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Character Profiles

Character Profile #1:
Aislyn Nemira with maskAislyn Nemira
Name: Aislyn Nemira
Age: 22
Birthdate: 9/7
Hair color: Black/Purple
Eye color: Glowing Gold with a ring of blue around the iris
Height: 5'11"
Race: Half-Elf
Weaponry: Wires/Strings
Fighting Style: Martial Arts
Occupation: Kunoichi/Mercenary
Affiliation: Neutral good.
Main Element: Poison
Support Element: Spirit
Personality: Quiet, sad, and often disconnected. She excels in fighting and strategy, and leads the party in a group, but keeps her personal feelings to herself for the most part. She was very close to her brother until he was taken over by the demon, and since she does not know a demon has possessed him until much later, feels betrayed and unable to trust most people. She is merciful often to a fault, and does not kill without reason.
Likes: Being alone, or with her few close friends.
Dislikes: People that bother her or get in her way.
Fears: Getting too attached to people and then losing them.
Special Ability: Steal (Obtain money or items from enemies)
Quote: "Mercy is not a weakness."

Aislyn was born to the fifteenth generation of the Nemira Clan as the daughter of the clan's current Leader. The clan was a family of Dragonslaying Ninjas (comprised of multiple families) who had long sold their services as hunters of both beasts and men. She had an older brother named Lucien who wasborn four years before her, and was second in line, after him, to take over if their father died. This was, of course, assuming that another clansman didn't rebel and take the position by force, as was occassionally attempted within their ranks, but the leader did not become the leader without cause.

She lived her early years training with her father and her brother to become a ninja (kunoichi, to be technical) in order to protect her home and offer her services in keeping with the Clan's tradition. They did not tolerate those who deviated from this set course, claiming that those who had other aspirations in life were a disgrace to the Clan name. These people, if they chose to leave, were swiftly killed in order to protect the Clan's secrets. She quickly gained mastery of the ninja arts, training herself to run faster, leap higher, and move quietly without being detected. She also practiced in the art of combat, and found the more conventional weapons not altogether to her liking. While she still learned to use a sword and the standard throwing weapons of her clan, she took a much greater interest in the use of razor-sharp strings, and came to be exceptionally proficient in their use, binding her enemies in place before tearing them apart if she so chose. She even learned to make traps from the strings for those rushing through without care, leaving an often fatal result as the designated victim rushed through, slicing themselves to death almost instantly.

She and her brother Lucien were always close, and did everything together for many years. They were sparring partners, they practiced mock missions together, they would take walks around the island and generally were as close as a brother and sister could be. (In a familial sense only, of course.) He would protect her if she was in trouble with the village (as she often was, her and Lucien being overly curious and sneaking into places they shouldn't as kids,) and comfort her if she was ever feeling down. This lasted for many years, and it seemed things would never change; they would live and die fighting in the name of the clan, and when their father perished, they would take his place and continue the traditions that had been so long passed down.

At the age of 10, her brother returned from his mission to slay a red dragon as a rite of initiation, but he did not return in altogether the same condition he had been in prior to his departure. From that day forward, he distanced himself from her, and began to act strangely in other ways as well. He would snap at people in conversation where he used to be relatively friendly, and he spoke less than usual. She even heard him speaking to himself from time to time, as if he had lost his mind. Even when she passed him in the halls, he was now silent and seemed to be troubled by some unknown reason. She always assumed it had something to do with the encounter with the dragon, but had never known for sure, and never suspected that a demon dwelled inside her brother's soul.

She was assigned only to a few select assassinations before being returning to her village, having decided that although she was capable of killing without mercy if required, she would rather judge for herself whether the victim truly deserved death rather than being a "puppet on a string" for the highest bidder. This of course caused what her clan saw as a failed mission one night, and she was escorted back to the village by three of the other ninja to ensure she did not escape.

On her 14th birthday, she was instructed to slay a dragon as her rite of initiation before being fully accepted as a member of the Clan. There were those in the Clan who whispered against her even being allowed to attempt such a trial due to her reprimand for failing to carry out a mission as ordered, but as she was the daughter of the current Leader, she was allowed, or rather even encouraged, to undergo this trial.

She arrived at the designated location to find a silver dragon whelp waiting for her (this will be Eivan,currently called Ahrl,) having apparantly been starved for days and left in this contained area where it would be hungry and vicious for her challenge. She recalled how her brother had returned from his trial, bringing the carcass back with him in order to fashion armor and a weapon, and how it seemed to have affected his mind. Rather than slaying the creature, or even engaging it in combat, she instead took pity on the creature and avoided its attacks while trying to calm it. After it tired from exhaustion, being somewhat weak from hunger, she set it free and helped it to escape. She took a single scale from the creature as a trophy, hoping it would be enough to satisfy the Clan.

