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September 19th, 2002

Derrick Plourde has quit Laceration, they are still a band as of now. When i hear more ill post it here.

June 3rd, 2002

Laceration has recorded a three song demo which is now available to the public, songs are available for download, to find out where check the Links and Downloads page

May 30th, 2002

On Sunday Laceration will be recording a three song demo including the songs Bloodheavy and Adrenalize, after i get a copy of it i will have the music available on the Links and downloads page for download.

May 7th,2002

Derrick does NOT have Mono, he only had a virus, he's back and ready to sing for the next concert, to find out when that is check the Concerts page.

I'll be working on this page so hopefully it will be up soon, when it is it will have interviews with the band, news, and a place for fans to ask the band questions and have their answers posted on the website.
