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The Adventures of Pizo Eccentric
Monday, 6 June 2005
Happy Deck o' cardzzzZzzzz.......
Mood:  smelly
Topic: Life goes on...
So, anyway, got the tire changed. A new tire (that
was my Dad's birthday present to me; i stopped by
the liquor store Sunday to buy some beer, and the
guy there was asking "So, he's going to buy you
4 new tires? No, sez i just one. Hey may sez this
Indian frood, look you really need at least 2
new tires. So, i sez, yeh. (i often sey yey), but
i'm lucky to be getting a tire out of him at all.

Shows, how far i've accepted the absurdity of my
situation -- i don't even see the absurdity any
more. Of course, the irony was that after my
sister (THE DOCTOR) got the van (and natch didn't
drive her old car up to Ft. Worth), was that my
dad put new (count 'em FOUR) new tires on the
van -- even though he/they knew that they'd be
getting an SUV soon. Go figure.

=========== ALSO IN THE NEWS ================

Posted by art2/pizo at 4:19 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 1 June 2005
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: h2g2 -- 42 -- DNA, etc
(sound of person cracking their knuckles)

On this page:

The "Ice Age is Coming" Problem
The Kyoto Treaty
Bonus Track: On Genetic Diversity, the Gene Pool, and Ducks.

1. The "Ice Age is Coming" Problem.

Yes, yes, yes, i've heard a million time (ok, i'm
exagerating, i've only heard it 27,342 times). According
to geological and climatological evidence (that's scientif
evi, not some sort of new-age [2], religio-feeli, kinda stuff,
i mean they got core samples from the Candien North American
Shield, Tasmania, etc -- two of the OLDEST out-croppings of
rock in the world.

So, according (as i understand it, and it's really *not* my
area of expertise; but, i *do* read you know) to the theory
we should be entering a new ice age in the next 5 - 10 THOUSAND
years. But, then that's what i refer to as the MACRO CYCLE
....\ temperature falling over the next "n" thousand years
........\....(please ignore all of the DOTs, it's the only way
.........\....that i could get the graphic to come out.
------------------------- Time

That "()" thing represents the MICRO CYCLE. that is what we
humans (see map) have managed to do in the last 200 years
-- you know the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION [5]. Thus, we have been
on a downward trend, but we are starting to have an effect
on the short-term energy balance of the earth, thus we have
a situation that looks like this:

....\ temperature falling over the next "n" thousand years
.....()\.........../...Possible disruption of the climate
........U\____/....Next stop is VENUS! (ie, we DON'T change our behaviour)
..............\...If we're lucky, we'll come to our senses and decrease
...............\..our green-house gas usage, and simply delay the ice age

Yes, geologically the ice age is come-ing, it's just that we
are delaying it (by a few years, we would hope). But, then
you have to remember that the climate (and indeed the entire
earth) is a complex system, and hence subject to the lawas of
chaos. [Long possible article here on "phase based systems",
non-linearity, etc. For the short-term, go back and watch
"Jurassic Park" and LISTEN to the words the Dr. Ian Malcomb
(Jeff Goldblum) sez].

As, such, we may affect the earth enough to disturb it from
the stable pattern into a radically changing pattern. (Technically
speaking this would be a problem in Catastrophe Theory [11],
but we'll just say "things could get nasty"). Think about
it like this: All of the earth's systems (biological,
climatological, atmospheric, etc) are the results of
millions of years of finding a happy medium, that is
reaching a dynamic and stable EQUILIBRIUM. And here we come
in the last 50 to 100 years of really just spewing out
technological changes without any thought as to the
consequences of it. For example,

The Dust Bowl Problem. These farmers keep churning up the
fields, so that they can plant a new crop, but this tends
to dry up the top layer of the soil creating what we
arm-chair scientists call DUST. And if this continues
long enough the soil can never get packed down, and then
the wind comes along and blows the top soil away. (And
it's the top soil that has all of those juicy nutrients
that our plant friends find so delish!).

Australlia, the Rabbit Problem, and Cane Toads. (Well
documented, use google, i'm tired; sorry :(

De-nude-ing of the forests of Palestine. Yep, that area
used to be this really lush area. But then (exact year?)
in the Ottoman Empire (pretty much where upper Turkey is
today) they come down and cut all of the trees up and make
building, ships, and stuff. Thus, everything from Armenia
to Israel, Palestine, and the lot are strip-ed of their
grown cover. Trees act like AIR CONDITIONERS, the sun
shines down on them, the trees pump water up from the
soil, and thus keep the GROUND itself cooler. Once the
trees are gone, you've got the *real* possibilities of
desert. These things can be reversed, but who will pay
the Altairian Dollars?

Then, when we add all of the toxins that we're just
pouring into the air (we need to AT LEAST go to
hybrid cars, ideally some sort of energy from space,
such as the micro-wave energy satellites -- later
essay, possibly).

This leads us to....


Briefly. Reactionaries (and other idiots, see [2]) say things
like "yes, but the kyoto treaty doesn't even list China and
India -- and they are the largest polluters in the world".

THAT is one of the worst "prevarications" in existence. It's
not actually a LIE, it's a (i think deliberate) distortion of
the treaty and it's intent.

The countries that ARE listed are listed in two annex's [yes,
i have actually read the treaty, although i skimmed thru some
of the middle bits] are the TOP COUNTRIES (ie, as opposed
to the so-called third-world countries). The list includes
the US, Canada, most of Western Europe, Australlia, Japan,
and a few other INDUSTRIALISED NATIONS. The point of the
annex is to list those countries that already have a lot
of use of greenhouse gasses and that THEY are obligated to
help the UN-LISTED COUNTRIES (eg, all of south america,
most of africa, and of course CHINA & INDIA -- sheesh,
half the time i think that these idiots are simply
bigots and trying to hide behind deliberate mis-interpreation
and prevarication of the facts, but then i'm not much
for conspiracies -- but, rather usually bet on STUPIDITY
which usually pays good odds).

Thus, the countries that ARE listed are expected to help the
countries that aren't listed.

Thus, my following conclusions:

The Kyoto Treat is good. It's not just good, it GolgaFrenchin'
GOOD. We should support it. Why don't we? Because the U.S.
is run by business (always pretty much has been). As such,
I don't hold out much hope (there's that word again) and
most people are STUPID (ie, idiots). And not until the average
daily high temperature in the winter reaches 40-celcius
(approx 105 F) will they wake up and smell the pavement
burning. And of course, they'll say "Well, someone should
have told us.

Well for the record: I'm Telling you. This is it. This IS
your last warning (prepares to hide under towel).

****************** BONUS TRACK ****************************

The example is from Hawaii [3]. There is a species of birds
(I'm not sure if they are ducks, i think that the are some
sort of crane or such). The popultion is about 300 (i'm
pretty sure it's less than 1_000). The scientist (saw a
show on this) sed that since there aren't enough of them
left, that even though the population has been stablised
-- ie, they're no longer being hunted and killed, their
little life area they live in (on the planet Earth -- see map)
is stable, etc. That there simply aren't enough of them
to survive. They will be interbreeding (even with the
best control), and as with all such things, they will
simply get weaker and weaker; ie, the opposite of
the "survival of the fittest". And begin die-ing out.
GONE. As George Burns (playing the part of God) in
"Oh, God" sez, "You think only God can make a tree?
Try making a mackerel. I'm tired of you treating
rivers like toilets!".

