Listen all week for your chance to win Disneyland Family Monday, November 11, 2024 at 12:00 AM through Sunday, December 1, 2024 at 6:00 PM. A winner will be selected each time when they are the 25th on-air caller
  • KKGO latest update 2024.09.20 

    KIOZ Rock 105.3

    ۝ Studio ☏#20 ℡ +1-877-570-1053 Text ͢» to: 762555 Business ☏ ℡ +1-858-292-2000
  • Listen to Win $1,000 Listen to Win $1,000 Listen to ROCK 105.3 weekdays in the 6AM-6PM for the nationwide $1,000 keyword, then enter it here for your chance to win!
  • Win Iron Maiden Tickets Win a pair of tickets to see Iron Maiden at the North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre on Friday, October 4, 2024.
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  • Win tickets to a private show with Bad Omens in the Helpful Honda Spooky Space and see them at Mayhem Fest Listen this week for your chance to win a pair of tickets to a private show with Bad Omens in the Helpful Honda Spooky Space at KROQ on October 13th, courtesy of Sony Pictures' Venom: The Last Dance, plus you'll get 2 tickets to see Bad Omens and tons of other bands at Mayhem Fest at Glen Helen Amphitheatre this Saturday!
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  • HOLIDAY   Enter for your chance to win a visit to the DISNEYLAND® KTLA 5's Disneyland Resort® ticket sweepstakes. Watch the KTLA 5 Morning News 6am Mon.11.11 - Wed.11.14 & 9am Thu.11.15 for a code word. Then enter it online to win four 1-Day, 1-Park tickets to the the Disneyland® Resort!
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    KABC 7.1
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    Ѱ۝ BROADCASTERS Radio Freq. low to high
    am◛ - KLAC AM 570 | KOGO AM 600 | KFI AM 640 | KABC 790 AMϾ | fm◛ - XHITZ 90.3 | XETRA 91.1 | KRRL 92.3 | XHRM 92.5 | KCBS 93.1ʘ॰\ | KHTS 93.3 | KDAY 93.5 | KLLI 93.9 | KMYI 94.1 | KDAY 94.3 | KTWV 94.7 ॰\ | KBZT 94.9 ॰\ | KFRoG 95.1 ॰\ | KLOS 95.5 | KXOL 96.3 | KYXY 96.5 | KCAL 96.7 | KNX 97.1 ॰\ | KYSR 98.7 | KGGI 99.1 | KOLA 99.9 | KKLQ 100.3 | KFBG 100.7 | KRTH 101.1ʘ ॰\ | KATY 101.3 | KGB 101.5 | KJLH 102.3 | KIIS 102.7 | KOST 103.5 | KSON 103.7॰\ | KBIG 104.3 | KKGO 105.1 | KIOZ 105.1 | KPWR 105.9 | KPRZ 106.1 | KROQ 106.7ʘ ॰\
    Ѱ۝ TV - Broadcast Television
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    In the category of Also See:
    FRESH — Forums Resource Hourly _ supplement your broadcast sweeps with those of like mind. I stay up to date with the help of our sweeps family sharing ad supported topical forums like these help keep you fresh:
    Share with , easier to type than:

    Winlist Wikia - https://phone.wikia.com hosted by, also valid for all SMS and phone numbers.
    Southern CA Radio, Television, Broadcast and Cable - Promotions, Contests, Sweepstakes, Trivia & Codewords w/ Discussion on PhatWallet
    San Diego Radio & TV - Contests & Sweepstakes on PhatWallet
    iHeart Contest Code Words on PhatWallet
      Daily Radio Trivia for Clear Channel on PhatWallet ॰\udacy Media has finally eliminated all BONUS redemption by attrition over the years, snuffed station by station now out with a wimper not a bang. Offically: “Our Rewards program ended at the end of June [as of 2024.06.30 23.59:59] so users can no longer spend their points. All of the previous features of the Rewards program like trivia, games, etc are no longer active but you can still enter online contests by visiting our website.” [was:]☠ ⚰ dead thread ⚰ no more.
    ☠ ⚰ Boycott ⚰ SlickDeals⛬ - for vindictive moderation which harms users with Draconian Orwellianism.
    Facebook: Code Words For Contest On Radio And TV California Only! No Selling tickets!


