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Kommissar (Inspector) Rex
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Season 4

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Back to the Beanbag

Death of a Schoolboy
Season 4, Episode 43. Germany.

Director: Peter Carpenter
Screenplay: Bernhard Schärfl
Actors: Reginald von Ravenhorst as Rex
Tobias Moretti as Richard "Richie" Moser
Heinz Weixelbraun as Christian Shuh/Böck
Wolf Bachofner as Peter Höllerer
Fritz Muliar as Max Koch
Gerhard Zemann as Dr. Leo Graf

A school teacher is having an affair with one of her young students. Another student tries to blackmail then and then turns up dead. Suspicion spreads and fingers are pointed, but nobody has a decent alibi.

The Good
The plot for this started out predictable but got more interesting and complicated as it went on. The double interrogation scene was good to watch.

The Bad
This episode didn't quite have any consequences for the teacher for sleeping with one of the students under her care.

Disclaimer : Kommissar Rex is owned by Mungo film, Tauris film, SAT.1 and ORF and was created by Peter Hajek and Peter Moser. None of the characters, actors or photographs belong to me, unfortunately. I'm just borrowing them, having a bit of fun and then returning them more or less unharmed.