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Monday, 18 August 2003

New poem!!

I look into the mirror
And what do I see
This pale vision I once knew
Staring back at me
Beautiful I am not
Fearful I am
Tick tick tick
?Time is running out,?
She says as her finger goes down her throat
?Two more pounds just two more pounds!?
Such a wistful wishful hope
All I need is just to be
All I need is to just breathe free
No more worrying about what I am
No more caring about being thin
Battling a disease I cannot win
Forcing me in
With a grip so strong and a power so fierce
I?m losing grip
I?m losing
Thinner and thinner
Day by day
This girl I see
Is withering away
Into nothingness
Into fear
The closest hand
Is nowhere near
Washed away
Like sand on the beach
This girl is gone
Far out of reach
I looked into the mirror
And I saw nothing
A clear reminder
I had missed something
I look into the casket
And what do I see
That pale young girl
Staring back at me...

Posted by blog/lostangel at 1:26 PM EDT
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Sunday, 17 August 2003
I'm With You...
That's all I have to say on that matter lol

Posted by blog/lostangel at 1:14 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 13 August 2003

Mmmm... I'm killing time before I have to go to work, and before I have to get ready for work, lol. Enzo was being eville today and he sent Andy two pictures of spiders and labelled them as "sweet cars" so that Andy would be sure to click the link. If you happen to go outside and hear a girlish squeal, it's Andy lol!
I have so much running through my head, I feel like tonight I'm just gonna have to grab my pen and start writing down words, even. Just something to clear my head out. I haven't wrote a good poem since "Eternity" and there's been so much wandering through my head since then!
Friday is approaching... "Andy Day" lol. I was look forward to our "scheduled visitation"... it reminds me of a custody agreement or something, only this wasn't a signed document, it was a locked pinky swear (sooo not my idea, but cute none the less!)
Mmmm... Meghan thinks I have this interracial obsession... this obsession with the idea that Asian people have to stick together. Yah, I think they do. I think they're scared of dating outside their own race, if I'm being honest. I am the least racist person in the world... if I was, would I have dated Andy? No. Would I have cried over that greeting card? No, I probably would have ripped it and said something stupid, ala Stephanie LOL

But I gotta go get ready for another thrilling night at Wrap it Up. We seem to be making more money when I work, hopefully that phase continues. I probably will post another entry tonight, so stay tuned for the exciting adventures of me *rolling eyes*

hehe Ciao!


Posted by blog/lostangel at 3:15 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 12 August 2003
Ewww, I smell like smoke and I don't even smoke. Isn't that great?
Jodi and Will are so cute... awwww

Okay, this entry is pointless... or should I say, "otay"... haha Buckwheat... Andy... sigh...

I'm going now until I have something to comment on =)

Posted by blog/lostangel at 11:32 PM EDT
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This poem has created a bit of controversy for me... people think I'm not happy, that poem is too dark, etc, etc.. I like it! I think I did a half-decent job on it! I don't really care if the rhyming is half-assed, it all makes sense and all has a meaning... here goes nothing!

Visions of immaculate dreams
Nothing to hide
Nothing to see
Walking towards the dark clouds
In the overcast sky
Waiting to storm
Waiting for the rain
Beyond the sunshine
Beyond the bright light
Into the realms of darkness and dreariness
Follow me
And you will see
That is meant to be
No more smiles
No happiness
No emotions
Or feelings
No need
Everyone has the same face
The expression
That reads:
Follow me now
Take my hand
And wander
Away from all that you know
All that is recognizable
And move in
To the new world
Where love isn?t a question
It?s not
Even an option
No heart will be broken
No one will be disappointed
I do not have to do
What I know cannot be done
I do not have to fight
In a war that can?t be won
Whispery chill
Down your neck
Raising the hairs
On your back
Close your eyes
And drift away
Into the magic
That?s here to stay
Force back the heavens
And come with me
Rise above
Into eternity

Posted by blog/lostangel at 12:18 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 12 August 2003 12:19 PM EDT
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Welcome to my blog! I think this will be my "haven" for my poetry... and believe me, there's lots! There might not be a lot of new stuff as I've been working on starting a novel... and that's been taking up a *ton* of my time just researching and trying to make it worth publishing someday. But for now, I'll just post a whole bunch of my poetry, so enjoy and feel free to comment :)

Posted by blog/lostangel at 12:14 PM EDT
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