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General | Referee | Fees & Rates | Duties of the Official | Rain | Rain Fees | Withdrawal | Petty Cash


All assignments or match start times are subject to change, cancellation, postponement or delay. Special policies are in effect for collegiate officiating, different than those for non-collegiate tournaments, that deal with these situations.  Please read the policies below relating to rain, cancellations, withdrawing from assigned matches and other situations.


The Referee supervises other officials and all aspects of play, and also facilitates communication between officials and coaches and support personnel.   Once the assignment is made, the Referee is in control of the match.  This starts before the match begins when Referees contact their crews at least 24 hours before match time to confirm assignments, match time, location and crew.  In addition, the Referee works on court and has additional responsibilities under ITA rules, such as issuing defaults, penalizing violations of coaches code of conduct, and deciding appeals on issues of law.  See USTA Regulations for ITA tennis in the USTA Friend At Court for more details. 

Fees & Rates

Fees & Rates, Collegiate (pdf document)

Solo dual match official $105
Dual match referee $105; each additional umpire $95
Dual match tournament referee $180, each additional umpire $170
Individual tournament referee $145, each additional umpire $135
Tournament officials are paid overtime at $20.00 per hour when service exceeds 8 hours; dual match officials are paid overtime when service exceeds 6 hours

Duties of the Official

Confirms Crews | Prepare Courts for Play | Meet with Coaches | Meet with Other Officials |
Match Report to Treasurer and Coordinator

Confirms Crews

Within 24 hours of match time, the Referee should contact the other officials working the match to confirm match date and time and otherwise review assignment details.  If for any reason a crew member cannot be reached or has not confirmed within 24 hours it is the Referee's responsibility to notify the Coordinator who will track down the assigned official or a replacement.

Prepare Courts for Play

Ensure courts are clean, dry and ready for play.  Set up courts for play, placing singles sticks for singles matches, remove debris such as leaves or old balls, Fix nets at proper height, repairing holes in the net or problem net straps.  For major clean-up or repair enlist assistance of home team coach or staff.  Locate water, restrooms, lights and be sure all are accessible and in working order.  If there's a chance of rain or leaves are a problem, locate squeegees, blowers, brooms; establish reasonable time limits for visits to restrooms and water.

Meet with Coaches

Before each match, talk to the home team coach but keep it brief since he or she has a match to prepare for.  See if there are any questions, special procedures or rules in effect for your match.  Typical responses might be that an exhibition match will be played on an extra available court that will not count towards the match outcome, will not need officials, that the warm-up will be 5 minutes for both singles and doubles instead of 3, that 3 balls are to be used for doubles and 4 for singles, etc.  Also identify support personnel, such as trainers, assistant coaches, and facilities staff. 

Also meet briefly with visiting coach, introduce yourself, see if there are any questions.  Typical question might be, where will player introductions take place and at what time, which team should use which score tender color, number of balls to be used for singles and for doubles, warm-up time for singles and doubles; court assignments, what the procedure will be if the match is decided all matches have been completed.

Meet With Other Officials

Conduct meeting with other assigned officials; review court assignments and important procedures, discuss any special rules in effect.  Assign officials to courts and coordinate breaks or lunches.  Also coordinate getting match balls ready and setting up the courts, singles sticks and net measurement, umpire chairs and scorecards, etc.

Match Report to Treasurer and Coordinator

After the completion of the match, the Referee must e-mail the Coordinator and Treasurer with a match summary or report.  The report is the official work record for the match, an independent record of who worked filed with both officers.  The Match Report should include the basic match details, date, time, names and duties of assigned officials, teams involved and anything notable that occurred during the match or communication from the coaches.  In addition, include in the report any comments about umpire performance, good or bad: tardiness, uniform violation, cooperation, knowledge of rules, etc.  The report should be submitted within 12 hours of the match.

During Play

Monitor work of other officials, watch for developing problems, re-assign officials as necessary
Monitor progress of match, match score
Address players and coaches during introductions, review important and special rules
Respond to appeals
Respond to requests for umpire assigned to a specific court
Respond to requests for replacement ball, new or used

All referees should confirm assignments with umpires the day before a match.


Coaches have been instructed to phone the designated referee 1½ hours before match time if it is raining, or if rain is in the forecast. However, because of assignment changes the coach may not have the correct referee, so if you are the referee and have not heard from the coach prior to the match, CALL THE COACH. It is the responsibility of the designed referee to relay any rain information effecting the match time or location to his crew.

Rain Fees

a. match is cancelled before official leaves home - no fee charged
b. match is cancelled after official arrives (or is in route) within 1 hour of scheduled match time - 1/2 pay.
c. match is cancelled without informing officials or cancelled after official is on the site for more than 1 hour - full pay


All withdrawals and reassignments will be done by the coordinator. If you must withdraw from an assignment, contact the Assignment Coordinator, Mark Kasimatis, (858) 638-7634.

Petty Cash

Should any umpire incur any expenses during an ITA match and need a receipt, please use the Petty Cash Receipt form.


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