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The Adventures of Pizo Eccentric
Wednesday, 6 July 2005
Dispair! (until the scream is returned)
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: art
Well, I *finally* finished "Dispair" (next is the
companion peace "hope" (although it may turn out
to be simply "joy")).

Despite being ticketed IMMEDIATELY as i drove
onto campus by one of the UTD campus (welcome
to THE FUTURE FRANK!), sheesh. And to top it
all off (the COP could see that i have clothes
in my back seat -- nicely folded, and shirts
-- oh, yes and shirts and socks, and undies, etc
-- tend to stash those down lower).

So, as he gives me the ticket (after i mentioned
that i was living out of my car) "I understand
your situation, Sir") -- Damnation of Faust!
HOW in God's Green Earth could he (a total
stranger) "understand" my situation, not 5 minutes
(and less than 30 words each exchanged) after
meeting me??????????????

These people are STILL living in the pre-9-11
era. Anyway, the muses did guide me (and i follow
ever their path). And as it turned out i had
some extra bucks and was able to loan them to
Boyd (may the muses guide him; gently, gently
for to this rough hewn road his is new. Yea,
verily i know the need of the present and of
the ever-pressing needs of this wondrous world,
but i beseech thee Oh Wondrous Muses; gently).

So, (him covered with radiator fluid) asking
"do you have any cash you can spare?" -- such,
are the times in which we live.

Such are the times in which WE LIVE.

So, anyway. "Dispair" is finished. (Not exactly
as i had planned, but then nothing ever is).

After all, there are NO promises.


Posted by art2/pizo at 9:09 AM PDT
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Monday, 4 April 2005
Onward the art! Of Amnesty the patriot act, etc
Mood:  sharp
Topic: art
Anyway, I continue to work on my art work and am planning to transfer to UNT this fall. It looks like I will have to go in as undergraduate. It's pretty competitive there (low cost, great facilities, etc). The other alternative is to transfer to UTD (where they are a bit more desparate for xfers -- they don't offer a fine arts degree, but a "technology" degree that emphasizes computer stuff! (I just found out about the new program). The key is (of course) to try to get as much grant and scholarship money as possible. I've started getting stuff ready to sell through the mail and have a new mail box (the otherone over in Richardson expired, and what with the high price of gas, it's just too expensive to keep going over there. The new box is:

Postal Box 642
13237 Montfort Drive
Dallas, TX 75240

The main thing is that they are cheaper and I can pay month-to-month. Also they can recieve all mail types; ie, not just USpostal, but UPS, Fedex, etc. Most of the art places that I shop on-line have stopped using the US postal since there were so many things damaged in transit. Also, this place is open more hours and has mailing tubes etc.

Probably Laura mentioned it, but I'm pretty heavily involved in the Amnesty International
club here on campus. We are also doing protests about Military recruiting on campus, the patriot act etc. Since Tue/Thur are my "studio" days, I'm at the table that we set up from 10am-2pm as well as on Wed. Our club inter-works with the Dallas Center for Peace and Justice (I was out protesting in front of Haliburton, last summer). Hope this doesn't up-set you too much. We are esp working on the anit-war stuff, and i was (last Nov) doing voter directions for the Democrats on Campus -- helping the kids to find out where they were supposed to vote and such. I also worked the phones for Martin Frost, who lost of course. I think part of what has really energised me to get to involved is just the shitty way the whole election went, and everthing.

I've finally decided to go down and try to get on SSI/Disability, since my gout isn't getting better. I pretty much have to have NO salt and almost no meat (red meat or sometimes even tuna) in my diet. Even beans (esp red beans) set my gout off as well. I think that I have a pretty good chance, and if i don't get it then i'll hire a lawyer to try (they have some that do it for no fee, which is what i'll look for). The doctor that I go to actually was on the review board for SSI for collin county.

Anyway, i continue to work hard (often leaving the house before 7am -- since the campus opens early and i can go up and use the hallway to study until one of the profs opens the doors). I try to keep to myself at home, and stay up here as much as possible. All of my profs are v. impressed with my latest work, and I think that I have a good shot at getting my pieces in the juried show, and possibly even selling one or two of them to the school -- always looks good on the old resume.

This thursday is the TIPA conferenece (Texas Inter-collegiate Press Assoication) in Dallas and I'm schedualed to compete in the "Criticque writing" contest. (Last year, my series on the history of Brookhaven won 1st place (division 2; ie, 2-year colleges) -- the only 1st place prize that we won (the staff (all v. conservative) treated me with at least a *little* respect after that. My editor (who xfered to SMU) last fall was from Italy, and I (of course) got along swell with her -- she shared the prize with me since she wrote the other half of the articles (on student life at BHC); all of this was for the 25-year aniversary issue. That's another source of money for me (not much, but each bit adds up). Since at either UNT or UTD i would get paid for my articles (which i don't here). Also, i have some UNBELIEVABLY good references from all of the arts areas that i write for. The head of the Drama dept (jokingly) said that she'd have to find some way to keep me here. Before i came here they almost never reviewed the plays, or even a lot of the concerts -- unless they were pop music.