Well, then that's it for this time. Hope this has been
informative, innovative, and at least somewhat eruditious
(if not a bit seditious -- lobotomies for republicans,
not just a good idea, it's the law. Oh, wait in order
to have a lobotomy, you have to have a brain in the
first place (slightly crude joke). But, then you
DO have to wonder why or how they just don't get it,
now don't you?

(where-upon the learned philosopher stepped off of
his soap box and was JUST ABOUT to fall face first
into a quite recently deposited load of horse hockey
when Iain sed, "Oi! Drongo! Watch your step! --
where-upon they went off to the pub to discuss
quantum mechanics, or at least ducks, art films,
and of course towels)


Night all,

Richard The Ducker

(and of course wibble)


[1] Not that i'm implying that someone or not is or is not
a dummy, it's just a "thing". Hmm, I wonder if there's a book
called "Dummies for Dummies"? Actually the "Art for Dummies"
is *quite* good, written by the curator of one of the NY
museums (James something) -- odd name, something. Bug, alas,
i digress. Well at least it's in a note.

[2] Actually to be completely fair, the "new age" people aren't
the problem (i'm some-what a hybrid new-ager myself).
For the most part they vibe to the sacredness of
Mother Earth and all her wondrous children (yes, even those
icky Red Algae [7]). So, as such, they (the new agers) are
NOT the problem in trying to get the whole global warming
problem fixed. For that (THE problem we have to go to the
usual suspects:

a) Idiots. These are people who believe what-ever they see
on CNN (Conspiracy News Network). They *really* do think
that if you go swimming right after eating, that you will
get a cramp and drown, and of course don't believe in
evolution -- despite the fact that their own reactionary
thinking (dare it call it that?) is actually proof of

b) Business idiots. These are people who don't really give
a rat's ass [6] (as the phrase goes) about anything or
anyone -- EXCEPT for MONEY, STOCKS, and stuff. Pretty
disgustikating un-humans, if you ask me.

c) Idiots who are just ignernt. But, there's always hope
that they might actually start learning stuff, and they
can change. After all, there's *always* hope. (i hope).

[3] See map. [4]

[4] Fred Babb (one of Dallas' finest artist/cartoonists)
makes a series of ART T-shirts (i made a dyptic [9] based
on two of his works: "Art is what kids do to survive in
an Authoritarian world", "Life is the Physician, Art is the
prescription" (not real sure about that last quote). Anyway
he has one with an american flag and the following text.

Dear Mr. President,
We artists are tired of being ignored. We want our
own state. We want Hawaii. Also, when military
personal see us, they have to salute us.

[5] A classic example of Darwin's concept of "natural
selection" is given by these two kinds of moths (again
i'm no expert on animals). So, one is black and one is
white. And as the industrial revolution smoke-ily makes
its way through the 19th century, the trees become
black with soot and the black moths are more easily
hidden from birds (what with their blending in colour-wise
and all). So, their population increases, while the white
moths are easily spotted by birds (I think it was some
kind of King Ficher, by the name of Esme or else not)
and they make a wonderful snack. As the anti-polution
laws become more inforced (don't get me starte on all
of the back-slide-ing we've been doing here in the U.S. [10].
Then the trees are getting less soot on them and the
birds are picking off the darker moths more easily.
Of course, in order to completely eliminate the black
moths, they would have had to eat pretty much allof them.

[6] I don't know anything about rats, since they are animals
(actually RODENTIA -- which means that they have to keep
gnawing at things or else their teeth would keep growing
longer and supposedly cut back into themself and kill
them -- sounds fanciful. I'd say it's an urban legend, but
then (like i sed) i don't know), and my fav things are
plants (well, excepting of course pengies, ducks, and of
course geckos and lizards in general. And lady bugs too.

[7] Red Algae are of course members of the "Plant Kingdom".
But, based on our new genetic info stuff (DNA and all of
that; tips towel to the other DNA that we all know and love).
Anyway, Red Algae are really cool, they are sort like a
colony (not to be confused with Volvox [8]) and they are
called PROTISTA (simple plant life forms, but a couple of
steps above is it an animal or is it a plant), and they
are RHODOPHYTA (the "phyta" indicates that they use various
types of chlorophyl (there's A, B, C and then a whole bunch
of other thingies chemically bio-chemic). Alas, i loves
dem little red algaes so much. (Natch my fav is volvox,
which is CHLOROPHYTA -- green chlorphyll). (see note 8, which
i think is next)

[8] Volvox is this really neat colony of plant cell individuals
that work together to make a sphere and they roll about --
usually found in ponds, and such (see also DUCKS, ANTIDIAE,
and JUPITER SPACE, 2001, and of course WIBBLES). More on
them later.

[9] Dyptic (diptyc) means two-things. Originally it was two
side-by-side decorated doors or windows, but now it means
two art thingies placed side by side (or one above the
other) but to be "seen" as a single art work. Similarly,
Tryptic (Triptyc) -- i entertain ALL speelings -- means 3-thingie.

[10] Actually, i heard that Oregan (it's one of the BLUE
states up there in the North West of the US (see map)) is
planning to start enforcing the Kyoto Treaty and stuff
like it at the STATE LEVEL. But, don't worry i'm sure
that one of Bush's fine appointments will rush out there
and stop this absurd attempt to "THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL"
-- we will NOT have any of that thinkging stuff going
around on THIS planet (see map).

[11] Oddly enough, catastrophe theory (i forget the French
Maths chap that discovered it and worked on it. Somehting
like DeDeuve or Phil something, too tired to google). Anyway,
despite it's name the theory is a mathematical way of
dealing with systems that re-act radically over a short
period of time (chaos is more a long-term kind of thing).
Catastrophe theory has been applied to a *lot* of problems. The
best example, is the "getting out of bed" problem. If
"getting out of bed was a CONTINUOUS (smoothly operating,
with not jittery actions), we would slowly get out of
bed, as if we were being tilted out on a see-saw. In
reality, you are in bed, and then at some point (without
really much conscious thought) you are OUT OF BED. Thus,
you "change states" (from IN BED to OUT OF BED) in a
chaotic manner. In the same way, weather patterns tend to
be catastrophic that is "quick-changing", often a single event
will trigger the start of rain, or a hurricane. (It's all
pretty much jumbled up together: Chaos & Catastrophe.

This article is dedicated (in loving memory) Douglas Noel Adams
whom i first encountered so many years ago on the local PBS
(Public Broadcasting Station), KERA. (KERA was THE pbs
station that brought Monty Python to America -- tips towel
towards the south-south-west (Harry Hiness Blvd) where
the KERA station is).

Political cartoon (showing two kids, and an elephant dressed
up as Barney. On the Elephant's chest written: "Republicans to
Take control of PBS").

one kid to the other: I don't know, there's something different
about Barney.

