*Updates, People!*

That's just me telling Twiggy about the updates.

Updates, Announcements, and Special Messages:

6/13/01---Holy crud! We haven't updated in ages, eh? It's me, Jerry. We totally made over the Random Thoughts section and there's a completed edition The Twiggy Edition. Read and enjoy. And send some feedback.

1/29/01--"I've been molested!" Oh, have you now, Regal? Well, you shouldn't piss off Test. What up? This is The Twig. Added a little story we wrote called A Hunting We Will Go... Read it and send feedback. I really want some hatemail, here.

1/23/01--"Don't give up on me, Dad." Rent American Beauty. That movie is bad ass. Changed my life. What up? This is The Twig. Added a new Trash or Tramp called Trash or Tramp--The Grammy Nominations. Talks about the fashions of the--pssh-Grammy nominations. Feedback is good.

12/15/00--What up? This is The Twig. We have a new section, Trash or Tramp? It's a new game that will become a pretty popular thing. It's gonna get big like how all of those reality shows did. It's very addicting and don't even try to act like you don't do it yourself. Check it out. P.S. Check out my Carson rant, It's My Turn!. It's good.

12/01/00--Hi. This is Jerry. I added a little section called Bulletin Board Politics. I wrote this in anger. I've calmed down a bit since then. But still, it's a good section.

11/24/00--Hi. This is Jerry. It's finished! Twig's Carson Daly rant is up and ready to go: It's My Turn!. It's good. I like it. Hope you all like it, too. Twig loves feedback. Send her some.

11/10/00--Hi. This is Jerry. My god. It's been a while, hasn't it? We got a new Breakdown for you: Ready to Rumble. It's good and we got a special guest for it. Hope you enjoy. Send feedback.

9/14/00--Hi. This is Jerry. Me and Twig have finally finished our VMA review. Here it is: That Totally Lacked Coolness. Then there's the little section I did ...Baby I was your whore. Two things for your viewing pleasure.

9/5/00--Hi. This is Jerry. I added this little rant called ...Baby I was your whore. Check it out. It's funny.

9/1/00--What up? This is The Twig. I updated "Blank of the Week". It's supposed to be a weekly thing so I'm trying to do it weekly. It's got an "aaaahhhh!" feeling to it.

8/25/00--What up? This is The Twig again. I updated "Blank of the Week" again. It's got a celebration vibe going on. Check it out.

8/18/00--What up? This is The Twig, here. I updated "Blank of the Week". I think it's a doozy.

8/15/00--We have something. Check it out: It's time once again... Hope you enjoy it. P.S. I like email. So email me.

7/27/00--Welcome to The Straight Edge. Nothing but rants are on this site. Some are funny and some will make you mad. Hatemail is welcomed.

Email: gosalyn_mallard66@yahoo.com