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Lindy van den Bosch 's Fantasy Art

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    About the Artist

    Lindy van den Bosch is a South African, living in The Netherlands who loves to create art. As a child she use to draw for hours on end and copy pictures from childrens books and cartoons. She use to copy pictures from Disney, Barbie, Jem, Moon Dreamers and My little Pony and still sees them as her greatest inspiration today. It set a solid basis for her to grow as an artist in her own right.

    As she grew older, she started drawing from fashion magazines and concentrated mostly on faces, and eyes. The Eyes are very important to her, and she views it as the center point of any painting. Sometimes she will draw the eyes to big for the face, but its her style and not an anatomy flaw.

    In 1999 after taking a break from art for about 4 years, she discovered that she needed to re-train herself all over again. She never had any formal art training so she decided to do an art course at the HAK (Joge School voor de Kunsten) in Holland.

    In August 2003 she finally picked up a paint brush and decided to try a fairy, similar to Amy Browns style. She is happy to report that she is very proud with the progress that she has made since then and now she has a style that is her own.

    2005-06 were very successful years for her, expo-ing her art, appearing in a few international publications and doing numerous commision portraits. After all the success, Lindy decided that it time to grow as a person and to experience new things which in turn will inspire future pieces. Look out for her next exposition in September 2007.

    Lindy with Fellow fantasy artist Marjolein Gulinski

    Here are some personal photos Lindy would like to share with you all.

    Copyright information

    All images are copyrighted by Lindy van den Bosch unless stated otherwise. Using these images without permission of the artist is illegal and can result in a nasty business so please do not take them and claim them as your own.

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