In the fall, i plan to attend the other school Mon-Thur and then Fri-Sun work in the studios here on campus. They have great facilities and often there's only 2 or 3 other students up at the school. That will allow me to not only work on my work for courses but to make prints to sell. I've *finally* gotten together some real winners that sell everytime.(The next Art Club sale is May 3/4 so i've already started getting stuff together for that). I need to send off my tax return so that I can get some more paper; that and of course get the brakes on the car fixed, and one tire that keeps going flat -- always something. It's another good thing to work at the Amnesty table, since we sell baskets, crafts and stuff, and I can put my prints out to sell. We just started that today, but we mainly sold T-shirts and some bracelets against the Patriot Act. At least it gives me a way to sell my stuff without paying for a booth or such; i'll split the money with the club and still make out really well.

Well that's about it for now. Hope that all of you are doing well. I miss the kids terribly, and think about them a lot. But, i try to keep my eyes on the prize and keep up my studies. I'm continually reading art history and am *actually* highly regarded in the art department. The main thing that I have to work against is the *age* issue. So, i make it a point to work on a very large scale (one of my drawings that i'm getting ready for the show is 90" x 40"), as well as working on purely abstract work. Most of the "old" folks here are painting the same old still lifes, portraits, light houses, etc. So, I try to distance myself from such things; all the while being very supportive of everyone's work here. I've noticed that some people here alienate other people by not liking representataive work and prefering ONLY the *higher* abstract work. As with anything else, a lot of things depend on working with other people.

One of my friends is Carol Nace (Jewish lady, about 60 or so) who is v. wealthy and she will "hire" me to help her print and such. She's a good friend and I had the opportunity to meet Mayor Laura Miller at reception at SMU, but didn't feel that I'd be comfortable so begged out. Carol was hosting some Russian diplomats that work through Highland Park Baptist Church. Oh, well, I'm not ready for the *big time* yet. (maybe some day). Still, it's nice to have someone in a high place like that. A friend of hers wants me to write up an article that I've been working on and sez that she will get it published. I'll have a couple of the profs here look it over and talk it up with them.

It helps that i'm motivated to study art seriously, since for a lot of the profs many of the students are here to take some art classes since its an easy A. Almost all of my close friends are serious art students as well. (For a while, we formed a secret organisation: UGAA (Under Ground Artists' Association), as well as an "Infinitists Club" -- there's a lot of that stuff going around, but usually everyone is so busy we never get around to having formal meetings and such. Next to my actual work, that's probably the most rewarding and encouraging aspect of my life: Being able to talk about art and where it needs to go. It's also nice to receive acclaim from the profs. I've sold major pieces to five different professors in the art department, incluing Rita Blasser (who I took painting from last year). She studied with Robert Motherwell. Carol Nace knows her and studied in New York with Motherwell as well, a very interesting lady. She's just published a book of poetry, as well as a major art project for the National Juvinile Diabetes Association; a book for children with 16 pictures that she painted (mono-prints actually) as well as an exhibit of 24 pictures that will be part of a traveling show for the project).

It would be nice to get something like that, but my stuff is so "cartoony", it would have to be the right venue. We saw a film on Keith Harring ?sp? today in AH-III (modern) and it looks like he was able to bridge that gap once his "cartoon" style caught on.At first I had *no* acceptance of my line work except by Don Taylor (my major prof in print making), and one of the "little old ladies" Beth Maye (this is the one that's wanting to get my paper published. She told me to keep doing this, since no one was doing anything like it. (Again another person who studied in New York with some of the great painters, prob Motherwell or Helen Frankenthaler). So, finally (after working almost continuously on my caligraphic styles, and such) the work is being accepted as "serious". (Again, I think that part of this is the *age* factor -- prob won't go away either -- as well as that my style *is* so different. Even Professor Chu (Korean) says that he likes my work, but that I need to put backgroiunds into them. (I did a self portrait; same comment, etc). Carol reviewed my work for Chu (who she thinks is pretty good) and said that she thought that the work that I did could go into a show completely on its own merits.

Oh, well. I keep working at it,

-- Richard.

Posted by art2/pizo at 5:54 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 4 April 2005 6:05 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 1 March 2005
Tired, but pushing on anyway; damned financial aid!!!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: art
Art goes well; art history... Oh, well, it's the "language of art".

