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My Barnes and Noble Book store

Giles," I knew if they stayed in the library long enough, that they would come to appreciate reading books and looking at videos."

BUFFY'S READING and Video Picks
The Harvest#1 Halloween Rain #2 Coyote Moon #3 Night of the Living ReRun #4
Blooded Visitors Unnatural Selection The Power of Persuasion Deep Water
My Dawsons Creek Page The Firebelly Lounge-a page I did for a great place in Wilmington, NC partly owned by my brother My Bewitched Page My Pages for the movie Deep Blue Sea and info about Sharks My page of book covers for the Awesome Author Amanda Ashley

The Harvest#1
Halloween Rain #2
Coyote Moon #3
Night of the Living Rerun #4

Return to Chaos

Gatekeeper #2-Ghost Roads
Gatekeeper #3-Sons of Entropy

Unnatural Selection
Obsidian Fate
Powers of Persuasion
Sins of the Father
Resurrecting Ravana:
Back cover reads-With midterms
looming, the students at Sunnydale High are
predictably stressed out. Even super-student Willow
is feeling the pressure to succeed. And her usual
study buddies-Buffy,Xander, and Oz- decide they don't
need her tutorial lessons, Willow wonders if she's
really what they don't need. But her hurt feelings
don't explain her suddent antagonism toward Buffy-or
the strange dreams they are both having.
As the tensions in the school escalate into brutal
acts of violence- and the perpetrators turn up
horribly mutilated-Buffy and the gang search for a
supernatural source. The evidence indicates that
someone is attempting to resurrect a powerful Hindu
demon. Willow's new confidante, guidance counselor
Promila Daruwalla, becomes the prime suspect...until
Giles runs into an old "friend" who is always causing
trouble. It will take all of the Slayers
resources..and the help of all of her friends... to
find the culprit and destroy the key to the demon's

Deep Water- (Just finished it, short but really good)
back cover- Willow's soft spot for critters finds her
spending a cold witnter morning along the coast as
part of a volunteer rescue team, cleaningup an oil
spill that has damaged the marine habitat. While
climbing over some rocks, she discovers another
unexpected victim of the spillage- a selkie, a shape-
shifting seal girl who won't be able to return to the
sea until the oil is removed from her coat.( just a teaser- Buy it! It's good!)

The Watcher's Guide- The Official Companion to the Hit Show

The Postcards
The Esstential Angel
Pop Quiz" Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Non Buffy Books but great reads as well as movies!

ANGEL'S READING and Video Picks

The Angel Chronicles #3

I have read these L.J. Smith books many times and
have always thought the love affair between Elena and
Stephan and his brother Damon was a lot like the love
between Buffy and Angel. Both girls are heriones in
their own rites.



A Second Look by Kendra Bee!
Peace and Quiet by Kendra Bee- Part one!
Just another Lunch Time! by Kali and Nessa

Sunnydale Poem by CujoBuffy3!
Vampire Romance Links! For those of you who love the Buffy and Angel Romance..

Check out Amanda Ashley's page, her vampires are as sexy and alluring as Angel and her romances as bittersweet! Amanda Ashley's Vampyre Page

My Page dedicated to Amanda Ashley's Vampyre Romances- If you think Angel is sexy, check out these Vamps! Book covers are displayed
Amanda Ashley's Vampyre Romance Book Covers

For Vamps as Sexy as Angel, as dangerous as Angelus, check out the show "Kindred the Embraced." My Page dedicated to the show Kindred the Embraced

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