I had always heard a term describing the shaft of light peeking through the clouds as rays of some sort. Any beam of light is mathematically a ray which descrbes a point of origin location, a direction and distance vector. 'God's Rays' is frequently cited but 92% queried didn't know, I've heard 'Gods Fingers' as well as a few wild guesses. Once it turned out I was asking a meterologist who replied
Crepuscular rays, which can be applied but more often than not crepuscular regards beings active at twilight and dawn, as opposed to nocturnal or diurnal, beings active at night or day. Crepuscular rays applies only to those rays visible only while the sun is below the horizon, not the actual streaks of light effect peiring the hole in a blanket of clouds which allow a window of sunlight to pass, then illuminate the scattering mist seen here as result.
'Glory' is what I've always heard it called. As in 'Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.' which is why if you are Hasidic you wear Yarmulkes. Those goys were smart and learned early to avoid a sunburn and cover their bald spot before the full glory of God.
Thanks for stopping by and please do me a favor? Enjoy gൈd luck and a glorious day in the park!
Disneyland Maingate opening 7:20 am with Trivia Talk Wiza
Disneyland History: Fact or Fiction - Main Street Firehouse
Uncle Walt knew he wanted to wake up and slide down the fire pole excited to begin each day driving the fire wagon, his favorite, all about the new land which bore his name. So, naturally his apartment is above the firehouse on Main Street, U.S.A., for which in 1954 he began to accumulate the accoutrements on exhibit, such as the shellacked leather fire helmets for fire resistance and easy to clean, as opposed to hats of cloth which might burn, the helmets have a lengthened brim over the neck so embers wouldn't fall into the collar of your turnout gear. There are two bells, one at the door with a chain which guests can pull, and one on the South Wall connected to the telegraph ticker alerting that the location of the firebox which handle had been pulled and ringing the bell with a code of its grid location. Walt was in luck, the factory which manufactured the bell and telegraph was still in business, so he ordered them from the factory brand new. So when they arrived, Walt had the telegraph installed in a glass case, but the bell failed inspection. The sixteen inch highly polished brass firebell had a flaw in it so Walt returned to the factory four times. As opening day, July 17 1955, approached, the deadline to install the bell loomed on and the need to mount the firebell rapidly up-coming. Frustrated, Walt finally accepted the fifth delivery of the firebell, with its flaw. ✔ Accuracy check. Hover to reveal the flaw.
Wintertime Enchantment from Churro cart behind Partners Statue in Disneyland's Plaza
Wintertime Enchantment fireworks spectacular from Disneyland's Town Square
Wintertime Enchantment fireworks spectacular from flagpole bench in Disneyland's Town Square, great sound, only one sholder-kid to obstuct view, and what I think is lovely the bare diciduous tree occludes the view only adds to the sparkle.
Midway through I lifted my Magic Band + into the frame to preserve the non-haptic antics synced to the show.
Halloween on Batuu - MagicBand+ Bounty Hunting timelapse
Solo's hidden blaster shield
Yes, of course, but can you find the 1950's Sunbeam Electrolux Canister vacuum cleaner (you are not lൈking for the hose) attached to the Milleneum Falcon? Waldo put it there.
I'm lൈking forward to presenting sൈn the 2023 100years Wonderous Journeys show - mostly so that I can synch up the fireworks reports I can hear from home with YouTube to match the music, maybe for my mom, maybe at the gas station…… whereever to whomever wants to enjoy. Maybe I could use it to measure the speed of sound and determine the crow-flies distance to Harbor Bl. & I5.
Tൈn Town reopens 100 Years of Disney Anchor showpiece next week but twice I enjoyed the new fireworks from Small World mall accompanied by projections onto her facade followed by rope-drop testing via boarding group.the latest thrilling ride and confused ride system in the el CAPITൈN theatre of downtown tൈntown, It ended in a show, er, shop of course with curtains up veiling the merchandise
The experience at first sublime
Rosa Parks er, Mickey and Minies Runaway Railway er, Harriet Tubman underground railway for runaway…
it's hard to explain, but I attended the new premier of Runaway Railway when there was a tൈn explo er implosion and the safest evacuation route was INTO the film. I wasn't expecting that was I?
WORDHOARD cheat Internet Anagram Server — … do you care to cheat at word hoard? Twixt ethics and morals, am I really cheating the machine, increasing answers doesn't increase score, engaging an automated assist? I would be disclosing that advantage were I in a Words With Friends or Scrabble competiton, for mankind compliains uf the unfairness of an uneven playing field. All tൈls being equal, we can agree each is fair play and proceed to play a nuance the game becomes who is better at Anagram Server?