I'm trying to finish out my associates degree, so i'm taking all
of these courses see. And of course, i'm still writing for the paper
-- despite all of the hacking they do to my treasured copy. (Egad,
what do you mean i split an infinitive by accident! I split them
with great care!!!! ;)

Right now, i'm exploring pure compositions, mainly the interplay
between the organic and the geometric. For example, how abstract
can i make a duck and still have it look duck-like. I'm sure you
see the importance of this particular topic; esp to my own art

Got up here early today, since i was supposed to turn in my story
on Monday (it's now tue). but of course these theatre people have
what we call "day jobs", hence they aren't here until the night. So,
you see the prob. The thing is that i go by the newsroom, and it
seems like no one is ever there. Mostly we (ahem) artistes are here
from 8am to 10pm, 7 days a week -- or at least ways when our day
job doesn't interfere. (Would that i could get some more hourse,
right now, i'm limited to 9-1/2 hours a week (work study, as a
"gallary assistant" (read that as glorified janitor, postal card stamper,
and table cleaner)...

But, on a more postive note, i'm beginning (once again) to think that
i'm getting the hang of painting. Thank Zarquon's Flying Fish that
my printwork is still strong. Actually *that* is going quite well, but
it's hard to get time on the press. (The art dept suffers from its
own success we have more students now who are interested in
doing print work -- of course we have to baby sit them, and of
course some of them are *real* prima donnas. "Don't you know
that i graduated magna cum lauda at my prep school in art???"
-- 'course that don't mean shit if they don't know the basics
of print-room ettiquite ?sp? Oh, well.

Anyway, i'll try to post some more of my art work on my web site
(along with newest blogging and whine-ing's)...

Note one of the prints has a nice fine OIL stain on it! Often the case,
people put up their work on the drying shelves (after taking it off
of the drying line), and lo! it's not dry!!!!! The idea is that it's a
2-stage process. Oh, don't get me started.

I think that you should know that i'm feeling particularly depressed,
as Marvin would say.

Whoo hoo, only about 2 months to h2g2!

Well, got to go off and "man" the Amnesty International Table over
in the S building. (back to my Hippy roots!) now if only i could
get some lucrative commisions (sighs slightly, gets up and hobbles
over to S building -- carefully avoiding any non-existent loads of
horse hockey).


Posted by art2/pizo at 6:32 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 1 March 2005 6:36 AM PST
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Tuesday, 22 February 2005
Hunter S. Thompson b;lows his brains out, Arthur Miller dies
Mood:  crushed out
Topic: art
This will be a difficult post to understand. (bear with me here)

When someone told me at school that he had committed suicide,
i said YES! If i were he, then that would be the way that i would
want to go. The world (especially now that we are faced with
FOUR MORE YEARS of George Wanker Bush) is a sad, dreary
and depressing place. That we can go on, never ceases to amaze me.
But, to let the good doctor put it in his own words:

(preface to "The Great Shark Hunt" (Gonzo Papers, Vol. 1;
note: ALL elipses "..." are in the original, the text is un-edited)


Well ... yes, and here we go again.
But befor you get to The Work, as it were, I want to make sure
I know how to cope with this elegant typewriter -- (and yes, it
appears that I do) -- so why not make this quick list of my life's
work and then get the hell otu of town on the 11:05 to Denver?
Indeed. Why not?

But for just a moment I'd like to say, for the permanent record,
that it is a very strange feeling to be a 40-year-old American
writer in this century and sitting alone in this hugh building on
Fifth Avenue in New York at one o'clock in the morning on the night
before Christmas Eve, 2000 miles from home, and compiling a table
of contents for a book of my own Collected Works in an office with a
tall glass door that leads out onto a big terrace looking down on
The Plaza Fountain.

Very strange.

I feel like I might as well be sitting up here carving the words
for my own tombstone ... and when I finish, the only fitting exit
will be right straight off this fucking terrace and into The Fountain,
28 stories belown and at least 200 yards out in the air and across
Fifth Avenue.

Nobody could follow and act like that.

Not even me ... and in fact the only way I can deal with this eerie
situation at all is to make a conscious decision that I have already
lived and finished the life I planned to live -- (13 years longer, in
fact) -- anbd everything from now on will be A New Life, a different
thing, a gig that ends tonight and starts tomorrow morning.

So if I decided to leap for The Fountain when I finish this memo,
I want to make one thing perfectly clear -- I would genuinely love
to make that leap, and if I don't I will always consider it a mistake
and a failed opportunity, one of the very few serious mistakes of
my First Life that is now ending.

But what the hell? I probably won't do it (for all the wrong reasons),
and I'll probably finish this table of contents and go home for Christmas
and then have to live for 100 or more years with all this goddamn
gibberish I'm lashing together.