When she finally returned to the village, however, the Clan members gathered around, demanding to know why she had not brought the carcass with her. She attempted to explain, but was quickly silenced by a blow to the back of the head. When she awoke, she was bound in a prison cell with her brother standing over her, an evil smile on his face. His eyes were now red instead of the gold they usually were, and blood seemed to swirl behind his eyes. She was sure her mind was playing tricks on her; this couldn't possibly be her brother, but, somehow, it was. He demanded to know about the dragon and where it had gone, beating her when she refused to answer. At the last, he took his claw and slashed her across the face, leaving three deep linear wounds that would later form scars on her left cheek. She had told him nothing, but merely wept at seeing her brother, the one person who had always stood up for her, in such a different light. As the claws ripped through her cheek, she fell unconscious, her tears and blood falling simultaneously to the ground.

She awoke some time later in her bed, her cheek bandaged together and her head spinning; the attendent told her that her father had ordered her release from the prison and broguht Lucien before him for punishment. Something had gone horribly wrong when he had been called, however; he had gone mad and begun slaughtering the other members of the clan. She quickly dressed herself and grabbed her things, rushing into her father's audience hall amid several screams or terror, jumping over several bodies that littered the area. The ninjas moaned in pain, clutching mortal wounds and pointing toward the audience chamber.

She burst into the audience chamber to confront her brother, but, she was too late. Her hands went to her face and tears filled her eyes at what she saw: the entire Royal Guard slain, and her brother, holding their father's sword... through their father's chest. He ripped it through their fathers' side with a sickening laugh, his hair waving freely as a wind swirled around him, his eyes still the bloody red. "Hello, my DEAR sister... you can see, you've come too late. The old man should have killed you at your first insolence; never should have given you the chance to screw things up again. But look what he did... and look what's happened because of it. This is all your fault, you know... ...that dragon should have been killed, Aislyn. But all the people here somehow took your father's side in denying your death sentence... was long said that your Clan would end at the hands of a demon, was it not? Yet you sought to change that fate... you always rebelled against the rules, doing whatever you thought to be 'right'. Well, know now the futility of your efforts... take his lifeless form in your arms... and feel with your own hands... that the future can never be changed..."

Aislyn readied her strings and lunged at the demon, now seeing him for what he was. With her current power, however, she was easily defeated and cast tothe side. But, try as he might, the demon could not kill her; her brother's mind still fought against it and prevented it from this one thing. Rather than slaying her, therefore, he cast her out into the wilds, banishing her from what was left of the village as the demon rebuilt the city, brainwashing the citizens and replacing them with new recruits, blaming the previous tragedy on Aislyn, as she had been the only one to refuse to kill a dragon.

She has only a few close friends, and although she leads the party and does a good job in combat and strategizing, she keeps her personal life to herself whenever possible.

She spent the next few years doing any job that arose to get by, training herself all the while to become stronger. She now makes her living as a mercenary, though she has sworn revenge upon her brother's demon once the opportunity arises.

Character Profile #2:
Argus Maragi
Name: Argus Maragi
Age: 24
Birthdate: 10/31
Hair color: Redhead
Eye color: Sky Blue
Height: 6'7"
Race: Chimera/Mostly Human
Weaponry: Fireworks
Fighting Style: Marksman
Occupation: Inventor
Affiliation: Good
Main Element: Wind
Support Element: Lightning
Personality: Odd, eccentric, and ever too curious.
Likes: Anything new.
Dislikes: THEM. He knows they're out there, waiting to steal his work.
Fears: Cats.
Special Ability: Enchant (Bestow elemental or status-inducing properties on a character's weapon for several turns.)
Quote: "If at first you don't succeed... try, try again."

Argus is eccentric to the core, and often thought to be a lunatic by those around him. He is a brilliant inventor, who delights in designing new materials or products, however useless they may sometimes seem. He is also gifted at the art of enchantment, and can use his skills to produce wondrous effects in weaponry, or further lessen humanity's faith in his products. He is a wealthy gentleman, due in no small part to his ability to transform ordinary materials into gold by use of a special machine of his. (A feat which has earned him the ire of Alchemists across the land.) Despite his paranoia and eccentricities, he has a good heart, and would gladly give his life for a friend, if it came to such a drastic need. However human he may appear, he is, in fact, not entirely human. His right arm was hideously altered in a failed enchantment, sprouting feathers and becoming more like a bird's talon rather than a hand. His facial features were slightly altered that day as well, giving him an almost birdlike appearance. Despite this curse, he has not ceased his work, but rather continues with greater fervor, leaving the arm as it is as an eternal reminder of the consequences of careless use of magic.