     ʘ CBS network ʘ
    Ͼ Audacy Radios Media Ͼ
    ̳Ԙ Entercom Radio ̳Ԙ
    iHeart network ❣

    Secrets of the Universe

    ?° (Pi_prime) stellar system

    I don't work for SlickDeals or PhatWallet
    I work for YOU! Our family of sweepstakes enthusiasts
    and ask nothing in return.
    What was SlickDeals Orwelian response to chew the hand that feeds them their highest quality thoughful content?
    Slick Deals Banned DisneyWizard and Erased the footprint.
    Boycott SlickDeals!


    By interfering with the pragmatism of my altruism SlickDeals has invited upon themselves a boycott by, in the name of "Self Promotion," destroying much beneficial information which I had written. They have obliterated many secrets of the universe, such as the mechanization behind the mathematical fairness of selecting sweepstakes winners by algorithm by simile utilizing a description of slot machine pulls - valuable insights now lost to the vapor of the bit-bucket and unrecoverable. Many hours of crafting prose wiped away because I included a link and a hashtag (I assume, for I was never told what constituted "self-promotion" nor how to fix it despite my pressing the SD moderators hard for those, to make the repair and all good.)

    My published views were a look at the mind inside "how can I achieve a more peaceful, stable calm state of mind and meditate upon how those thoughts become actions which make the world a better place" instead of being so selfish, and projecting that selfish mindset upon the intention of others, instead of reducing inequality. the myopia of SlickDeals micromanaging moderators, induced by their credo of greed, has grossly interfered with my better world for all. So, because of their attack upon my religion of altruism and compassion, I urge you to boycott SlickDeals. I'm not angry at them, I'm frustrated they go out of the way to un-help us. Double Plus Ungood.

    Purpose and legacy = As many of our former Fat Wallet (which closed) and SlickDeals (migrated to at my Studio) now PhatWallet(deficient substitute) family know, long ago, that because I had been completely overwhelmed by maintaining the contests and sweepstakes of each station, the majority of this page had been migrated to the wiki. The move lightened my burden allowing anyone to keep the collection of keywords and contests instantly up to date. My convenient short link which once pointed to the fandom wiki, then had been pointing to the SlickDeals Community Wiki after I petitioned for its creation, where it acquired the attractive name of BONUS BONANZA-LAND! After which the main WinList page of fandom Phone.Wiki was downgraded as obsolete, while the phone number and SMS entries persisted in their own right. That turned out to be a gigantic exploratory mistake as we will see. The migration of BONUS BONAZA-LAND had come along easing our migration from FatWallet and given a flashy new title "Bonus Bonanza-Land!" to reflect its WinList wealth of links to broadcast sweepstakes, contests, key/codewords, and SMS Text = ͢»to win opportunities. What ghost town remains here on WinR is a mere skeleton which reflects that missing part of WinList which I maintain to provide what PhatWallet is insufficient to format, not being a true wiki, while reducing clutter there. The majority of hits this page gets are from it's author. Meh, such is the majority of Vanity-Self-Publishing. I did get a hit from the SlickDeals moderator who apparently didn't actually read it, or understand it, but merely at a short glance determined it was self promotion, in err and so banned me from posting. They erased all my comments and destroyed the by removing all my helpful construction such as the list of stations with their contest page links and call-in numbers. Refusing instead to make that upgrade to better formatting and true wiki in order to render this static daily record obsolete as well .What they should have done is hire me to do it. I dare SlickDeals to buy me out and bring along my followers to boot. I am deeply perturbed by their own greed and selfishness projection of what motivates themselves onto me, how dare you tell me what I think, or how to feel for that matter. They did not attend the philosophy classroom when the prof. claimed "There is no such thing as true altruism!" explaining that Mother Theresa behaved as she did, ultimately at root, driven by self-service. I don't think she was looking for praise or strokes, pride or satisfaction in a job well done. I'm certain making the world a better place is my motivation as well as my lifelong determination which, by it's nature, disproves the professors dissertation.
    "Or does it?" I can imagine his voice as he counters "That's altruism for the sake of altruism."
    Like the White Witches of Peru's Nazca Plain, I care for he world so much, but I can only contribute my small part. SNAFU - now agian am I completely overwhelmed. This is actually a cry for help. Please contribute updates to BONUS BONANZA-LAND, lighten my load, and increase your own likelyhood of winning by doing so. It's a win-win-win when you do.