Barney (singing) I love you, you love me. Let's all join the GOP.

(GOP "Grand Old Party" jargon for the Republican Party -- see map)

"If you spent half as much time on thinking, as you do on
your hair, your brain would be a thousand times better off
for it." Malcom X (not an exact quote)

When any idea is banned, then no one is safe.

Posted by art2/pizo at 9:41 AM PDT
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Wednesday, 11 May 2005
Onward EDU !
Mood:  energetic
Topic: edu
And here we go again!

Getting people to send in recomendations for grad
school (having waited until the last moment to
apply, the only program still open for the fall
is the MA in Arts & Technology at UTD -- which is
actually pretty good since it's mainly a video and
"new media" program -- which (let's face it) i'm
pretty weak in.

ok,ok so i make these little films -- sort of
nuvo neo new-wave (wave good bye Gracie) films.


So, it begins....


Thinking back on all of the courses that i took,
i really do wonder at times: what does it all mean?

So, i took all of these courses:

art 30 or more hours
botany 3 hours (really enjoy-ed this, and have
taken up studying it again -- all because of
the h2g2 "life cycle in 3 seconds, 2, 1, zap".

chemistry an entire bscs -- un-claimable because
(like the good fool that i am), i insisted on
getting and in-complete in 1st semester organic
lab (despite the fact that the prof was going to
give us all A's because of the dept's shoddy
labs -- which were then promptly re-furblshed)
and of course the FINAL course in Russian
-- oddly enough, you had to have 2 full years
of a foreign language for any of the science
degrees, but....

Computer science (BSCS, UNT, Denton, August 1980)
since you took all of those computer "lanugags"
you only needed 1 year of a language -- bingo
instant degree!

The odd thing was of course, since this was the
nice new COMPUTER SCIENCE degree (and not that
business/applications DATA PROCESSING degree),
i couldn't count fortran, cobol, or algol --
since those were the "old languages". Odly
enough, i *could* count Basic (on-line, and
not all of that mucking about on the punched-card
ibm main frame). So, i ended up having to take
all of these graduate level classes to replace
the really easy classes -- they just ddint'
offer that many classes period. Thus, i got a
D in both PL/I (IBM's :"one size fits all"
solution: the perfect frankenstein's monster;
half cobol, half fortran, and half algol --
too bad someone didn't tell IBM that that makes
1-1/2 cause PL/I shure didn't work -- hence the
prob with getting my final project to work.

System's Analysis. I aced this by a clever means.
I wrote my "assembler" in BASIC!!! it was sooo
easy to convert ALGOL algorithms to basic (since
the text often had them listed in fortran in
the appendix and fortran and basic are kissin'
cousins when it comes to syntax). Also, i could
sit there and debug instaneously, those poor
hearty other people were making the valliant
effort to write their assembler in PL/I (one
chap (sadly an ex-biz major, now trying to get
a bscs) was trying to write his in COBOL (but
as i recall, he got a lot further than anyone
did with their PL/I stuff -- except for Mikey.
(Clever fiend, he was prob the smartest person
in the program -- a lot of hacker types, and
like i said the odd transfer in from biz and
odly enough from the linguistics and philo
programs -- many old froodz over there :)

And the rest:

foreign languages (almost all were in-complete,
my noodle does swell with gramar, and often can
actually get a word right (good with READING),
but WRITING and SPEAKING (disaster squared and
then some). Latin, (studied ancient greek on
my own) Russian (far too many hours to give up
now -- despite the man-hating (richard-hating?)
ultra-feminist (actually my accent was v. good
-- according to a friend of the family, and
emigree from Soviet Union, and i got to where
i knew enough vocab to actually be able to
read pretty steadily and even think a bit in
the old po-russkie yazikom). And then french,
german, and the odd bit of italian (you could
"switch channels" which i would when i got
bored with russian -- alas, if only i had
pursued that career ???; ???)

philosophy -- i must be the only person on
the planet to complete the entire study program
in philosophy without actually taking a single
course (i ended up by taking Philosophy 101
BY EXAM (needed 3 hours non-science/humanities)
Actually Dr. O was v. ipressed (after all you're
talking a full survey of all philo in ONE single
test !!!) i aced the essays on camus & natch came
in dead-even on MY interpretation of the DIFF
between socrates & plato (where was Derrida when
you needed him back then???) -- big argument
w/ Dr. O (but he was so imprssed that i got
almost an A on the non-essay portion that he
passed me anyway -- and i graduated (barely,
3.05 (needed a 3.0 in CS) 2.55 (needed a 2.5
over all GPA).

But, what do you expect from some one who had
become a fixture on the university and (after
some 9 years) was pretty much happy as a
professional student?

Ah those were the days.


Once more into the breach

************ BONUS TRACKS ************

As a special treat for our fans, we are offering
the "mind of pizo eccentric".

The single most FAQ'd question is: How does he
do it? That is, all of this word play, the
word references, or in short:


(i mean i've met the him face to face, and
he's a twisted git, i'll give you that (all
you have to do is say tha word DUCK and he's
practically ovulating all over the place), and
he's talented (in that sort of innocent boyish
charm way, in just the way the Michael Jackson


The secret to The Richard T (aka Drongo the
Magnificent, Pizo Eccentric, Joe Talltree)'s
remarkable mind is:

1) He was dropped on the head often as a child
(thus, mirjickulating all of those nerual path
ways) -- this is what gives him the ability to
take 2 + 2 and come up with "Milard Philmore's
pancake flipper" (on a thursday).

2) He is/was/will-always-be a v. avid fan of
comics (hence his comic strip "The Adventures
of Pizo eccentric") the impact of YEARS of
reading (wasting his blinking time) pretty
much EVERY episode of Peanuts (snoopy as
ww i fighter ace!), Alie Oop (cave man +
time travel -- can their ever be such a
combination again?), Al Capp's "Little Abner"
(another swig of kickie-poo joy juice if yuh
pleeze), Dick Tracey (diet smith, sparkle plenty,
and of course 'sam' (and the bad guys)...),
Krazy Kat (oh, the little dahlink does love me),
Zippy (sublime beauty is nothing
compared to the smile of Tuesday Weld), (oh and
i could go on

D) (home alone ref -- love that) He failed English
102 3 or 4 times, had to spend most of his
summers taking remeidal eng in h/s studying
countless books on grammer, vocab and etc. --
all due to an un-diagnosed "speech deficit".
The SD only came to light (became apparent,
was revealed, shoved into illumination, burst
into the public conscienceness via the flourescne
of 42,000 fire flies, etc) when his daughter
was diagnosed with the SD prob -- and (like
father like Tochter), must have been what wuz
wrong with me -- v. good for the old "different
way of looking at things" and "can literrally
UN-BIND the logic process and (very zip-like)
connect a piece of worm-wood (stressed for
anitque appearance) in a picture frame, with
Roger Rabbit's girl friend "I'm not bad, i'm
just drawn that way -- actually i thought she
was drawn rather well.... (err, ahh, have to
remembe that this IS a family channel)

anyway, night all.

and now for those of you who are hard of hearing,
we will repeat the top story of the day with
the assistance of Garret Morris, director of
the New York lighthouse for the blind


(and now guenica can return to spain; good night
pablo where-ever you are)


Posted by art2/pizo at 6:19 PM PDT
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Monday, 25 April 2005
Desparately Seeking Susan -- time streams
Mood:  energetic
One thing that I find fascinating is the concept of physical history (ie, time travel).
What is nice is to see the past, and realise that this indeed, inevitably (mostly)
leads to the future. So, that

IN THE PAST we see:

This story starts with a pastry chef. Now, when the revolution came to Russia, the
Tsar (also known as that heartless basterd THE CZAR!), decides to leave (being
what with much of the executions and such), so of course he gathers together
the essentials for travel. And of course, one thing that one *must* have is one's
pastry chef. (After all, life in exile just isn't bareable a'tall without pastry ;) so,
along comes da sheff. Turns out, he's the grandfather of one "Peter Ustinov"
-- of whom i have spoken much of the in past. Err, the future.

