Entire contents © 1998 by R.D. Baker. Site created: 7-25-98. Our Axis & Allies Gamers Group welcomes players for face-to-face games in the Washington, D.C. area. Email: rdbaker43@yahoo.com
List of recent updates and rule changes in this section:
08-25-98: AIRCRAFT DEFENDING AGAINST AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULTS (First combat round results). SUBMARINES (May hit enemy aircraft under certain circumstances).
Except in the case of Artillery, which hits on rolls of 2 or less on both attack and defense, the standard 2nd Edition Axis & Allies rules are used to determine hits and misses when rolling the dice. The combat loss rules in the section affects which units must be lost, and who gets to decide in cases where player choice is allowed.
On an artillery die roll of one, the ROLLING player may choose which enemy unit is destroyed. All losses from artillery fire are taken immediately. Attacking artillery fires first, then defending artillery, followed by all remaining attacking units, then all remaining defending units. [Note: Battleships function as attacking artillery in the FIRST round of amphbious assaults, and in ALL rounds of naval combat].
A successful infantry die roll ALWAYS inflicts a loss on enemy infantry, if available. If no enemy infantry are available to lose from a successul infantry die roll, THEN tanks or artillery may be lost. If no enemy land units are available to lose from a successul infantry die roll, ONLY THEN may enemy aircraft be lost.
On a tank die roll of one, the ROLLING player may choose which enemy unit is destroyed. However, any successful tank die roll ALWAYS inflicts a loss on enemy land units (infantry, artillery, or tanks), if available. If no enemy land units are available to lose from a successul tank die roll, ONLY THEN may an enemy aircraft be taken as a loss.
On a fighter or bomber die roll of one, the ROLLING player may choose which enemy unit is destroyed. This applies in both LAND and NAVAL combat.
In the FIRST round of an AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT, defending fighters and bombers may choose ANY participating enemy NAVAL units as losses on die rolls of one. This includes transports, battleships, and even carriers (if the carrier is in a sea zone adjacent to the invasion territory and contributed at least one fighter to the attack). Also in the FIRST round of an AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT, defending fighters and bombers roll BEFORE attacking troops unload from their transports, and losses are applied immediately. Thus the combat sequence for the FIRST ROUND of an amphibious assault is: (1) battleships (and any other attacking artillery which may be assisting from adjacent land territories; remember that transported artillery may not attack in the FIRST round; apply losses immediately); (2) defending artillery (apply losses immediately); (3) attacking fighters and bombers; (4) defending fighters and bombers (with transport losses taken immediately, BEFORE assaulting troops unload); (5) attacking infantry and tanks; (6) defending infantry and tanks.
On a fighter or bomber die roll of one, the ROLLING player may choose which enemy unit is destroyed. This applies in both LAND and NAVAL combat.
Unloaded transports may ATTACK as well as defend, hitting on rolls of ONE only. Loaded transports do not get to roll in an attack (although they may be taken as casualties and may roll on the defense). Transports may never choose their targets.
Submarines may choose their targets from available enemy naval units on die rolls of ONE. If no enemy naval units are available, submarines MAY choose enemy aircraft as losses, but ONLY on submarine die rolls of ONE. On the FIRST combat round ONLY, attacking submarines fire before battleships. On the FIRST combat round ONLY, ALL losses from ATTACKING submarines are applied IMMEDIATELY.
On a DEFENDING aircraft carrier die roll of ONE, the defending player may choose which attacking enemy unit is lost. ATTACKING aircraft carriers, which ONLY hit on rolls of one, NEVER choose their targets.
On a battleship die roll of one, the ROLLING player may choose which enemy unit is lost. Battleships function like artillery in naval combat, with attacking battleships firing (losses applied immediately to defending units), followed by defending battleships (losses applied immediately to attacking units), followed by all remaining attacking units, then all remaining defending units. [Submarine Rule: Attacking submarines, on the FIRST combat round ONLY, fire before battleships (with losses applied immediately to defending units)].
Introduction & Overview.
Entire contents © 1998 by R.D. Baker.
Section I: Basic Rule Changes.
Section II: Artillery.
Section III: Combat Losses.
Section IV: Advanced Air Power Rules.
Section V: Advanced Naval Rules.
Section VI: Advanced Retreat Rules.
Section VII: Industrial Capacity & Scenarios.
Section VIII: History & Politics.
Section IX: Revised Action Sequence.
Section X: Game Turn Time-line Analysis.
Frequently Asked Questions.