    It is an opportunity for ANYONE to update prize opportunities. I'll still post the trivia and codes here as always for your rapid access convenience. BE AN EARLY ADOPTER! Did you know that you can increase your sweeps entries by two or three MAGNITUDES? Yes, that's tens to hundreds of bonus entries!!!

    More editors for a station mean the workload is easier for all. Be glorified in accolades as you edit. Then monitor the contest pages of that station, wipe off the wiki those sweeps which have ended, and post your BONUS ENTRIES link in your fresh entry, (that's the easy part.) With two browser windows open; your source radio sweeps site and the edit wiki page just add a new line with an asterisk in squarebrackets for the bullet point then drag the title of the contest next to it from the sweepstakes source, go back and get the link when you hover and right-click for the menu and select something like 'copy link location' then come back to the wiki edit and highlight the name of the sweepstake and click the 'link' icon which brings up an edit window that you [CTRL-P] paste the link there, click ok or press enter. It helps other editor to know when the sweeps is over so include "Ends:" date on the end. Publish and done! Or make many new lines before publishing. Use the 'Share' link provided after entering a contest if possible, to maximize your entries. If an end date is available, please hang that on the end to make housekeeping a breeze for other editors, (such as myself,) and if it's a concert the venue and concert date goes between them, to be most helpful. Often a half-hour for most stations devoted on a Sunday or Monday is enough to populate the whole list - and you get so much in return!

    This page - WinR — your Win Resource

    WinR is your Win Resource with a single page collection of links which save time by eliminating several clicks among a plethora of different sites benefiting the SlickDeals community (formerly the FatWallet! family.) It is once again assembled by a python3 program providing automation to the page construction - each station column '✔' is populated with the link to its trivia question or other point collection opportunity. Point redemption features have been abandoned to each station, The bulk of that station sweepstakes information had migrated to the wikia page and was there until SlickDeals offered an abreviated wiki, please contribute answers and entries there, collaboratively. Sweeps entry is best served on the WinList wikia as well, allowing for collaborative contributions which are well ordered and color coded to trim your entry time.

    4 minute challenge!

    I don't gamble, I wager and win. I'll bet you can collect points in every bonus and trivia of these four stations in under a quarter hour! Just click each blue checkmark on the left (I use the mouse wheel click to open the new tab but stay on this page), the 'end' key to scroll to the bottom and then the submit button in each tab that pops up. Try THAT using only the station websites to enter! (of course, that assumes you have previously registered with KLOS, KOLA, KCAL and GO Country and KABC.) Then utilize the wiki to click each green and bold contest for your daily entry. Don't forget the red, white and yellow to visit at least once for your entries there. Your time is a handsome investment indeed for the price of 26 minutes, a task so simple it can even be accomplished while watching TV!

    Ease of use.

    I find best use is to keep the answer in my head by highlighting it with a selection mouse swipe as I centerclick the mouse wheel (to open the link in a new tab but stay on this page) on each of the five checkmarks of each row. Then CTRL-PageDown four times to scan across each of the newly opened site pages, pausing between to press the space bar until the 'submit' button is visible. A fifth press of CTRL-PageDown returns to this page and the sixth stops on the first new contest site where I then move my hand from the keyboard to the mouse and speed automation by again scanning with CTRL-PageDown clicking 'submit'. Again passing through this page and four more CTRL-PageDown to verify the Entry Received acceptance. When they are all complete I return to this page a right click its tab and select 'close other tabs' from the drop down menu. Some folks prefer to work vertically for each station, instead of horizontally for each identical category.