Regardless, so there is all of a sudden (around about that time, a sudden interest
in things royal) and hence the book "The Fall of Eagles" (Sulzberger, C.L. as the
author). a and hence: We then go to Keith Dewhurst
(adapts for the screen, the mini-series), and there-in listed in the part of "Tatiana"
is the name: Henrietta Baynes. Now, i have it on VERY good authority (from a
"certain" duck), that this is in fact: Hetty Baynes. Who stars in the so-called
"soft porn" (possibly begun by Candida Royale who went on to write and direct
"Revalations") movie: TALES OF EROTICA, and in the series of vignettes, we
see Hetty (remember her?) in the role of Mrs. Kirsch (in the segment
"The Insatiable Mrs. Kirsch")

(not to be confused with my own character KIRCHNER (professor of orchestration,
at a fictious music school, in the "film novel" HARD FALL).

So, as it turns out, the segment (of the "Tales of Erotica") called "The Dutch Master"
is directed by: (big drum roll, please)
Susan Seidelman
Who in (1985) directs "Desparately Seeking Susan".

which (oddly enough) by an astoudning series of co-incidences: is the "case study" in a book on FILM ART, which is purchased from the "dollar bin" at Half Price books in 2002, by an in-itinerate software systems tester who has a passion for the arts. In a brave move, he carefully tears off the front cover, since by this means the book can't be bought by the half-price book store, and so he might as well keep it. And then, some 3 years later (after being tossed out of the corporate world "like a bag of moldy tangerines" (UHF: shows up at Brookhaven College, whereupon, he signs up for a thoroughly FAB (short for fabulous, doan tchuh know, Dahlink?) film appreciation/history course, and thus ends with the concept that:

Yes, Virginia, you might have to start out making sleezy teenie bopper movies, or just being a "grip" in a film, but eventually, if you keep trying, and with a little bit of luck (and a whole lot of help from friends), the future can be created in a beautiful vision of thought, and, ... well, as Ashley Montegue put it: "We must live life, as if life and love were one". (and for an anthropologist, me-thinks that is a right rather nice artsy way to look at the world)

(Where-upon, the full-time philosopher, and part-time table dancer, got down off of his soap box, and fell face-first into a recently deposited load of horse hockey) -- night all.

This later (or earlier) leads Collin Dewhurst
Of which later we see:
(you see how horribly time travel becomes twisted?)

B/G & research info goes here...

Silk wood: Writing creds:

Directed by
Mike Nichols

Writing credits
Alice Arlen
Nora Ephron


Posted by art2/pizo at 8:33 AM PDT
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Thursday, 21 April 2005
The war, profits, and business as usual...
Mood:  down
It is as if i feel that i might start crying and
not stop; that i would simply cry until i died.

This is how i view the profit-taking of this war.

That as long as *our* investments aren't affected,
or that the cost of gas doesn't go *too* high --
or at least ways, that our private Sam's Clubs
continue to "somehow" get us a good price on
a gallon of gas for our suv's ....

It is continually numbing to me how so many people
can ignore the consequences of their actions as
regards the war. Everyone is *still* so gung-ho:

The greatest biotoxin in the world today
is patriotism, flag waving, and revenge -- all
carefully disguised as JUSTICE.

And now all of the companies that have for *so long*
been involved in the rape of the the natural
resources of various countries around the world
-- and the witting support of governments to
help them do that. Overlooking human rights
violations, ecological attrocities, etc -- all
so that the *flow* of petroleum and natural
resources can continue un-abated.

And now the New Appologists who say, "Oh, but
this 'us vs. them' has never worked. It has only
hurt us. And what are they?" To which we reply:
They are more powerful, they pervert the truth
to support their own biased view of the world.
And the reply comes back: "Yes, and they say the
same thing about us."

Thus, we should all just "forgive and forget". In
the mean-time the world becomes worse off -- there
are more and more tortures, more and more obliterations of eco-systems -- things that are
NOT linear; that can NOT be reversed. If anyone
who dismisses torture as "well it's always been
there" -- if they understood the concept of
*time* and how it is the most effective weapon
of torture, if they could be (can be?) made to
see the effect of that.

Truely, i feel (at times; like now -- obviously
after *this* conversation (far from being some
theoretical or intellectual construct of my
own imagination) -- being attacked for trying to
change the world (or at least trying to bring the
most brutish aspects of the most horrific actions
by people that *control* the economy, that
*make* the policies, that ....

And when I (captial i, the "i" of the artist of
the times) say that we will remember them to history.
that We will *not* let what they did here be
forgotten, then we are attacked. We are attacked.

May Daumier & Goya & Picasso never have the light
of what they forced into our faces be forgotten.
For we the (for the moment) *living* artists, DO
remember. We are Robert Crumb, we are those that
take the ugliness of predjudice, greed, and hate
and shove into YOUR face. We are the Guerrilla
Girls, we are the artists that will not go quietly
into that night and say nothing of the crimes we
have (and are) witnessing.

All you can do is kill us. You can torture us.
But. You can never silence Goya, Daumier, or ME.

A hundred thousdand years from now, they will
remember the battle, and the attrocities, but the
names of the past will be replaced with the new
oppressors, the new entrepreneurs, the new
bourgeois. Of that alone i can promise you; for
i am not even here -- i am legion, and art is
my vengence, memory is my blood, and horror is
my palet: CHANGE; or suffer the consequences of
the history of your actions.

(that history has already been written, we merely
update the strokes and lines of the outer-most

-2005/04/21 (the day *before* Earth Day 2005)

Posted by art2/pizo at 10:29 AM PDT
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The war, profits, and business as usual...
Mood:  down
It is as if i feel that i might start crying and
not stop; that i would simply cry until i died.

This is how i view the profit-taking of this war.

That as long as *our* investments aren't affected,
or that the cost of gas doesn't go *too* high --
or at least ways, that our private Sam's Clubs
continue to "somehow" get us a good price on
a gallon of gas for our suv's ....

It is continually numbing to me how so many people
can ignore the consequences of their actions as
regards the war. Everyone is *still* so gung-ho:

The greatest biotoxin in the world today
is patriotism, flag waving, and revenge -- all
carefully disguised as JUSTICE.

