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WSMN: What did you do during your time off between Kittie and the start of AA?

FB: I sat at home, completely empty. I was like, now what? What the hell do I do now? I couldn't go back to school, because it was the summer. I felt like I was in a foreign country, I had no idea where to start. Thank god I had my close friends that have stuck by through so much helping me out and my family as well. Then I started to reflect on everything, and became hypersensitive to everything around to me and I started to write about it. AA is basically the product of that reflective period.

WSMN: Give the readers of WSMN a description of what AA is all about and what it sounds like:

FB: AA is a culmination of everything that I have always wanted to do. Something about electronic music makes me feel totally good no matter what mood I am in. If I am in a bad mood I will pop in a Electro record and just breathe a sigh of relief. AA is also an outlet for my personal beliefs, some of the being political, animal rights, basically reflections on our culture, personal things, things that people can relate to. Musically its a dancey-Industrial even- assault, ya know?

WSMN: What are your influences for AA?

I like a lot of EBM bands, its very melodic and trance-like, Aggro-Industrial like Wumpscut, who I respect the shit out of, VNV Nation, Assemblage 23, there are so many. I like so many types of music. I even listen to a lot of Hip Hop, Rap, Pop..the beats in some of the songs are just awesome and they give me ideas.

WSMN: On the AA site ( for the uninformed) you make many references to politics and current events happening in the world today. Any chance of you doing music with a political vibe in the lyrics?

FB: Definitely. That's what one of the songs I have, Searchlight, is about, about Protestors, who go out to speak out against something, be it giving animals rights, be it protesting their government's conduct, anti-abortionists, many things. I have tremendous respect for them, cause most of the protests are supposed to be non-violent but a lot of them turn out to be quite violent anyway. Its sad.

WSMN: Is there any chance that you and Talena Atfield may work together musically in the future?

*looks around innocently* Maaaaybe.

WSMN: Out of all the bands you have been on the road with, which band was the most fun to hang with?

FB: Oh man, I don't know. Slipknot was interesting. Nice guys..never a dull moment with them. Ozzfest was the most fun though, i hung out with Reveille and Incubus, mainly. Nice people.

WSMN: In your opinion, who is the most talented metal musician of today?

FB: Phil Anselmo never fails to amaze me with his projects. He has so many different types of bands, and he's bloddy amazing in all of them. Way to go, Phil.

WSMN: There was mention of a black metal side project on your site. Joke, truth, or what? We want some details!!!

FB: I would love to do Black Metal. My favorite Black Metal band of all time is Emperor. I have massive respect for them, I watch their DVD (Emperial Live Ceremony!!) religiously, just to look at their technique, its just amazing.

WSMN: How long before we see Fallon on tour again?

FB: I don't know..I am not sure if I will tour for AA, but maybe down the road with something else, ya know?

WSMN: One final question: Being a guitarist, who do you feel are the top 5 best guitarists of all time?

FB: Oh shiiit. Uhh.. Adam Jones of Tool because well, man he's just fuckin amazing, Jimi Hendrix cause of his unique playing style, Ihsahn and Samoth of Emperor because their just so black metal and evil that you have to like them. If not, they might like, i don't know, dispose of you. Just kidding. Dimebag Darrell, He is cool, he's metal. I like his style. I can't think of anymore.

WSMN: The floor is yours, plug anything you want!!!

FB: Live life to the fullest. Don't put off things, because you might not be here the next day to do it. Don't be afraid to tell somebody, "Hey, I don't like you. Here's why." No reservations, no regrets. And most of all, enjoy life. Though it may be shitty at times, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?

WSMN: Who are your major influences?
my main musical influences are most likely AC/DC, White Zombie, kovenant, and a bunch of old school stuff my parents listened to while i was growing up.

WSMN: In your opinion, who are the best bassists of all time?
I wasnt a bass player to begin with, i was mostly influenced by music in general, but some of the bassists i really look up to are ryan from mudvayne, and shavo

WSMN: What band was the coolest to party with while on the road?
Humm thats a tough one... i am gonna have to say they all had their moments on ozzfest

WSMN: What other bands do you find yourself listening too when you aren't in the mood for something metal?
i have been listening to a lot of rap lately, but anything goes really i like everything

WSMN: Which gigs are better, the club shows or a big tour like Ozzfest?
They both have their advantages, but i personally liked ozzfest better, there was more to do

WSMN: What kind of music is Talena planning on giving us in the future?
Right now there is nothing set in stone as to which directin it is gonna be, but i definatly have some plans.

WSMN: Have you and Fallon Bowman recorded any new material together recently? If not, on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being not likely, 10 being certain), what are the chances of you 2 forming a music project together in the future?
i am gonna say a 10, we have been talking about it

WSMN: During Ozzfest 2000 or any other tour for that matter, did you get freaked out any by any die hard fans?
i definatly got a little freaked out on a few occasions, but i cant remember the exact situations.

WSMN: Who is the most talented musician you have ever worked with?
i havent had the chance to work with that many musicians yet so i am gonna have to get back to you on that one

WSMN: Are there any musicians you would like to work with in the future?
yes there are a few, and some of it is already in the works

WSMN: Talena, the floor is yours, plug what you want and tell us what you think!!!
Thank you to all the fans that stuck with me and didnt just take the story from one point of view.
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