But, Jesus, it would be a wonderful way to go out ... and if I do
you bastards are going to owe me a king-hell 44-gun salutr (that
word is "salute", goddammit --- and I guess I can't work this
elegant typewriter as well as I thought I could) ...

But you know I *could*, if I had just a little bit more time.



(signature, in *that* style)

HST #1, R.I.P.


-- now, if you'll all excuse me, i have to stop by the liquor store and
get enough vodka to "blow my brains out". Shit, does any of this
get any better?

(and of course, Arthur Miller dies as well!)

-- Richard

Posted by art2/pizo at 6:28 PM PST
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Thursday, 3 February 2005
Onward the arts!!!
Mood:  energetic
Topic: art
Well, after my last critique (which went pretty well)...

And yes, I do tend to *still* keep painting as
if i'm drawing a cartoon. That is, although there
might be over-all compositions that tend to fill
the entire canvas (more often than not, simply
brown craft paper, gessoed, than an actual $$$
canvas -- these days). I still tend to keep drawing
things on there as if i were working with an
8-1/2 x 11 (inches; about A4 size metric) paper.

So, taking a page from professor Lewis's book
(actually that's Wyndham Lewis the "creator" of
VORTICISM -- actually what happened is that he
got tired of frood Roger Fry's "neo-impressionsiam"
(and the fact that it was still being dominated
by all of the fab new movements on the mainland
-- ie, Europe; eg, de stijl (netherlands), cubism
(france/spain), futurism (italy), etc, etc, etc....

So, wayward Wyndham breaks off with Fry and
starts the "Rebel Art Centre" and soon a whole
new movement starts

(will down-load soon)

So, that's what i did: Actually i "almost always"
start there -- yuh see, it's what we artist types
calls a COLOR WHEEL (lots of errie music in the
background, and some psychodelic color changes,
black-and-white-negative effects, etc).

So, anyway, at least i'm getting larger strokes
in and can still work small (the center). Hmmm,
let's see where my notes on manerism are.... ;)

Anyway, this fits in nicely with the "circle"
minimum stuff that i've been doing. Sort of
stalled out (not for lack of ideas, but the
usual lack of FUNDS; oh yes, they sed the monies
would be here on the second (05/02/02), so anyway
Jessica (photo frood) and i went over to confront
the drones at the financial aid (she playing "good"
cop, and i (sans coat, and derbie -- quite cold
out, drawing myself up to my full height (david r.
is a pretty hefty black guy), me: already to play
"bad cop" WHY DON'T you answer the lady???!!!
-- fortunately he was v. appologetic saying that
they were trying to get EVERYTHING out at the same
time -- which (if) that's treu would be nice, since
otherwise you have to stop by almost every day to
see if your name has been processed yet. So, we'll
see, we'll see...

meanwhile at the topic: the new circular stuff
is (at last) going over well with Don. (i think
that since what i'm doing is *so* minimal -- with
just a tad of texture (in keeping with my concept
of "Up from Minimalism") -- that it's *finally*
starting to catch on.

Also, on the subject of "selling out" (did you
miss the seque? that's because there wasn't one).
I figure i need to print some stuff specifcally
to sell. Yes, i know, i know. But, then it would
be nice to have some money for a change (no pun
inended). Of course, i need to get paper first...
Hmmm, maybe Nikki will loan me some on credit?
(other thoughts sensored for "security" reasons)

Finally: Saw part of Bush's speech the other night
(state of the onion) Sheesh, what a bunch of

He was half saying stuf "to the american people"
(trying to tell them what a great people we are
and how we're doing what is right, and oh, yes,
by the way don't be expecting to bring our troops
home any time soon!!!!),

and half talking to "our enemies" -- no telling who
he was talking to, all sounded pretty vague. It
almost sounded like he was *threatening* our
supposed allies that if they didn't back us up,
then we'd be pretty upset.

It also sounded like he's indicating that IRAN is next on our hit list.

I don't know if you saw the article, but back in
late December, on the day when Colin Powel was
announcing his formally leaving the white-house,
he said that there was evidence that IRAN was
developing a nuclear weapons delivery system.
and that (almost an exact quote here) you don't
develop a delivery system unless you have plans to
develop a nuclear weapons program. Sheesh, it's
all set up, and of course by having Powel
(an out-going staff memember, trading on his
authority of office) saying that, it gives the idea
that even people OUTSIDE the white-house approve
of such a move. This is both the "spread the blame"
as well as "showing" that there is wide support
of these policies in the "political community" --
all pretty much smoke and mirrors.

And of course, i notice that bush didn't really
offer any idea of what to do about the economy!!
more of the same old stuff.