And now all of the companies that have for *so long*
been involved in the rape of the the natural
resources of various countries around the world
-- and the witting support of governments to
help them do that. Overlooking human rights
violations, ecological attrocities, etc -- all
so that the *flow* of petroleum and natural
resources can continue un-abated.

And now the New Appologists who say, "Oh, but
this 'us vs. them' has never worked. It has only
hurt us. And what are they?" To which we reply:
They are more powerful, they pervert the truth
to support their own biased view of the world.
And the reply comes back: "Yes, and they say the
same thing about us."

Thus, we should all just "forgive and forget". In
the mean-time the world becomes worse off -- there
are more and more tortures, more and more obliterations of eco-systems -- things that are
NOT linear; that can NOT be reversed. If anyone
who dismisses torture as "well it's always been
there" -- if they understood the concept of
*time* and how it is the most effective weapon
of torture, if they could be (can be?) made to
see the effect of that.

Truely, i feel (at times; like now -- obviously
after *this* conversation (far from being some
theoretical or intellectual construct of my
own imagination) -- being attacked for trying to
change the world (or at least trying to bring the
most brutish aspects of the most horrific actions
by people that *control* the economy, that
*make* the policies, that ....

And when I (captial i, the "i" of the artist of
the times) say that we will remember them to history.
that We will *not* let what they did here be
forgotten, then we are attacked. We are attacked.

May Daumier & Goya & Picasso never have the light
of what they forced into our faces be forgotten.
For we the (for the moment) *living* artists, DO
remember. We are Robert Crumb, we are those that
take the ugliness of predjudice, greed, and hate
and shove into YOUR face. We are the Guerrilla
Girls, we are the artists that will not go quietly
into that night and say nothing of the crimes we
have (and are) witnessing.

All you can do is kill us. You can torture us.
But. You can never silence Goya, Daumier, or ME.

A hundred thousdand years from now, they will
remember the battle, and the attrocities, but the
names of the past will be replaced with the new
oppressors, the new entrepreneurs, the new
bourgeois. Of that alone i can promise you; for
i am not even here -- i am legion, and art is
my vengence, memory is my blood, and horror is
my palet: CHANGE; or suffer the consequences of
the history of your actions.

(that history has already been written, we merely
update the strokes and lines of the outer-most

-2005/04/21 (the day *before* Earth Day 2005)

Posted by art2/pizo at 10:28 AM PDT
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Tuesday, 12 April 2005
I don't have to shake your hand!!!!!
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: The War and such...
So here we go...

Wowwie Zowwwie! (as Frank Zappa used tuh sey)

What a day!

First off couldn't find my keys, so i had to
use the "spare set". The flat tire on my car was
holding well (hmmm, let's see that's something like
4 cans of fix-a-flat.. The break-even point would
be something like 26 cans -- by which time the
tire will be something like SOLID foam (or what
ever happens to that oooozzzy stuff when you
spray it in; hums to self as he figures up the
change in rotational angular momentum for a
SOILD DISK as opposed to an ANULAR REGION -- oh,
those old physics days, ehh schattzie.

But, alas, i digress.

So, this morn, i had to watch the gallery from
9-noon to check in art works for the (juried)
show (tech spk: Spring Juried Exhibition; SJX-2005).
So, anyways i drop off the minimum stuff for
the Amnesty International table; visit our
temp web site at:

And hang a couple of posters and lay out some
invite strips for the meetings, web site info,
etc (will post image soonest). And then pretty
much have to leave the table there (along will
come fellow amensty froodz from the BCH club
later in the day, but have to dash post-haste
(post hoc, ergo propter hoc; (Latin, literally
"After this, therefore because (on account of)
of this" -- a logical falicy that attributes
causaulity where in fact only "time" (quat-ever
the Zark *that* is) has "passed").

Alas, digressed again: Did i?

Come the noon hour, Carol pops by (to discuss
my name on the "credits" for the up-coming
show at the Childrens' Medical Centre. I'm not
care-ing about font, size, etc. But, she wants
to make it something special. Oh, well. Looks
nice on the resume, and i was glad to help out.
(She slipped me some cash as always; best thing
was fellow Froodet Beth Maye reviewed my latest
works and liked them fab, mucho gusto! -- nice
to get the old pat on the back.

Anyway, after locking up the gallery and making
like two hungry leaves on a tree looking for
food -- mixed metaphore if there every was one.
(Was Everet a Metaphore Member?)

We wanders over to the S-building (student centre)
and there's Dr. D. out in the courtyard with
her "Military Recruiters Lie" T-shirt. Across the
way, is the Navy Recruiters (again with their
giant-sized Maveriks Blue Inflated Tenish Shoe
-- toss the basket balls, win some prizes -- and,
oh, yeah sports fans why not fill out a card to
hear from one of our friendly recruiters.

So, Carol and i hang out with her, and slowly the
story builds.....

(fade to 10:30am, earlier in the day; inside
the S-building next to the TABLE -- sign on front
"Brookhaven College Amnesty International Club",
posters as appropriate to scene, behind the table
Dr. D. putting out URGENT ACTION petitions -- this
time some MORE news reporters who have "been
detained" -- looked like some arabic looking
chaps -- and we all REMEMBER DANIEL PEARL of
the WALL STREET JOURNAL -- winner of the 2001
Pulitzer in Journalism (despite the WSJ building
being in the debris zone, and having to shift
their headquarters to a New Jersey (across the
river) dist. plant, they still managed to get
out 85% of all news papers, etc).

So, here's Dr. D. (phd in philosophy, with an
emphasis in Teaching Literature, etc), harried as
usual, setting out the petitions, looking over the

In comes the U.S. NAVY recruiters.

In the moments between the birth of galaxies and
the disappearance of all matter in the universe
into the final BIG CRUNCH, there are numeous
opportunities for people (human types, dolphins,
silicon-based, helium-II based, etc) to "do the
right thing". One such incident occured 3 weeks
back, the last time the Navy recruiters were
on campus -- the navy was there (with Maverick
Cheerleaders no less, we were there -- handing
out literature on "alternatives to joining the
military" to get a college edu, and "10 questions to ask before you sign up", literature, and stuff
about on-line grants, scholarships, loans, etc.

After the "minor protest" (actually we just stood
there and offered an ALTERNATIVE. One of the peop's
from the navy told the campus cop (Curly) that
this was the first time in 20 years that he'd
even seen someone ready to respond (with our
own nifty t-shirts, literature and such), and
that "was what America is all about. We can
put out our information, and they can respond.
And it's legal, and no one gets hurt." -- you
know "right to peacably assemble" and all.


this time (focus down to 10:35am this morning,
Dr. D's looking over the literature and fussing
with the signs, in walks the U.S. NAVY recruiters
and "one" of them, comes up to here and sez:

I heard you aren't allowed to put up your "Recruiters Lie" T-shirts
(very snide and all). Dr. D. (blink blink -- oh,
i'd guess for about 1 full second:

Dr. D: What? Are you telling me that the First
Amendment has just evaporated???

(so they get into a bit, then they pass on out).
Dr. D. realises that she MUST -- when you gotta,
you gotta -- as Dr. M. always sez.

