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    The Art of Lindy van den Bosch


About the Artist
Read Lindy's Bio, see photos and learn secrets you never thought you would!

Win prints and orignals by entering here

Open Editions

Gallery 1
My latest art

Gallery 2

Gallery 3

Gallery 4

Gallery 5
Archive Gallery. Pre-2004

Outside link to my Photography

Work in Progress
See how the paintings come to life with these step by step photos

Cafepress Store
Here you can buy T-shirts, Buttons, Mugs, Cards and more!

My Ebay Auctions. Paintings and prints for sale.

All you want to know about the artist, image usage, and general info.

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Lindy's Journal

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    Compition Page

    4 times a year, I will be giving away an original painting, hand signed to the winner of my compitition.

    The current compition will be running from 1 July - 1 November 2006 and here is what you have to do:
    I want all you poets out there to get creative and to write a poem, inspired by the painting shown below. The painting is called The Gypsy - Smelling the flowers and it was created in 2004. I think the colours and compisition of this piece can be be inturpeted in many different ways so I am looking forward to reading your poems!

    The Gypsy


    *You must be over 13 to enter
    *You can only enter once per compition
    *The poem must be written for this painting and you are not allowed to use a poem you have written before
    *You must sumbit your OWN work, not a copy of someone else's poem.
    *You must enter BEFORE the deadline of 1 November 2006. Late submissions will not be allowed to enter.
    *The Prize is not tradeable for something else.

    All submission must be sent to my email with the Subject matter marked as - POETRY contest or something with POEM in the title. Thank you.

    I will choose the poem I think is the most fitting to the painting. The poem will be displayed on my front page and a link to your site will also be posted along with it. All other entries will be posted on this page so don't think your hard work is all for nothing if you do not win. People will still be able to enjoy your poem on this site.

    The prize What can you win you ask?! Well...this!

    A CUSTOM Portrait of your choice!

    A4 size (8x10inches) You can send in any photo you like and I will do my best to turn the person into a fantastic, mythical elf or fairy and then send it to you for free.

    Have fun!