Does it ever get better? here it is that we've
upset *so* much of the world community by our
wholy rogue actions in Iraq (i mean we could have
certainly tried more diplomatic channels before
pulling out the guns, but no we have to go in all
hot and heavy -- without any *real* support --
mainly by countries that hoped to get some of
the spoils of war (nothing new there since the
1800's!!!). And now of course we have it in us
to the be "policeman" of the world -- all we need
now is our old favorite enemy The Soviet Union.
And of course, when you think about it China is
more of a threat (to say nothing of the constant
killing going on between the vendetta-driven
Al-Quidists and Zionists!!!), so on it goes.

Hell ---->
Handbasket (with earth included) heading --->

Zounds, where have i seen *this* movie trailer

later froodz,
must get over to print-making soon.
-- Pizo

Posted by art2/pizo at 4:05 PM PST
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Monday, 22 November 2004
art sale, money things, the universe
Mood:  cool
Topic: art
so, anyway, sold two of my better prints for $5
to one of the art froodz up at the shule. A v. hoopy
Korean lady who knows fine art when she sees it.
Could'a gotten more out of her, but took the soft
approach -- I'd rather soak some clot (did that
later, with my new print)

Oddly enough, the muses send me encouragements when
I least expect them. Had a v. hoopy conv with Betsy
about my latest article, got my piece accepted for
the show -- not my best painting, but she was
like-ing it v. much, so i put it in. Of course,
the spring show, is ALL about the competition.
(could say much here, hope this year is a bit
more "open" to print making and such)

So, there are these large (about 1metre long by
50cm wide) bundles of packing paper for "something"
that must have arrived. The discarded pape's are
on the large table in the hallway (the one that
used to be in the print room, but that we
moved out when the new press came in. So, anyway
I snags three of the papers for the purposes of
collographs. Later on, Snena comes by (can't
fig out why), so I offer her one of the prints
for $20.

Sneena: What is it? You need money, isn't Zim
going to give you money tommorrow? (for being
his chaufeur)

Pizo: Well, I need to buy some fabriano paper,
so that I can print some more things to sell
at the art sale next week.

Sneena: These are pretty good. I'll give you
$20 for one. (strange how fast they change their
tune when they see the qual of my work, and of
course the STARVING ARTIST PRICES!!!!) How did
you do this?

Pizo (shows her the paper): These were out in
the hall.

Shneena: I saw those, and thought about getting
them. (now regretting not LOOKING at the fucking
paper, you IDIOT!!!! So, did Don Taylor jsust
completely waste his time TRYING to get you to
see stuff??? Don't you *ever* read art history,
don't you ever use the *super, fab* library on

Pizo: uh, yeah.

So, natch, as I allez tells my kids: If you are
going to survive if you are poor, you have to
be smart. I looked at the paper, and noticed
the very BACK-BONE (skelleton) like apperaence,
and of course the delicate folded length-wise
edges of the paper, that created V. nice negative
space, and. Oh, I should just scan in the print
and post it. So, anyway, I printed up 5 copies
(borrowing paper from Misum, will ofer to repay
in paper, or give him one of the prints). The
other one, looked "sort of torso" like -- again,
you have to LOOK, and then draw upon artistic
database stored after many, many hours of artisitc
contemplation, and so it turned out that the
first one printed v. nice but the 2nd one didn't
come out well enough. Most of the image depends
on the title, but then that's how it is. Just
looking, making decisions as to how to ink the
thing up, etc.

Now, of course, I don't purport that the piece
is my best original art, only that I (as the
artist) and using my *education* recog'd the
possiblities, and then used the *skills* that
I have to create the art work. So, it's basically
a function of having spent most of my life
thinking about art and such, doodling, and
such, and of course having spent the last 2
full years thinking, speaking, writing, and
even dreaming (night-dreams, not day-dreams)
about art. Well, of course day-dreaming as well.
But, as the rock-and-roll song sez: Wishin'
and hopin' and dreamin' won't get him into
your arms.

Or: Wishing won't make it happen, you must
beleve in yourself, you must sharpen your
skills, etc.

(should insert Robert Crumb inspirational
cartoon here)

Well, that's about all.

Oh, yes, started my entries on the PDE
(Public Domain Encyclopedia) for the (big
drum roll here, with a flourish of bag


Working on the renaissance (you can see
how many times I've had to type that word
in, since I can now spell "correctly" --
I still prefer my "renaesance" spelling,
but go figure, it's stuck in my head that
way now :(

So, it's going to be cross referenced, and
taking a page from one of the .uk. sites,
going to have a "artist trading card" with
vital stats, and stuff. Need to upload soon.

Anwway, aside from the money blues, the new
work (The Anatomy of Time) looks, v. good.
Should sell well, even in classic black). if
I could just get ahead some money, I could
get back to my important art; ie, the
"up from minimalism" and the exploration of
the various boundaries between the geometric
and the organic. This problem occupies almost
all of my waking life (and often some v. good
dreams as well).

