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Thursday, 13 November 2003

What the hell is Vanessa PLAYING at post

Now Playing: games

I did explain the whole project, but things are upside down on a blog, so the explanation possibly merits reposting, especially given the grief I've received over this. So here's the skinny:
I usually loathe blog entries based around google search terms of yore -- shock, horror: people use the internet to fuel their sexual perversities. You blogged about wanking onto a Caesar salad, are you surprised your site figured in the tally?
Nevertheless, I'm going to make an exception today, because, well, the rules don't apply to me, 'cos I'm just so fucking different -- okay?

In the spirit of catering to the needy, isolated, minging and unfulfilled (my brethren!), I feel compelled to do more than my usual meaninglessly disconnected bullet pointed data burst.

Today, what was searched for shall be found.

So there you have it. I listed the search terms that brought up my site in Google, and retrospectively made up a post for each one.
Below is a set of links to each of the posts. The idea was that I had to do them all within twenty four hours, while still doing a full day's work, and going out in the evening to sort out with the ex-DH whether we sell the flat I live in or not. Diversionary tactics much?

Anyway, I failed a little on number 8 , I cheated somewhat by blegging for guest bloggers on numbers 11, 10 , and 6. And my personal favourite got knocked quickly from the front page, so probably nobody ever read it - it's number 2 .

Google Fruition Frission:
0 why i did it
1 duch rabbit pictures
2 smog in london in the edwardian times
3 vanessa's lunch box
4 groped in public
5 vanessa bell, a conversation
6 cat deely in rubber
7 scarygirls
9 squealing belt 'washing machine'
10 virgin gynaecologist
11 vanessa's french feet

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Vanessa/Female/31-35. Lives in United Kingdom/London/East London/Bow, speaks English and German. Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection. And likes Literature / Movies/Food / Eating / Drinking.
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This page graced by sarsparilla at 2:26 PM GMT
Updated: Tuesday, 18 November 2003 7:59 PM GMT
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Thursday, 13 November 2003 - 5:26 PM GMT

Name: eurotrash
Home Page:

I'm glad you (ahem) re_explained that, as I had no idea what was going on. I figured it was some cool blogging thing that cool bloggers do that I'm not cool enough to know about. Which in retrospect, it probably was. It's good to know.

Thursday, 13 November 2003 - 5:54 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

It would have been confusing for anyone not reading at 3am my time, as that's when the explanation got bumped from page one.

And I need to apologise to you for the oblique reference above - I needed the second filthiest thing I could think of and your salad dressing was it. Now that your blog has educated me, I was tempted to mention wolfbagging instead, but the thought of having to explain it horrified me.

I wouldn't know what the cool bloggers do - I thought only American blogs were allowed to be cool anyway? Back in the dark snaggletoothed homeland, blogging is still way laughable.

Thursday, 13 November 2003 - 6:04 PM GMT

Name: Joe
Home Page:

Thanks for stopping by my site. I was thinking of adding a link to your site at mine. Is that okay? Let me know. Have a most wonderful day. :)

Thursday, 13 November 2003 - 6:10 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

What, a link wh0re like me, mind? Surely not. I probably owe you hard cash for turning up at your site unannounced and calling you a bustard on your birthday already.

*shamefaced* Sorry about that.

Thursday, 13 November 2003 - 6:15 PM GMT

Name: Handsome
Home Page:

ah, so much to bore you with...

first, it's worth nothing, as noted extensively on my blog, but in my personal opinion, your blog is cool. Now just live in the doldrums of despair because I think so. LIVE, I SAY.

onward: isn't wolfbagging that thing Philip Jose Farmer described in... hold on... (quick dart out to the living room to check my bookshelves while tiptoeing because Paul is still asleep out there) IMAGE OF THE BEAST?

And you are a beautiful writer. I mean that. You write amazingly well and with a lucid grace I find remarkable. But your literary roots show and I often find your stuff hard to follow. I am, as Tobias Wolfe once noted in utter derision, a wannabe hack who likes hacks (although I bristle when people call Heinlein a hack) and where many literary writers (Joyce, Barth, Pynchon, those fellows whose work I simply can't read although they're brilliant, and, sometimes, you) seem to take pleasure in making their narrative as inaccessible as possible, as if writing only to some elite intellectual fellow traveler operating on exactly their psychic wavelength at all times, I myself try to communicate as clearly and openly as I can all the time. I admit, it's mostly because as a reader I simply want to relax and have someone show me things and talk to me as clearly as possible, I don't want to have to WORK. I suppose that's lazy.

Anyway, I did see the explanation you posted but I couldn't make head nor tails of it, and didn't even know it was an explanation. When I explain things, I say 'if you're wondering what's going on, well, here's what I'm trying to do'. But I rarely conduct word experiments like you do. But you have a larger audience than I and apparently they all adore you enough to put up with these experimentations, and anyway, it's your bloody blog and you should do what you like with it. But too many curves will lose me fast, and, me being me, until you ask me to stop, I'll whine about it, too.

Now, me coming onto your blog and whining about how you're doing things is ENTIRELY DIFFERENT FROM PAUL COMING ONTO MY BLOG and seemingly doing the same thing, and why? Because... because... BECAUSE IT IS. Also, your comments are way down now. If you're really enlightened you won't care about that, but I'M not that enlightened, if I got 47 bloody comments when I wrote about, I don't know, not wanting to exercise or something, jesus, I'd just keep doing what I'd done.

Or maybe not, I'm stubborn.

There was more I was going to say but I can't see the comments anymore in this page (FUGGing Angelfire) so I won't.

Thursday, 13 November 2003 - 6:28 PM GMT

Name: Joe

Considered yourself linked. I see I am also linked here. Thanks..:)

Thursday, 13 November 2003 - 6:55 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

At one point I would have given a shit about who read this blog, and who commented, and what they said, but not any more. I don't dislike it, but it's irrelevant right now to why I'm writing here.

Things that are going on in my real, non-blog life are so awful that writing is a therapeutic activity. It's mucho harmless in comparison to the other responses that are available to me.

47 comments, my arse. Most of them are from me. If you look at the dates, you'll see that the last 12 blog entries were posted in the same day. I'm hardly going to moan if that's overkill for the readers. It was deliberate overkill for me.

as if writing only to some elite intellectual fellow traveler operating on exactly their psychic wavelength at all times,

That's like a definition of a blog. Yours included.

[On a side note, and FWIW, I believe Paul is a good person, a great writer, and I would stake money that his intentions in commenting on your blog were deeply honourable.]

Thursday, 13 November 2003 - 6:56 PM GMT

Name: V

No problemo

Thursday, 13 November 2003 - 10:52 PM GMT

Name: jane
Home Page:

thanks for the sweet comment. however did you find me? im so linking you. you seem so fun to read. and all the linkage could occupy me for hours!
im also at and and

thanks for reading:)

Thursday, 13 November 2003 - 11:32 PM GMT

Name: sarah

crikey, that epic blogging was inspired and truly class. Keep up with the therapy - it's highly brilliant.

(plus, I couldn't give a flying foock at a rolling donut who links to me. I'll link to who I like, and leave comments until they email my ISP about it. so nyaa.)

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