So, she goes back to her office, grabs some
"things" (things are always handy, you never
know when you might need a thing or two -- with
appologiies to Dr. S. (Seuss/Giesell).

And into the women's room she goes, dons the
"MILTARY RECRUITERS LIE" T-shirt, and over
to the other side (i do believe it is the LEFT
side of the side walk ;) with the literature.

Lots of snarling from the Navy people (honestly,
the last time, we didn't talk to them, they
didn't talk to us -- each went about their resp.
biz's peacefully).

So, finally. There's some sort of cat-calling
(or something -- didn't sound too upseting, so
Dr. D. realises this isn't getting anyone anywhere
and decided to offer the the olive branch, goes
over and sez to the head honcho:

Dr. D. I know we haven't met, but I'm Trish Dodd
and I teach English here. (extends hand in the
"North American/Euopean "hand-shake" gesture").

Navy Noodle: (wraps his arms across his chest
and buries his hands under his arm pits, and

Dr. D. (slight double-take here) Excuse me?
You are guests on this campus, and i teach here
full time????

(now in the vagarities of time and space, there
are many, many, many types of beings. But, the
*one* thing that is *always* appreciated is
the thing called "social graces" or "courtesies"
-- after all Traynham's 642'nd law of "How to
tell the difference between a MONSTER and an
ALIEN" sez: If you sneeze, and the 'creature'
in front of you uses the opportunity to bite
your head off, then you have encountered a
MONSTER. If on the other hand (and this
*really* is the usual case) the 'creature'
sez the equivalent of 'Gesundheit' (which
as every inter-galactic toweler knows is
alien short-hand for 'Du sich guter Gesundheit
erfreuen.'; ie, 'Hey Frood, be in good health!')
or if the 'creature' offers you a 'tissue', [Note 4]
then you have encountered an ALIEN, i suggest using
hand signals to communicate, or drawing a circle and indicating 'pi' (3.1416 and all that)


This is NOT the case here.

(words are exchanged)

And (then the "then") THEN, a student (who had
previously stopped by the Navy "shoe" to shoot
some hoops) is "taken aback" and:

Student (to recuiter): You're being rude.

(ah, such lovelies! Even this tired old
poet finds quiet re-assurance that the young of
this small, blue-green world are taught the
proper ways of eticuiqt, of equiticut, of
ettiket, of "proper ways")

Next comes "the tricky bit",

(more words are exchanged -- is this a three-way

So, the police ask the student to step inside
the police station office -- did i mention
that the S-building court-yard where all of
this is taking place is just beside the Police

(pause/cliff-hanger. Insert comercial here)

So, the student (perhaps, the most innocent of
all possible innocent bystanders) is "detained",
in Marches Dr. D. "So, why is he (the student)
in here? Don't you realize that's what's going
on already? This isn't Guantanamo Bay!!!"

(scene missing)

Peace is retored, the student was just being
asked "what was going on?" -- ie, the police
figuring to get an un-biased point of view
from sed student.

And up walks, Richard & Carol (or was it Ted &
Alice? ;)

The out-flow of it all was that (as we who know
and love Dr. D. know:

She was a ROTC regular, got her 1st Masters'
while in the Air Force (has the photo of HER
in the Figher Plane (back seat -- this isn't
another sign of how women are *still* treated
in the service I hope??? i mean back-seat
and all, or else (as usual) i have no idea
*which* seat is the "cat bird seat" (or as
we say in Nascar rascing "the pole position").

So, of course the day ends, with your tired old
faithful servant going to cash a couple of checks
for some art work sold (most of the $$'s went to
my blood pressure medicine -- sheesh). And hmm,
off to the COSTUME WORLD shop....

(fade to scene, last Thursday -- i never got
much the hang of thursdays [Note 42]) an old
man is hobbling along -- walking stick and all
[Note 1] across the street (after taking the
Dallas (DART) light rale ($1 for all-day pass)
down to see the (superb) "Crow Collection of
Asian Art" [Note 2] so.... Anyway, i visit
costume world [Nore 3] and trying to find a
replacement derby (bowler?) -- none to be
found, trying on flimsey bowler (derby?) not
too much like the old one ($12 -- !)

So, the lady frood (shop keeper, what) showing
some other customers around, and is talking
about costumes and such (and me ears what's
workin' well doahn tchuh Knough?)

"The two guys who paint themselves silver and
pose as statues...."

Sez i: Oh, you mean Gilbert and George or is it
George and Gilbert? Really cool people!

(she's taken aback -- that someone would know
sech things -- she being (obviously) an art
type type)

So, when i go to check out (finding a fadorrah
f'dor'ih ?sp?) -- oh, well, i supposes it will
grow on me (and i on it). [Note 5] And
the froodet store shop lady gives me half off
-- it's because of the person that i am (or
that you are). As i sed to carol, last time
she was in Kentucky (her new book of poetry).
And there's this *very* old black lady, who
went to "the other college" (you know, the one
for non-whites) there in Kentucky. And she's
not talking to anyone -- she's there for her
own book thing (another "thing" thing, i think).
And there's carol in her $3000 out-fit and
the other people are pushing her (literarlly)
towards this black woman, carol sez "Oh, i hi!
I taught at ????" -- ie, the other, other
school (the whites-only school where the whites
that couldn't afford to got to Vasar, Smith,
etc had to go) -- ie, in a *very real sense*
the "other side of the tracks" -- and of
course the hardened, ice-cold heart of this
wondrous old black woman who had endured so
much predjudice, melted and she and carol got
along fine. (As carol was telling me this,
she was telling about the suit that she had
on, so sez i: Yes, it was the suit that got
you in the door, but it's because of the person
that you ARE that kept you there.)

Ah, such are the vagarities of the life of
the poet -- met another fine froodet this eve
talking about the 14th ammendment -- hums
to self Coplands "Fanfare for the Common Man",
and signs off.



[1] Tribute to Leon Redbone "On the Tracks Again",
song -- sweet!

[2] It's a long story, suffice it to say, it
was a breath-taking experience!!! (beauty;
beauty-squared) -- I tip my hat three times
to the Crow Family for donating this lovely
building, and their superb collection to the
people of the Earth; Free to the public, Tue-Sunday,
closed Monday, visit them on the web at:

[3] Visit them on Inwood Road, just north of
Alpha Road (where Alpha passes under The Dallas
North Tollway),
13621 Inwood Road
Dallas, Texas 75244
800 772-9931

[4] Three tips of the towel to Quincy Jones
(who helped) Will Smith (tip of the towel to
the Fresh Prince), Barry Sonnenfeld (who
directed the film) what was screen-written
by Ed Solomon -- three tips of the towel
for "That's not a snarlling alien, that's
a snifflin' alien" -- aprox quote only, give
or take 3.26 light years, a cup of tri-lithium,
and of course perform this experiment ONLY
in your TARDIS; ie, 42.