Character Profile #3:
Celcia Makalai
Name: Celcia Makalai
Age: 21
Birthdate: 12/9
Hair color: Frosted Steel
Eye color: Shining, Piercing Ice Blue
Height: 5'8"
Race: Spirit
Weaponry: Fans
Fighting Style: Marksmanship (Ranged attacks using the fan)
Occupation: Wandering Minstrel
Affiliation: Good
Main Element: Ice
Support Element: Wind
Personality: Free-spirited and smartassed.
Likes: Snow, wind, reading, singing, dancing, and playing her harp.
Dislikes: Spicy food, fighting unnecessarily, and being flirted with (unless she starts it.)
Fears: Fire, or other sources of extreme heat.
Special Ability: Harp (Harms or causes status ailments upon enemies)
Quote: "The best defense is to keep out of range."

Celcia is a wandering Minstrel originally from the icy city of Melaida, which is evident in her frosty blue eyes. She left her town in order to improve her musical ability and see the world, though she regrets leaving the pleasant chill of her homeland and often complains about the heat, even in moderate climates. She travels from town to town, performing in Inns and Taverns, or along the roads between towns. She is skilled in her craft, and not many pass her by without tossing at least a coin or two. She lives a fairly carefree life when she is not performing, often reading a new book or staring up at the sky to pass the time, frequently playing her harp absentmindedly. Even when she is not focused on playing, the music still sounds sweet due to her years of dedication to it.

Character Profile #4:
Chaela Valeliel
Name: Chaela Valeliel
Age: 13 (Which is middle-aged for a fairy)
Birthdate: 11/3
Hair color: Red
Eye color: Brown
Height: A healthy 7"
Race: Fairy
Weaponry: Twigs which she uses as wands
Fighting Style: Magic
Occupation: Just a standard fairy.
Affiliation: Good!
Main Element: Wood
Support Element: Wind
Personality: Cheerful beyond belief, and exceedingly vengeful upon those who taint or harm the land.
Likes: Flowers, sweets, and nice people in general.
Dislikes: Mean people, monsters, and anyone who harms the land, especially dwarves.
Fears: Anything that tries to eat her.
Special Ability: Aria (Causes positive status buffs for party)
Quote: "Life is short, but not as short as me!!"

Chaela is a Fairy of the Forest who freely wanders the land. She was not taken seriously by the rest of her clan because of her height, and she is taken even less seriously by larger creatures. She decided to wander the world one day, to go wherever the wind carried her. The fates guided her to a battlefield where an army of mortals had amassed to slay the dragons, and were succeeding with brutal efficiency. Appalled at their cruelty, Chaela turned to flee the scene, catching a glimpse of a half-dead dragon making his way over a mountain pass to relative safety. He was being pursued by a group of particularly persistent men, and Chaela rushed in to aid him. Blasting the men over the edge of a nearby cliff with a gust of furious wind and leaves, Chaela helped the dragon to escape, but his wounds were too great for him to be saved. His name was Ahrl, and the fairy did her best to comfort him, but they eventually came to a dark valley, and Chaela felt a strong evil coming from deeper within. As the dragon fell dead, Chaela fled, realizing that she could not save him, and to stay would inevitably end her life as well. With his dying breath, the dragon thanked her, and vowed to repay the debt if ever he was able. Chaela returned to her village to report the humans' cruel actions to her elders, vowing that she would not let such injustice go unreckoned for.

Character Profile #5:
Dae Eredin (Dark Knight)
Name: Dae Eredin
Age: 24
Birthdate: 2/13, beneath Twin Moon Eclipse
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Right eye Purple, Left eye Blue. Both seem to shine with every color of the rainbow.
Height: 6'1"
Race: Half-Human/ Half-Angel
Weaponry: Evil or Cursed Swords (Soulcrusher, and later, Dreamsmasher)
Fighting Style: Melee (With Soulcrusher)/ Magic (With Dreamsmasher)
Occupation: Dark Knight
Affiliation: Evil
Main Element: Prism
Support Element: Shifting; Darkness by default. Will become Holy instead once he joins your party.
Personality: Determined and ruthless, he seeks merely power... no matter how evil, no matter the cost.
Likes: Power.
Dislikes: Anyone and anything weaker than him; being beaten.
Fears: The Blue Rose Pearl, or any other Evil-sealing power.
Special Ability: Shift (change elemental strength/weakness and support element)
Quote: "Pain is my comfort... and suffering my solace."

