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Students ... Get To Know'em

Katie Bell

1) What is one thing that you have done in your life that you are most proud of?
I am proud of myself for going on the power tower even though i was terrified of heights. I love it now! I am glad I did it.
2) What are your hobbies?
I like to do things outside like rollerblading and riding my bike around lake harriet with my brother. I like reading books and magazines. I like to eat ice cream. I am a swimmer so I like that. I mostly like being with my friends.

3) If you could fly anywhere in the world where would you go? Why?
I would either go to Italy or London or Hawaii. I have always wanted to go to Europe, but I absolutly love the ocean so Hawaii would be really fun and exotic. The change in the atmosphere in Europe would be really cool to see also!

4) What specific kind of software or skill did you hope to learn about when you signed up for this class?
Also what do you hope to do with it when you leave this class?

I wanted to learn how to make a webpage. I don't think I will do anything with it when i leave, but I thought it would be cool to make one. Also, I was hoping to learn about how to use the programs on my computer that I wouldn't use everyday.

5) How would you describe your computer skills?
My computer skills are not too good. Hopefully they will be much better after this class, but I don't know how to run most programs on my computer. I guess I am a good typer, but my skills pretty much end there.