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These are my 5 original pictures:



This is my final product:


I chose the picture of the group of friends to show the energy and life you get after drinking a smoothie. This is also the age group I wanted to target. I showed the logo because that is what I am advertising. I showed the green box that says "introducing life and energy" because it shows what the smoothies look like and it is bright and draws attention. I showed the two guys drinking jamba to show that teenagers like it. I used a picture of the store to show people what the store looks like. I used the picture of the beach as a background because when I think of a lot of fruit I think of a warm tropical location. I used a lot of effects in my picture. I faded the picture of the store into the beach background. In the pictures with the people in them I switched them into a sepia tone. In the one with the two boys I copied and pasted the picture and then erased the smoothies so they stood out. I used a drop shadow on the words "fruit fusion." I put an orange glow around "introducing jamba energy."