And finally, as might well be told: Sold the
print (really just an AP of first welded-plate
print (see new entry under printmaking) along
with some scrap red napthol ink (v. gouged),
oh, she ooohed and ahhhed over it (Zeeta, first
she whites me on the price $32 (my standard
price at the student art sale), and then she
REALLY utz'es me on the payment. Sed she was
going to get me my money, then stops by the
gallery to chat with Dave, and off they go.
Turns out they're in DETROIT !!! Until the
1st!!!! (sheesh, lady, don't you know I'm a
starving student!!!!)

You know, sometimes, I get *so* depressed.

Also, can't decide what to wear at the Southern
Graphics confernece this spring (asuming I can
clump the money togeth to go). On the one hand,
I like the idea of just going as I am -- quite
a few people can't believe it's me when I dress
up; eg, when acting as an usher for the theatre,
etc. On the other hand, hate to make them think
I'm the greatest artist to come down the pike
since Nacknud Adams!!! Oh, well.

Zip was on the phone with Zek last night, so I
couldn't resist: "How are the kids? (fine)
Things are not as dark as they seem (pause)
Also, when dealing with all of this, remember cts
Consider the Source. Also, I'll be up there in
the spring. Southern graphics conference. (what?)
(speaking slowly, slightly slurred speech)
S-outhern Graphics Conference, ok bye.

Zek didn't want to let me talk, so I said it'll
only take 12 seconds. He *actually* looked at
his watch. Sheesh, I don't even know why she
talks to him. He is a manerism that is incapable
of *any* independent or rational thought. The
errie thing is to talk to him and then to my dad
(Zerg) in the same week about anything political
or such and they MOUTH the exact same phrases.
Of course, they are being programmed by the same
evil empire (Foxx news, CNN, O'reily report, etc).

btw: Heard a week or so ago, that Rupert Murdock
is planning to move his headquarters to New York
-- going for the "home field advantage".

Finished the first of a series of collages on
consummerism (probably psychic about the call
this morning) first one is "called" "We want you
to want" -- v. nice. very intense to work on
those, I spent about 3 or 4 solid hours on it.
And then about 4 solid hours on art history

Also, since Zeeta utzed my so bad, I took one of
her plates out -- thinking to cut it up and
make a new collograph out of it; but you know
me -- destruction of art and all of that. So,
I scanned it in, and printed it on a v. nice
piece of paper (extra glossy cannon) and then
tore it up and collagted it, and then printed
the "welding plate" palate #1 over it (which
wasn't exactly the one that she has -- it was
the artist's proof of "Above and below" (or
in the Pollock style "plants" and "clouds").

v. satisfying. Don liked it imensely and
recommended doing more. dave chipped in that
I didn't need to work so large. Hmmm, I'm
not sure if that was an esthetic comment,
or he's still having night-mares of me running
my plates thru the new press; ie, ruining my
plates through his press and ruining his precious,
must protect me precisiou.

comp center closing up,
later e-froodz.


Posted by art2/pizo at 7:15 PM PST
Updated: Monday, 22 November 2004 7:32 PM PST
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Monday, 8 November 2004
On the need to "destroy" the art world of complacency
Mood:  energetic
Topic: art

It seems like there is so much "business as
usual" in the arts. There are phrases like,
"Well, if you do that, you are not "respecting
the canvas"!" -- Sheesh, how can these people
be like that?

Here we are on the verge of a NEW war (and
don't think it won't happen now that DUB
has a MANDATE from the masses -- poor saps
that they are), more of the same as far as the
economy goes, not mention global warming, the
usual complete ignoring of world hunger and
strife -- but conveniently we continue to STILL
do business with their govt's with NO mention
(let along treaty conditions) about human rights,

And so, how are my fellow artists (for the
most part) responding? Why, it's fluffy bunnies
and light houses all the way!!!!


FROM: Meepzor the magnificent.

I formally withdraw my objection to deepfreezing
the earth and allowing the dolphins, gorillas,
and koalla bears to take over after the dreaded
mennace (humans) has been expunged).

(and not *all* of that is just the pain talking!)


Posted by art2/pizo at 4:22 PM PST
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Monday, 25 October 2004
UGAA -- the first casting!
Mood:  hungry
Topic: art
Visit this link for the UGAA saga....

UGAA -- Under Ground Artist's Association

Posted by art2/pizo at 6:17 PM PDT
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Monday, 18 October 2004
Enter the great Frog of Money!
Mood:  irritated
Topic: art
So, I'm in helping this frood (new art
student type in the print making class)
to print her stuff,
see; ie, her *first* print ever! And, I'm telling
how you would normally work as a team -- one person
handling the ink and the plate (ie, me, witt thuh
inky hands), and the other person would handle
the paper (ie, the print with da CLEAN handz).
And I said that this was a good idea if you were
printing an edition -- and esp if it was stuff
that you were printing to sell.

