And Now, Random Thoughts....

Things that boggle the mind at 3 in the morning...

This edition stars Twiggy...

Conan O'Brien is funny. Laugh out loud funny. The show could be on commercial and you're still laughing at the jokes he said.

I just switched some stuff around on the page.

We need some new Trash or Tramps. I have some pictures, but I don't know what I'm gonna do with them, yet. I could put it up under the section, but I've been lazy, lately.

Fan fiction sucks. Period.

Especially if it's NSUCK fan fiction. It sucks. The people who write it should be shot...execution style.

You know those commercials for those Lover's Lane lingerie stores? That's soft porn! They shouldn't be showing that on TV!

I'm sick of Survivor. The show and the Destiny's Whores album. I wish they would go away!

School sucks. Glad to be out of it. But it starts all over again in the fall. I can't wait to graduate.

NSUCK has a new album coming out and the madness is driving me insane. I lurk at the Music board and on those NSUCK boards, they are just insane.

And on those boards, there's this chick that go by the screen name Loving_Justin. She's the most pathetic of all. She's like 40-something and she's in love with Justin and actually thinks she's gonna get him and actually is jealous of Britney Spears 'cause she's with Justin. Now, no 40-something year old should be jealous of a nineteen year old. But, she doesn't think she's 40-something. She wears pig tails and rollerblades! Goddess, is she pathetic!

And I wonder if she has a job 'cause whenever NSUCK is in New York, she always goes where ever they are just to get a glimpse. She has no life.

Oh, yeah. She dates guys younger than her. That explains the obsession with Justin. She thinks she's gonna get her claws in him. Can you say "Mrs. Robinson"? Can you say "stalker"? How about "statutory rape" and "prison"?

Damn. Jessica Simpson looks like Britney Spears on the cover of her new album. She's desperate for people to buy her album. I heard her begging on the radio. Please buy my new album! It's out today! It's got Marc Anthony on it. Pleeeeeeeeasssseeeee!!!!

How come Puffy can always make the cover of The New York Post? He can't be bigger than Donald Trump?

Is it "I Like Them Girls" or "I Like Dem Girls"? Could Tyrese clear it up for me? 'Cause I'm getting confused. Some places have it listed as "them" and some has it listed as "dem".

The Fugitive is an awesome movie. I can see why Tommy Lee Jones won the Oscar for the role of Sam Gerard...

Now, they could've saved that piece of shit U.S. Marshals.

I still gotta kick my honey's ass for taking me to see Pearl Harbor. Maybe I'll just withhold sex from him. *thinks about that for a second* I can't do that! He's too good! I'm having withdrawals thinking about that.

I'm one of America's Sweethearts. That movie is about me.

We all know Julia Roberts is gonna get the guy in that movie. Is there a movie where she doesn't get the guy?

And yes, her ego has ballooned since she won all of those awards for Erin Brockovitch. If she gets too big for your britches, Benjamin, come look for me. You need a Latina in your life.

Heh, heh. "Britches". I just used a J.R. word. Now, I know it's time for me to go to bed.

That "Pop" video sucks. NSUCK wears the gayest clothes. Wait a minute. Why the fuck am I watching this?! *changes the channel*

MTV sucks. And apparantly, so does VH-1.

They can't dance, either. Why the fuck did I turn back to this shit?! *changes the channel*

When did Access Hollywood go off?

Justin can't beatbox. He wants to be black so bad. Why the fuck am I still watching this?!

Aw. More white boys trying to rap. Canadians, at that. What is this world coming to?

I'm going to bed, now.

Lights out, people!