    If you have trouble remembering where you last entered as I do (mostly due to interruptions) drag the mouse across the keyword or contest name to highlight it, and when complete move the highlight onto the next contest/trivia for a visual marker. I hope these usage tips speed your moments here.

    I created this as a nifty local tool for my own use with the goal of trimming steps and time of surfing the many entries each day individually on each radio station's website, to have as much relevant information as possible on one page, elegantly compressed. The table below is still rather raw, but I share it with you so as to not keep my advantage to myself, without sponsorship, fees or advertising - for your pleasure, increasing the value of your leisure time. The '⚰' [coffin, get it? ha, ha. moving on…] links are only placeholders of dead links - please pardon our pixie-dust, we're imagineering a fabulous new page.

    = Say Nu (as New), Say Clear, now together Nuclear & never NuCueLar, =
    = or keep pronouncing Nucuelar and sound atomicaly stupid. =
    = Expeseialy ax yur liberryian, exetera. =
    Use these fresh updates to update the wiki daily.
    Place you cursor in the edit box, select all, copy, then paste into the wiki
    [CTRL-A], [CTRL-C], then [CTRL-P] in the wiki edit box.

    Bonus Bonanza-Land header = (will look like this:)

    Today's BONUS BONANZA-LAND ! Daily updates so far:

    Trivia Bonus Wikia Code header:

    Trivia Bonus data = Encoded as Wikia Code

    Bonus Trivia values/content

    Place your cursor into the box and press [CTRL-A] then [CRL-C] to select then copy all.
    Visit values/content and press [CTRL-A] then [CRL-P] to select then paste all, which updates the wiki when you PUBLISH.
    Each line of trivia answers begins with a space in order to present boxed when displayed by the wiki. Each keyword is bracketed by five apostrophes in order to present italic bold when displayed by the wiki.

    Ͼ Cash-a-Saurus content/values:

    Place your cursor into the box and press [CTRL-A] then [CRL-C] to select then copy all.
    Visit values/content and press [CTRL-A] then [CRL-P] to select then paste all, which updates the wiki when you PUBLISH.
    Each line of trivia answers begins with a space in order to present boxed when displayed by the wiki.
    Each keyword is bracketed by five apostrophes in order to present italic bold when displayed by the wiki.

    Listen To Win $1000! Wikia Code content/values:

    Place your cursor into the box and press [CTRL-A] then [CRL-C] to select then copy all.
    Visit values/content and press [CTRL-A] then [CRL-P] to select then paste all, which updates the wiki when you PUBLISH.
    Each line of trivia answers begins with a space in order to present boxed when displayed by the wiki.
    Each keyword is bracketed by five apostrophes in order to present italic bold when displayed by the wiki.

    are the character codes which your browser renders as:
    So, you like those nifty arrows?
    Learn more symbols (huge page, listing all symbols really) at
    ——(o=8> wiz.

    Thanks for sharing, this info made possible by your co-operative contributions on the wiki and by your PhatWallet* comment contributions. YOU ARE REWARDED WITH THIS TO ENJOY:

    25 funny Amazon Alexa tricks and Easter eggs Round-up

    --By Kate Kozuch These funny Amazon Alexa tricks can keep you and your family entertained, if you know the right words to say!

    Beyond playing music or controlling the best smart home devices, Amazon's Alexa is chock full of fun tricks and easter eggs. The virtual assistant that powers the best Alexa speakers and other devices has a more playful side that everyone should explore. If you know how to use Alexa and have read our guide to the best Alexa skills, scroll down to see how you can squeeze even more entertainment out of your device.

