The Maddness Zone


About Me
Past Updates
Photo Gallery


Whut up people. This is my shitty webpage that I put together really quickly using some corny ass FrontPage Template. Enjoy....Version 2.0

STUFF GOES IN HERE. I think so...whatever.

Latest Update: Wow...where has the time gone? (9/21/03)'s been 7 months since I had this webpage...but guess what's BAAAAAAAAAACK. And this time I'm going no holds barred...wait I did that last time. Oh well, you don't want to be mentioned on my web page? Well too bad. For those of you know me I won't hold back anything, even alienating friends in the process. Yep, if those old chums of my still happen to stumble upon this page, well they can go fuck themselves...stupid motherfuckers. You heard me. Come GET SOME. I ain't afraid of your bitch asses.

So...what's new...well the Marc and JD Radio show has come and gone, and it was a modest success, way more than we ever thought it would be, then people stopped listening and free time became to expensive. I've got three jobs now, still at the good ole video store, and my uncles law office, and the newest job...Gamestop! Now I'm the epitome of a fuckin computer nerd, I get my movies for free and I get my video games cheap. We still go to the movies every Friday night, that's become like the only constantly social activity that I have.  What have you missed seeing? Marc drunk. That's correct ladies and gentlemen, the select few who have actually seen Marc has increased again....albeit slightly, but I picked a good night and the correct amount of alcohol to make a total asshole out of myself...wait I don't need alcohol for that. It was one...uneventful summer. But next summer should be TOTALLY different, as me and the JD have finally decided that this was it! We are going to film fuckin Monkeys From Republica and we are gonna have a real movie completed! We are even holding auditions this time, instead of just casting our moron friends in the roles (that didn't work out). We've had a lot of people interested in auditioning and a lot of people wanting to help out between the scenes. So far we only have a few things set, like me and JD are the producers and editors, JD is handling the directing and all that stuff. He's mainly being in charge of the actors, while I'm in control of actually getting the movie fuckin filmed and completed. I do get to play myself in the movie that should be fun. If you interested in auditioning...well keep checking this page for updates...I'm sure I'll post it eventually.

I should be getting my own real radio show over at Post on the web radio station that they have over there. I'm looking at the 10-2 timeslot on Thursday nights. 

Well... anything else to mention? Not really. I think I've mentioned it all. The page is slowly being brought back, I don't know if I'm going to bring back all the old past updates...but you never know. Mainly I brought this page back to bitch and moan about everything, just like last time! I think doing so made me less prone to actually doing it in person, which is better...I can go back and change it.

Until next time!

Guidelines to Living Life the Marc Way

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Favorite Links

Weather (or not)

Here are my FAVOURITE websites! LIKE TOTALLY! (shameless plug!)

WHOO! Weather in Farmingdale? I'll give you 4 of them is bound to be right.
bulletPartly Sunny
bulletTotally Cloudy
bulletNot a CLOUD in the sky

Photo Album


As soon as I get some photos of me that don't look bad...wait...I don't think that's possible, regardless, it'll be filled soon. I'm a cheap fucker. I need the money.

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This site was last updated 09/29/03