[42] Well, if you have to ask, try visiting this

[5] One thing is the last i saw of the hat
was it was flying up Olive Street towards
the arts district. That hat always *did*
like sculpture! Probably haning out at
the Nasher museum ;)

Posted by art2/pizo at 3:57 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 12 April 2005 5:38 PM PDT
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Monday, 11 April 2005
Re-occuring nightmare, getting more intense
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: The War and such...
So, Saturday/Sunday night/morning, I awoke from
one of the most violent and grusome re-occurring
nighmares of the war yet.

This time, most of the overt, immediate violence
was totally absent. I'm asleep in the bed, with
my son (aged about 8 or 9, maybe only 4 or 5) next
to me. He is crying and this wakes me up, I gather
him up in the WHITE sheets and hold them around him
-- especially his legs and such. As I pick him up
to carry him some-where, the sheets fall away,
and there are his legs dripping of blood, and
the skin falls away, with more blood, pulling his
intestines with him. In the background is the roar
of planes over-head, and then all is just a rushing
blackness and i awake.

This continual dream occurs every month or so,
probably triggered by some event that slowly
creeps into my mind.

Possibly, recently, since i have been studying
the War between France and Prussia in 1870, and
the seige of Paris. I resumed my reading the
other evening (prior to having anything to drink),
and as i'm reading about the snow sculpture
duing the Seige of Paris entitled "La Resistance".
Always portraying Paris (france?) as a woman,
determined to survive the war. This symbol
occurs over and over as well in paintings, lithos,
etc. -- Especially as a common woman somehowe
becoming transformed by the war into the spirit
of the Commune of Paris -- of the resistance to
the capitulation of the government to the Kaiser.


As i lay there crying and crying, trying to write
in my journal (which i could not find), i ended
up writng on the back of a painting of one of
the models that we had (a portrait). And all the
while, these waves of anguish over the help-less-ness
of the situation, that we could do nothing to
stop this insane war. And now comes news from
a friend that the war may go on for anohter FIVE
years or more. Thus (apparently) is the amount
of time we will have to committ to the *solution*
of "The Arab Problem".

All, of this ghastliness and the honor of America
dashed by this madmen and the minnions that now
act as though the speicious connection between
9/11, the talliban, and Iraq (and "The Towelheads"
-- to quote my father) was some monument to human
logic, thought and errudition.

Lies. All of it lies. And (like Mark Twain's person
who starts the rumor that gold has been discovered
in Hell, so that people will leave the area),
even the lie-makers believe their lies. It wasn't
about the WMD's it was about Iraqi Freedom. Sadam
was in bed with Ossama. Our purpose is to get
Osssma, we won't rest until we get him.

We might as well be chaising banners in the
upper-most layer of Dante's hell -- following the
wisps of puffed-up logic. Can there ever have
been a poor-er excuse for a voting populace???

Here we are (supposedly) the free-est country
on Earth -- where you an read *anything* --
and no one READS anything at all. Where you
can say or speak about anything, and no one
DEBATES anything at all. Where with all of
this technology and such, you would think
that people would want to get to the TRUTH
of the matter; and "the truth shall set you
free". Yes, if you go looking for it.

And more and more, everyone around me seems as
befuddled as the man of Lamancha!!!! Chasing
wind-mills, all the while weaving a tale of
un-imaginable glory and honor.

And what of the ones paying the price? The
countless innocents in the "Arab Lands" who
are slaughtered, tortured, or at the very
least forced to live the lives of which my
nightmares are on occasion "disturbed"? And
the soldiers who are sent over there and told
the BIG LIE of how this is what they must do
COUNTING ON YOU). What madness is this? How
can this be happening in this century? Have
we learned nothing? Must it always end in such
aburd stupidity?????

Nothing to be done.

(and they remain)

-- night all.

Posted by art2/pizo at 4:13 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 5 April 2005
The Republicans are EVERYWHERE!!!!
Mood:  down
Topic: The War and such...
So, anyway I'm out working the Amnesty International
table (collecting signatures to stop torture, and
specific letters about people around the world
being detained without reason, tortured, etc), and
we have up this T-shirt that sez:


And so Dr. ?? stops by (officious, official that he
be) and wants us to take it down since "We have army
recruiters here, blahdiy, blahdi, blah. And besides
isn't that against the intent of Amnesty ?????"

He's right upset and all that (did i mention that
he's just ANOTHER shite (shit white) givin' decent
white folk a bad name, etc - always, with the
SHITE ANGRY MALES!!! go'figure!). Anyway, I sez
that he'll have to talk to Dr. D. (the club sponser,
fire-brand of the first order, and one FEM prof!!!).

Off he stalks (like a stalk of cellery on
rocket-powered shit-kicker boots!). So, i'm
pretty upset about it and all. Seems like something
called freedom of speech, etc? I mean, if the Army
recruiters were to put up a shirt saying:
PEACE IS NOT THE ANSWER -- we wouldn't do anything
about it. (I mean that sort of ill-logic speaks
for itself!! During last summer, when "the group"
was up protesting at Haliburton (where *are* those
photos???) There was one protest of the warrors
(pretty much your average fascist -- very nasty,
with a shit-eating grin of sanctimonious self
satisfaction glued to their faces -- one of them
tried to push one of the protesters (holding up
a sign about bush and haliburton being more
interested in getting Iraq's oil than fighting
terrorism -- terrorism, remember that?? (not
getting much coverage now that we have the WAR
to distract people). Anyway, the police had to
be called in (after the attmpted pushing incident).
So, they (the pol's sep'd us from the protest
warriors). So, one of the signs had read:


(meaning us), but it took them a couple of weeks
to figure out that now that they had their own
area to protest (to the west of where we were,
the police in the middle), that the message took
on a whole new meaning. So, if some Amry types
(not that they would) put up a sign "Peace is
Not the Answer" or "Amnesty doesn't Work with
these people", etc. -- I mean we believe in
free speech.


We've been talking for some time to have a sep
org than Amnesty International, since it can
not and will not take a stand about the war
-- if you let ANY other issue besides ending
human rights abuses and torture in, then you
face the problem of having access or interaction

Brief note:

Regarless, as the Austin site sez:

AI neither condones nor nor condemns military action in Iraq, but refuses to ignore the consequences of war. "Taking a position that seeks to avoid further human suffering and human rights violations has greater merit at this point in time than remaining silent, which could be misinterpreted as condoning the use of force."

--Irene Khan

Thus, the idea is form a SECOND group (The Peace
and Justice Club) "PJ's" that COULD and WILL
be outspoken against the war, torture, etc. and
then inter-work with Amnesty International.

This would also be in conjunction with Artists
For Peace and Poets for Peace as well -- and
all of those outspoken weirdo's!

-- more later,

Posted by art2/pizo at 4:04 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 5 April 2005 4:06 PM PDT
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Monday, 4 April 2005
Onward the art! Of Amnesty the patriot act, etc
Mood:  sharp
Topic: art
Anyway, I continue to work on my art work and am planning to transfer to UNT this fall. It looks like I will have to go in as undergraduate. It's pretty competitive there (low cost, great facilities, etc). The other alternative is to transfer to UTD (where they are a bit more desparate for xfers -- they don't offer a fine arts degree, but a "technology" degree that emphasizes computer stuff! (I just found out about the new program). The key is (of course) to try to get as much grant and scholarship money as possible. I've started getting stuff ready to sell through the mail and have a new mail box (the otherone over in Richardson expired, and what with the high price of gas, it's just too expensive to keep going over there. The new box is:

Postal Box 642
13237 Montfort Drive
Dallas, TX 75240

The main thing is that they are cheaper and I can pay month-to-month. Also they can recieve all mail types; ie, not just USpostal, but UPS, Fedex, etc. Most of the art places that I shop on-line have stopped using the US postal since there were so many things damaged in transit. Also, this place is open more hours and has mailing tubes etc.