And Slogy Toastertits sez, "Oh, Richard. You
really are just a capitalist."

Shurmph, snoggle (but, berflermishly so).

So, I launch (some-what irritated since Sloggy
as NOT involved in the convesation, and I had
just spent a good 15 minutes of my life helping
her dry out the blanets -- which she and her
evil twin-step-mother (Sloggy Showzernipples)
had managed to get pretty much slopping wet.
SHeesh, do they EVER get it????? Soak for about
5 minutes, and then BLOT before printing!!!!

So, I luanch into my usual diatribe (at which
I am getting quite a bit eloquent at saying --
and I speeaks well too ;) --

The three motivations for art are:

1) We enjoy it. Like every child in every dimension
of space and time, that we pick up a crayon or
a rock to draw or make something. We do it because
it's fun, and we enjoy the FUN of art!

2) That we live in a greedy-self-serving,
materialistically driven society (what-ever
that is, I think it has to do with the LAND
that we happend to be occupying with our
feets on the ground or something, and how that
when in THAT position (x,y,z,t) on the planet
earth), that you have to do something called
"EARN A LIVING" -- which includes pay the bills,
pay for food, pay to flirmkig use the toilet (well,
so I have heard of sech a primitive thing in
the less civilised places on Terra Veriana-Cyrilia
(a cerain blue-green orb).

3) That we (as artists of all types; ie, visual
types, poets/oragors, dancers, singers, accordian
players, dramticalistic types, historians, etc)
we are part of the ON-GOING dialog of whas IS
art? That we are connected beyond such mundane
things as "our century", "our planet", "our
world", universes, conceptionalisations,
philosophical and metaphysical ways of BEING.

I mean, we are part of the COMMUNITY OF ARTISTS

(from the back of the room) A-MEN, BROTHER RICHARD!

...anwhile, some 100,000 light years away)...

Be we historians, re-counting how in the previous
the seedling of Zosh the Evil did urspurp the
rightfl root of Grempshak the Boring, and that
This seed Zosh was such a hairless tap root
that he didn't even have the courage to send
forth a manganese ion of thanks to the great
Goddess Hydr'ratta!!! And woe to those who think
that some where 1,000,000 light years away one
of our off-shoot seedlings carried by the cosmic
winds of our twin stars Aelm and Bela does not

That all that stretchish forth its roots in
happiness and joy, and all that yearn its
florners towards the shinging orbs of Aelm
Bela that does NOT do so by the use of the
tangle root to sap the manganese from another
that withdrawith and in appoligisations offers
up a manganese ion in supplication. THAT
all that seek the way of understanding why
the twin orbs dip low and the sap sloweth,
and the floum turns suggery to keep away the
kacl-snapping of the tendrals, but keeping
faith in the rising of the great red eye of
Snemdreth who watches over all during the
long, kacl sleep. And that when the first
rising of the yellow harbinger of slight
warmth, Orinno by Name, will stir all that
sleep that the twins Aelm and Bela return
in grand and glorious form to again awaken
our wondroush yellow-green world.

nature that we can not understand. That
beings might even be made from rock might
as well seekto understand and grow. And
abide in peace and co-operation with
always the proper forms of etiquete observed.

THAT ON that PLANET, we are known to them as
fellow seekers. And that they who clot the
flowum and horde the Manganese ions that in
turn are their own poisoning by their over

THAT ON that PLANET. These gentle, yet
alien seekers, know the flick of the tendril,
and the quiver of the root hair. And they are
our mrethren.

(It was at this point, that the learned
rock sculptor, T'rrrilak the Elder, did
unfortunately trip over "his" 2nd-left-most
tendral and fall face-first into a quite
recently deposited mound of fly dung,
thus bringing to a strange close, so
elloquent a plea for inter-national
co-operations, understandings, and tollerances).

... Meanwhile back at the blog ...

I mean, sheesh. We do have to eat don't we?
And here I am eating Raman noodles with half
a can of diced tomatoes and Sloggy Showzernipples
goes on how she ate at the Athenaeum (or some
such thing). Like, gee wiz lady! Like you couldn't
at least RUB it in! I mean...

(unfortunately, (or fortunately in terms of
synchronicity) at this point, the ranting
artist/poet (Pizo) fell off his soap-box
and fell face first into a v. recently
deposiited load of horse hockey).