Dae Eredin is a truly unique person, having been born beneath the legendary Twin Moon Eclipse, he was granted with his birth the powers of all the elements, becoming the first 'Prism' in over three hundred years. Legends tell of a time when all three moons shall align before the sun, at which time a great Cataclysm shall befall the earth. Dae is the destined one to oppose this, but has turned a blind eye to this, and every other part of his fate as well.

As the older brother of Thorn Eredin, was once the next in line to become the High Priest of the Blue Rose, however, only a few weeks before the ceremony, his mother was stricken with a fatal illness and died. Dae blamed the priests for being unable to heal even a simple disease, and left the city, and his pure heart, behind. He wandered the world for 3 years, and came at last upon the ruins of Arc te Larium. He heard an evil voice calling to him, offering him the power to exact his revenge upon the cruel world that had determined his fate. Intrigued by the strange voice, Dae ventured deeper beneath the city, and came at last upon a pedestal within a small room.

As he neared it, he saw a Sword shining within the darkness, and then a voice spoke. "Young Priest whose heart is no longer pure... give up your soul as an offering to me, and I shall grant you power beyond your wildest dreams..."

Mad with the desire to enhance his own strength, Dae grasped the blade, accepting willingly the curse
it laid upon him. Never again would he know love, peace, or happiness... but he was powerful.
And he could make the world suffer, as he now suffered...

As his hand wrapped around the blade, he felt a strange armor growing around him... from him.
He screamed as it tore through his flesh, but accepted it nonetheless...
for he could feel a tremendous power he had never had before, granted by the armor.
He heard now the voice directing him to a village in the east, where the first of many Seals could be found... his new master commanded him to gather the seals, and unlock the gateway at the Heart of the World. It promised him greater power... and he would not refuse such an offer... no matter how high a price was named.

Dae Eredin uses Dark Swords: Cursed blades of tremendous power, that come at a terrible price.
His main weapon will be Soulcrusher, the blade that created his dark self. Soulcrusher is a sword forged in the pits of Hell... forged so well that it can never be broken.
It is the cursed sword the demons used to seal Emirasu beneath the Ruined City.
It is also an Astral Blade; it forges its blade of pure Negative Energy
using the owner's will as its source of power.
When its owner is at full strength, it is approximately the same as a standard blade...
but when the owner grows near defeat, it roars into its true form and
smashes its enemies into oblivion with unimaginable power.
When used in conjunction with Dae's Shadow Storm attack, the results are nearly always lethal. The blade is comprised of both dark and light energy, kept in harmony by the presence of the other element. The one who wields it shall determine if it becomes a blade of salvation or destruction...

Dae Eredin has created many unique spells, after mastering all of the others. His most powerful technique uses the powers of
Fire, Lightning, Darkness, Poison, Spirit, and Wind to unleash his 'Shadow Storm.'
The incantations can be viewed here, in the Spell Gallery

The Five Jewels embedded in his armor enhance his abilities and grant him greater power:
The Firestone in his Right Gauntlet enhances his physical strength
and causes his blade to melt through his enemies weapons if contact is sustained.
The Waterstone in his Left Gauntlet generates a powerful shield of ice that can withstand
most non-fire physical attacks. It is not always active.
The Windstone in his Left Shoulder slowly heals his wounds and provides immunity to Silence.
The Earthstone in his Right Shoulder hardens his armor and skin in order to provide maximum defense.
It also nullifies Petrify.
The Shadowstone in the center of his Chest enhances his magical attack power and resistance to spells.
It also nullifies poison, darkness, confuse, and charm status.
With these 5 Jewels of Power, he is as powerful as a hundred men put together.
It is nothing short of foolish to challenge him to a one-on-one duel.

Character Profile #6:
Dae Eredin (Paladin Form)(Probably not happening, but left up just in case.)
Name: Dae Eredin (Paladin)
Age: 22
Birthdate: 2/13, beneath Twin Moon Eclipse
Hair color: Silver
Eye color: Right eye Purple, Left eye Blue. Both seem to shine with every color of the rainbow.
Height: 6'1"
Race: Half-Human/ Half-Angel
Weaponry: Holy Weapons (Dreammaker is the light half of the blade which formed Soulcrusher)
Fighting Style: Melee Occupation: Paladin
Affiliation: Good
Main Element: Prism
Support Element: Shifting; Light by default
Personality: Determined and ruthless, he seeks merely power... no matter how evil, no matter the cost.
Likes: His friends.
Dislikes: Hurting others, especially Shandris.
Fears: Seeing his loved ones die.
Special Ability: Shift (change elemental strength/weakness and support element)
Quote: "War breeds nothing but violence, and what does violence gain? I will fight if I must, but know that there is still hope for redemption...""

