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Wednesday, 13 August 2003

Mmmm... I'm killing time before I have to go to work, and before I have to get ready for work, lol. Enzo was being eville today and he sent Andy two pictures of spiders and labelled them as "sweet cars" so that Andy would be sure to click the link. If you happen to go outside and hear a girlish squeal, it's Andy lol!
I have so much running through my head, I feel like tonight I'm just gonna have to grab my pen and start writing down words, even. Just something to clear my head out. I haven't wrote a good poem since "Eternity" and there's been so much wandering through my head since then!
Friday is approaching... "Andy Day" lol. I was look forward to our "scheduled visitation"... it reminds me of a custody agreement or something, only this wasn't a signed document, it was a locked pinky swear (sooo not my idea, but cute none the less!)
Mmmm... Meghan thinks I have this interracial obsession... this obsession with the idea that Asian people have to stick together. Yah, I think they do. I think they're scared of dating outside their own race, if I'm being honest. I am the least racist person in the world... if I was, would I have dated Andy? No. Would I have cried over that greeting card? No, I probably would have ripped it and said something stupid, ala Stephanie LOL

But I gotta go get ready for another thrilling night at Wrap it Up. We seem to be making more money when I work, hopefully that phase continues. I probably will post another entry tonight, so stay tuned for the exciting adventures of me *rolling eyes*

hehe Ciao!


Posted by blog/lostangel at 3:15 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 13 August 2003 - 5:40 PM EDT

Name: clara
Home Page:

I have noticed that about Asian people, as well. They always date within their own race, hang out with people of their own race, etc... Your entry confuses me though, 'cause I'm not sure if you like that or not! =P
Happy writing. =D

Monday, 18 August 2003 - 1:29 PM EDT

Name: Andi
Home Page:

It bugs me.
What if "the one" for you is Asian, and you're not? Then what? The reason most Asians date and marry within their own race is because they don't have what it takes to stand up to their parents-- they're forced into arranged marriages. My ex's parents didn't like me because I was white, and I'm sure their influence influenced him to break up with me. I'd be shell-shocked if they didn't.

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