Probably Laura mentioned it, but I'm pretty heavily involved in the Amnesty International
club here on campus. We are also doing protests about Military recruiting on campus, the patriot act etc. Since Tue/Thur are my "studio" days, I'm at the table that we set up from 10am-2pm as well as on Wed. Our club inter-works with the Dallas Center for Peace and Justice (I was out protesting in front of Haliburton, last summer). Hope this doesn't up-set you too much. We are esp working on the anit-war stuff, and i was (last Nov) doing voter directions for the Democrats on Campus -- helping the kids to find out where they were supposed to vote and such. I also worked the phones for Martin Frost, who lost of course. I think part of what has really energised me to get to involved is just the shitty way the whole election went, and everthing.

I've finally decided to go down and try to get on SSI/Disability, since my gout isn't getting better. I pretty much have to have NO salt and almost no meat (red meat or sometimes even tuna) in my diet. Even beans (esp red beans) set my gout off as well. I think that I have a pretty good chance, and if i don't get it then i'll hire a lawyer to try (they have some that do it for no fee, which is what i'll look for). The doctor that I go to actually was on the review board for SSI for collin county.

Anyway, i continue to work hard (often leaving the house before 7am -- since the campus opens early and i can go up and use the hallway to study until one of the profs opens the doors). I try to keep to myself at home, and stay up here as much as possible. All of my profs are v. impressed with my latest work, and I think that I have a good shot at getting my pieces in the juried show, and possibly even selling one or two of them to the school -- always looks good on the old resume.

This thursday is the TIPA conferenece (Texas Inter-collegiate Press Assoication) in Dallas and I'm schedualed to compete in the "Criticque writing" contest. (Last year, my series on the history of Brookhaven won 1st place (division 2; ie, 2-year colleges) -- the only 1st place prize that we won (the staff (all v. conservative) treated me with at least a *little* respect after that. My editor (who xfered to SMU) last fall was from Italy, and I (of course) got along swell with her -- she shared the prize with me since she wrote the other half of the articles (on student life at BHC); all of this was for the 25-year aniversary issue. That's another source of money for me (not much, but each bit adds up). Since at either UNT or UTD i would get paid for my articles (which i don't here). Also, i have some UNBELIEVABLY good references from all of the arts areas that i write for. The head of the Drama dept (jokingly) said that she'd have to find some way to keep me here. Before i came here they almost never reviewed the plays, or even a lot of the concerts -- unless they were pop music.

In the fall, i plan to attend the other school Mon-Thur and then Fri-Sun work in the studios here on campus. They have great facilities and often there's only 2 or 3 other students up at the school. That will allow me to not only work on my work for courses but to make prints to sell. I've *finally* gotten together some real winners that sell everytime.(The next Art Club sale is May 3/4 so i've already started getting stuff together for that). I need to send off my tax return so that I can get some more paper; that and of course get the brakes on the car fixed, and one tire that keeps going flat -- always something. It's another good thing to work at the Amnesty table, since we sell baskets, crafts and stuff, and I can put my prints out to sell. We just started that today, but we mainly sold T-shirts and some bracelets against the Patriot Act. At least it gives me a way to sell my stuff without paying for a booth or such; i'll split the money with the club and still make out really well.

Well that's about it for now. Hope that all of you are doing well. I miss the kids terribly, and think about them a lot. But, i try to keep my eyes on the prize and keep up my studies. I'm continually reading art history and am *actually* highly regarded in the art department. The main thing that I have to work against is the *age* issue. So, i make it a point to work on a very large scale (one of my drawings that i'm getting ready for the show is 90" x 40"), as well as working on purely abstract work. Most of the "old" folks here are painting the same old still lifes, portraits, light houses, etc. So, I try to distance myself from such things; all the while being very supportive of everyone's work here. I've noticed that some people here alienate other people by not liking representataive work and prefering ONLY the *higher* abstract work. As with anything else, a lot of things depend on working with other people.

One of my friends is Carol Nace (Jewish lady, about 60 or so) who is v. wealthy and she will "hire" me to help her print and such. She's a good friend and I had the opportunity to meet Mayor Laura Miller at reception at SMU, but didn't feel that I'd be comfortable so begged out. Carol was hosting some Russian diplomats that work through Highland Park Baptist Church. Oh, well, I'm not ready for the *big time* yet. (maybe some day). Still, it's nice to have someone in a high place like that. A friend of hers wants me to write up an article that I've been working on and sez that she will get it published. I'll have a couple of the profs here look it over and talk it up with them.

It helps that i'm motivated to study art seriously, since for a lot of the profs many of the students are here to take some art classes since its an easy A. Almost all of my close friends are serious art students as well. (For a while, we formed a secret organisation: UGAA (Under Ground Artists' Association), as well as an "Infinitists Club" -- there's a lot of that stuff going around, but usually everyone is so busy we never get around to having formal meetings and such. Next to my actual work, that's probably the most rewarding and encouraging aspect of my life: Being able to talk about art and where it needs to go. It's also nice to receive acclaim from the profs. I've sold major pieces to five different professors in the art department, incluing Rita Blasser (who I took painting from last year). She studied with Robert Motherwell. Carol Nace knows her and studied in New York with Motherwell as well, a very interesting lady. She's just published a book of poetry, as well as a major art project for the National Juvinile Diabetes Association; a book for children with 16 pictures that she painted (mono-prints actually) as well as an exhibit of 24 pictures that will be part of a traveling show for the project).

It would be nice to get something like that, but my stuff is so "cartoony", it would have to be the right venue. We saw a film on Keith Harring ?sp? today in AH-III (modern) and it looks like he was able to bridge that gap once his "cartoon" style caught on.At first I had *no* acceptance of my line work except by Don Taylor (my major prof in print making), and one of the "little old ladies" Beth Maye (this is the one that's wanting to get my paper published. She told me to keep doing this, since no one was doing anything like it. (Again another person who studied in New York with some of the great painters, prob Motherwell or Helen Frankenthaler). So, finally (after working almost continuously on my caligraphic styles, and such) the work is being accepted as "serious". (Again, I think that part of this is the *age* factor -- prob won't go away either -- as well as that my style *is* so different. Even Professor Chu (Korean) says that he likes my work, but that I need to put backgroiunds into them. (I did a self portrait; same comment, etc). Carol reviewed my work for Chu (who she thinks is pretty good) and said that she thought that the work that I did could go into a show completely on its own merits.

Oh, well. I keep working at it,

-- Richard.

Posted by art2/pizo at 5:54 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 4 April 2005 6:05 PM PDT
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