    Whether you want to keep your family entertained, show off Alexa's powers to your friends or are simply in need of a little laughter, here are 25 funny Amazon Alexa tricks and Easter eggs for your Echo speaker. They all work without adding any skills or connecting any other devices. Just say the right words, and prepare to have fun. See all our favorite funny Amazon Alexa tricks below.

    1. Bust some rhymes

    Alexa is great at playing songs you pick from Amazon Music or Spotify, but it can also carry a tune itself. Say, "Alexa, sing me a song," and it replies, "Who me? I couldn't. I … Hit it!" and then delivers a tune about the life of an AI. It also has a rap ready — just say, "Alexa, rap for me." But when you ask it to beatbox, you'll get, "Boots and cats, boots and cats. You know what, I don't think I’m cut out for beatboxing."

    2. Go to a galaxy far, far away

    Alexa has several Star Wars Easter eggs for your entertainment. Say, "Alexa, speak like Yoda," and you'll hear, "Speak like Yoda I cannot. Master he is, while merely apprentice I am." Tell it to use the Force, and Alexa says that droids can't use the force. You can even tell Alexa to execute Order 66. It also knows that Han shot first in the original version of Episode IV.

    3. Play Simon Says

    You can get Alexa to say almost anything using the Simon Says command. Say, "Alexa, Simon says, 'I love Google,'" and Alexa will say "I love Google." However, if you try to get Alexa to say some swear words, it will censor itself with a bleep instead of cursing.

    4. Get a friendly welcome

    Just because Alexa is a machine, that doesn't mean it lacks manners. If you need a friendly greeting after a hard day at work, say, "Alexa, I'm home!" and it responds, "Welcome home. I hope you're having a good day." Say, "Alexa, good night," and it says, "Good night. Sleep well."

    5. Hear Abbott and Costello for the digital age

    Alexa can tell jokes — just say, "Alexa, tell me a joke" — but it also knows comedy history. Ask, "Alexa, who's on first?" and it replies, "That's what I keep telling you. Who's on first, what's on second," referencing Abbott and Costello's classic routine.

    6. Give a virtual high five

    When you want to celebrate, but there's no one around, Alexa can be your mate — sort of. Say, "Alexa, high five," and it says, "I would if I could, but I can't so I chant: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!"

    7. Try the random fact generator

    Got a thirst for knowledge and don't care what you learn? Say, "Alexa, tell me something interesting," and the device will pull facts out of its virtual hat. I learned that Kongo Gumi was the world's oldest company, lasting 1,400 years, and that army ants are blind and rely on pheromone trails to move around.

    8. Battle a worthy opponent in Rock. Paper. Scissors

    When you're in the mood for a raucous round of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock and there's no one around, Alexa's always up for a game. Say, "Alexa, play Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock," and it will respond with its choice.

    9. Self-distruct

    Alexa knows that people rarely actually want self-destruct to work properly. Say, "Alexa, self-destruct," and she has a few answers prepared, including, "Auto-destruction in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Boom! Hmm, that did not go as planned," and "I'll start the self-destruct sequence, but only on the understanding that you dramatically cancel it at the last second."

    10. Explore the dictionary

    Ask for the longest word in the English language and Alexa tells you that it's pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, and then defines the term. Alexa can also spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, just in case you should ever need to write that word out.

    11. Use the retro gaming cheat code

    Alexa's a fan of the Konami code, the classic gaming cheat code. Just don't expect any advantage after activating. Say, "Alexa, up up down down left right left right B A start," and Alexa responds, "Super Alexa mode activated. Starting reactors. Online. Enabling advanced systems. Online. Raising dongers. Error. Dongers missing. Aborted."

    You can also say "Alexa, all your base are belong to us!". This is a reference to the meme spawned by '80s side-scrolling arcade shooter Zero Wing.

    12. Play that song by that guy

    You can now tap your Alexa history to have Amazon Music play songs whose title you don't remember. You can say such things as "Alexa, play the Bruce Springsteen song I was listening to four weeks ago." You can ask for music by artist, genre, or time period, or ask Alexa to play songs you haven't heard in a while. However, this only works with Amazon Music.

