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Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Eric Lott and reside with my wife Lisa in South Bend, IN. I am a graduate of Bethel College, which is located in Mishawaka, IN. My degree is in Business Education. I am a business teacher at Northwood High School located in Nappannee, IN. My wife and I attend St. Mark Missionary Church in Granger, IN.

I began designing web pages about two years ago. I was a computer lab assistant in college and taught myself HTML in my spare time. I became interested in designing web pages for churches and small businesses when I found out just how much companies charge to design pages.

The reason I offer my services for much cheaper than most companies charge is because I really want churches and Christian businesses to make their presence known on the World Wide Web. Since designing web pages isn't my primary source of income, I am able to do it for much less than what most places will charge.

I have compiled a list of the most common questions I am asked about web pages. If your question is not on the list, please feel free to contact me via fax, phone, or email. My phone number and email address are located in the contact section of this web. Thank you for your time and I look forward to helping you get your web page up and running in the very near future!


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