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Date Assignment Description
9/2/05 Creating a Hompage A Homepage that includes a new font, different colors, pictures and a link to the info questions.
9/6/05 Steps to Logging on We typed up the steps to logging on to the computer. We linked them to the website. We inserted pictures that went with the steps.
9/13/05 Business Card We used the drawing program at appleworks to make a business card that included our scedule, name, and interests. Then we linked it to our homepage.
9/20/05 Editing Pictures We used the program Fireworks to erase and duplicate parts of pictures that we found on google. The we linked them to our homepage.
9/23/05 Practice Graphics We used the program Fireworks to create and edit graphics. We made 3D titles, used the magic wand tool, and experimented with different alpha and fading syles. Then we linked them to our homepage.
9/26/05 Fireworks Graphic Editing We used the Fireworks program to create and edit graphics. We faded pictures, used the magic wand tool, created 3D graphics of our names, and used the black and white effect. Then we linked it to our homepage.
9/28/05 Jamba Juice Advertisment We used the Fireworks program to make an advertisment for a product. We used all of the effects that we have learned in class. Then we linked it to our homepage.
10/3/05 Garage Band We used garage band to make 4 different songs. Then we linked them to our homepage.
11/02/05 Flash Final Project We used flash and iMovie to make a final project on triumph of the nerds and the history of computers. Then we linked it to our homepage.
11/02/05 Flash movie We used flash to make a movie with 100 frames. Then we linked it to our homepage.
11/02/05 Flash practice We used flash to make a guy doing a jumping jack. Then we linked it to our homepage.
11/02/05 Maze

We used flash to make a maze. Then we linked it to our homepage.

11/02/05 iMovie We used iMovie to create a movie about a common interest. Then we linked it to our homepage.