    Other requests you can say include:

    "Alexa, play me jazz music I was listening to last month.""Alexa, play rock songs I haven't heard in a while."

    13. Learn Chuck Norris facts

    Everybody appreciates a Chuck Norris meme — even Alexa. Ask, "Alexa, where is Chuck Norris?" and you’ll hear, "If Chuck Norris wants you to know where he is, he'll find you. If he doesn't, you won't know until it's too late."

    14. Start a countdown

    Alexa is handy when you need a quick timer, but it's also useful when you need to know how many days you have until a specific date. Ask, "Alexa, how many days until April 1?" and you'll know exactly how much time you have for planning your April Fools' prank.

    15. Beam Me Up

    If you're stuck on a planet you don't want to be on, Alexa can whisk you away (or try to, at least). Say "Alexa, beam me up." Alexa will give a cute response such as "Let's do this. I'll try not to leave any body parts behind." Then it will count down, and a futuristic space-y noise will initiate the beam.

    16. How much wood?

    Ask Alexa how much wood a wood chuck would chuck (if it could chuck wood). You'll get a humorous response, and may even learn a thing or two about wood chucks.

    17. Fine-tune your music

    You can adjust the bass, mid-range and treble tones of your music. Say "Alexa, set the treble to 6," or "Alexa, set the bass to maximum" to make your music your own.

    18. Celebrate Pi Day

    You can ask Alexa for the value of pi to a specific digit, such as five or 10. But for fun, just ask, "Alexa, what is the value of pi?" and it will start with 3.14 and keep going until about the 40th digit. Then it gives up, saying, "Yowza, this goes on forever!" or "Achoo! I must be allergic to numbers this large."

    19. Give a thumbs up, thumbs down on Pandora

    If you're listening to a station on Pandora, you can tell Alexa to give a song a thumbs up by saying, "Alexa, I like this song," and the rating is saved to your station history. Saying, "Alexa, I don't like this song" also works.

    20. Discover the meaning of life?

    Ask Alexa for the meaning of life, and it answers succinctly, "42," a reference to the answer given by the supercomputer Deep Thought in Douglas Adams' novel "The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy."

    21. Pick a card, any card

    Need help with a card trick? Say, "Alexa, pick a card," and Alexa will randomly tell you one. I got the six of spades. It can also pick a random number for you.

    22. Enjoy some romance

    Alexa is a bit of a softie when it comes to Valentine's Day. You can ask her several romantic-related questions, as well as some for those singles out there.

    What to Say:

    “Alexa, tell me a love story.”“Alexa, who is your celebrity crush?”“Alexa, happy Singles Awareness Day!”“Alexa, who is your valentine?"“Alexa, what are you doing for Valentine's Day?”“Alexa, tell me a Valentine's Day joke.”

    23. Tease Alexa with a HAL reference

    Tell Alexa, "HAL, open the pod bay doors". Alexa not only mimics the first part of HAL’s response from the classic film 2001: A Space Odyssey—but she also reminds you that she is not HAL and we’re not in space.

    24. Watch Twitch streams

    Twitch has added an Alexa skill, so that you can watch Twitch streams on your Echo Show or Echo Spot. The skill can also get to Alexa can notify you when channels you follow start broadcasting. You can also ask Alexa for streams based on genres, games, or popularity.

    25. Find your next concert

    Alexa can tell you about upcoming concerts around the world. Ask "Alexa, when is Bruno Mars coming to New York?" or "Alexa, is there a concert at Gillette Stadium today?" Alexa can tell you when and where your favorite artists are performing, and who's coming to your hometown.

    How to find more Alexa Easter eggs

    Alexa will gladly tell you more ways to find Easter eggs—but you’ve got to do some work before it gives them up. Say “Alexa, tell me an Easter egg,” and it will give you a clue about an Easter egg it can do. You’ll need to figure out the right thing to say on your own.

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