It is interesting to note that both in the
case of the incident on Trilingus-5 (some
100,000 light years from Sol-3), both the
way that the fly-dung and horse-hockey came
to be present was the result of a particularly
singular occurence at the quantum mechanical
level due to the sudden appearance of blue
whale who had hardly begun to come to grips
with its existence as it rushed towards the
surface of the legendary (but quite extant)
planet of Magrathea. When out of know-when
a green-space peace ship (the M.S.S. Rachel
Carson) appeared, and rescued the blue whale
and returned her safely to an alternative
time/reality/space stream. (Actually it
was an ocean; not a stream)).

And as it turns out this, made for a spectacular
dream for a certain sleeping youth who was
waking up in a farm field in Austria, with
a WHOPPING bad hang-over.

In a related story,


(two-ten, net thirty. Please pay as you exit,
thank you for your custom)


Posted by art2/pizo at 4:29 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 18 October 2004 4:48 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 13 October 2004
More dreams/nightmares
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: art

First Main Dream

The Ceiling of the White Room

The first one was rather disturbing (not unlike the
KKK-gymasium one). Not v. intense, yet forbode-ing
The room is smallish, about 8' x 9' (almost square,
but def a rectangle). There are no figures or people
in the room, but they are "there". There is some
problem about cleaning the ceiling, which is rather
high. Possibly 10' or so.

The thing is that there are cob webs up in the
corners and along the edges of the ceiling and the
LONGer wall. There is *nothing* fore-boding about
it. They are just cob-webs, and they (I??) need to
clean it. I'm thinking (there is *no* action in the
dream, just thought/idea) that "one" could just use
a vacuum cleaner with the hose and the long tubes
to clean them up. (It is almost as if I am
explaining how to do this in the dream; the cobwebs
are *never* cleaned down).

Someone, says that we can't do that. There is dirt
on the top of the ceiling (I can't see any, maybe
dust-specs, or just the small shadows cast by the
textured ceiling -- again, there is NOTHING ominious
at all. All v. diagramatic/expositorial, etc.

So, some webbing is put up all around the room above
head-level to catch the "dust". The webbing is
carefully attached to the walls about 1' down from
the top. The cleaning is never actually perfomred,
and it seems like the netting isn't actually put
up. In the background (of my mind, in the dream)
is the idea that the CIA is involved or something
like that.

Post Analysis & Speculation

I can never identify with whom I'm having the
conversation (it may be one or more other people).
The dust (now that I am writng this, might be the
people jumping out of the twin towers -- much on
my mind lately, pretty much finished the second
and third slashing of my 9/11 "crow" piece ala
Eva Fogel. I need to try to contact her and bring
her up to date as to what's happening; mainly
see that she's ok. Prob the same as Joe Barnhardt.

Strange things.

Second Main Dream

The K.K.K. Truck

This one invovles me driving a rented, broken-down
old truck (not quite sure if it's a pick-up or a
flat-bed). The "other person" (whom I'm helping
by doing this can be any of the usual clots; Zirg,
Zek, Zhim).

Anyway, I'm driving up into like a parking space,
it seems "darkly lit", but is out-side, and it
isn't night. And then some Mexicans come up and
start jeering me. And sort of yelling. One is quite
angry at me. And then points, and I notice on the
back of the truck (back where the read window over
the bed of the truck is). In large, black, painted
letters (sort of sloppily done)> K.K.K. (I'm not
sure if the dot's are there).

So, then one of the Mexicans is yelling at me.
Somehting like, "how can you have that on your
truck". (He has a thick accent). I respond in a
similar accent. "Hey, man. I just rented this truck
to help a friend out. I dinn't notice it. Do you
think I would drive a truck like this?" And then
I begin to back the truck out, but have to cranch
it back and forth to get it pointed back out onto
the street. The deram ends there (no incidents,
again no real negatative feel to the dream).

Post Analysis & Speculation

Part of this seems to be that I look white, and of
course all that that entails. Other than my dress
(uniform of the artists!), and my hat, mannerisms,

Post Analysis & Speculation

I am to all extents and appearences as white
as shite [sic: SHITE] can be.

Next Main Dream

The Mamasita in the Food Factory

The room is a factory. All of the walls are white or
very clean metal. It's a place where TV dinners (very
expensive ones) are made. There is a Mexican lady
there and she is working, making the TV dinners.
Sort of like pre-packaging them, not really cooking.
She is working very hard.

Then, she is over at a wooden counterand sitting
on on a hard bench. On the counter is her food.
It's a boiled egg, and a few other things.

As part of the dream this is made clear: She can
not afford to eat the food that she is preparing.
And has to bring simple, cheap food from home.

Post Analysis & Speculation

This dream is almost a send of the prev dream; ie,
just in case I don't get it.

Prob also an "echo" of my own situation, natch.

The rest of the dreams are the usual mix of sexual,
sensual, music, and the regular artistic ilk.

Nothing new here,
move along,
move along.


Posted by art2/pizo at 12:53 PM PDT
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