Dae arrived at the heart of the Temple of Purgatory, having collected the 3 Keys of Heaven and the 3 Keys of Hell, he opened the seal on the door and entered the inner sanctum to find the Jewel of Ages, locked in a magical barrier. He glanced around, disgusted. The ancient texts had never mentioned ANOTHER barrier... He examined the area to find a worn tome. As he moved toward it, however, he was interrupted by the pounding feet of Thorn and his party. Dae spun around to face them, firing a spell that blasted them out into the large room they had been in before. He stepped out to face them, and a vicious battle ensued. Dae looked about frantically to see that Shandris had not joined him in this fight. Distracted by this turn of events, Dae was defeated and thrown to the ground. As he fell, however, he grabbed the pearl from around Thorn's neck, hoping to rob his brother of its power. However, the pearl reacted instantly to his evil touch and blasted him with a powerful light, resonating with his sword. The sword shuddered, then split in two: a Dark sword and a Light Sword. Dae rose to his feet slowly, turning to see Shandris walking out of the Jewel Chamber with her eyes shining fiercely from behind her mask. "How pathetic... to call yourself a Dark Knight, and lose to these children of such inferior skill. And failing to properly research the task at hand before revealing yourself! Utterly useless..." She said, grabbing the Dark Sword from the air and slashing Dae hard across the chest with it. His armor was split as easily as a cloth as the sword ripped across his chest. He gasped, his eyes filled with shock at his beloved's betrayal. "Shandris... w-why...?!" he asked, gasping for breath as the blood spilled from his wound. "Because... you have outlived your usefulness. You have failed to recover the Jewel, and I will not tolearte your incompetence any further! Now DIE!" She cried, slashing across his chest in the opposite direction. Dae stretched out his hand to beg her not to strike, but to no avail.As the sword struck him, he fell to the ground on his back and died, his lifeless eyes demanding reason.

Shandris then cast a paralyzing spell upon the party, and only Thorn was left unaffected. His eyes burned with anger and he lunged at Shandris, engaging her in a fierce but brief battle. Thorn managed to defeat her, but only barely. She managed to escape before he struck the killing blow, rushing toward the Tome in the back room. Thorn managed to reach it just behind her, and grabbed hold of the book as she began to Teleport away... she tried to rip the book from his clutches, but the decrepit book tore in half, leaving half with her as she escaped to safety, and half with Thorn. He returned to the room where the party waited, now free from Shandris' spell. He wept for a moment beside his brother's fallen corpse, then rose and claimed the sword Shandris had knocked away. The party tried unsuccessfully to resurrect him with spells, but in vain. The Dark Sword had cursed his flesh beyond redemption, and no small magic could break this curse to restore his life. Thorn looked at the sword carefully, noticing an indentation in the hilt. Placing the Pearl in the hilt of the sword, he smiled. It shone brightly, as a star in the sky. Thorn placed the sword upon his brothers chest and folded his arms over it. "The least we can do is give him a proper funeral... he may have tried to kill us, but... he was... my brother..." He said, stopping suddenly as Dae's armor also began to shine with the unearthly light, transforming into a silver Holy Armor, leaving no trace of Darkness behind. Dae's eyes opened slowly, and he rose to his feet. "Where... am I...? ...Thorn...? Brother, is that you...?" he said. Thorn stepped back in shock. His brother was alive... reborn as a Paladin by the Holy Power of the blade.

Character Profile #7:
Eivan Ven'ahrl
Name: Eivan Ven'ahrl
Age: 1126
Birthdate: 10/31
Hair color: Silver
Eye color: Eerie Green
Height: 7'0"
Race: Spirit/ Dragon
Weaponry: Claw tips and fangs; primarily uses magic in human form.
Fighting Style: Magic (Necromancer) or Melee (Dragon)
Occupation: Necromancer
Affiliation: Evil/Neutral
Main Element: Spirit
Support Element: Darkness
Personality: Vengeful, spiteful, and generally distrustful of mortals. Tends to be disagreeable with most mortals, also.
Likes: Revenge.
Dislikes: All living things.
Fears: Mortals.
Special Ability: Drain Soul (Absorbs 1/10 of an enemy's SP and 1 Special Power temporarily)
Quote: "I feel nothing but contempt, for all living things... for they saw fit to show hatred to my race... I shall not rest until every mortal joins me in DEATH!!"

Eivan was once a Prince among Dragons, being the son of the highest Silver Dragon, Ven. He was known as Ahrl, son of Ven, and loved by the others in his clan. His life was peaceful, away from the cares and worries of the outside world. He and his clan made their existence in the rainsoaked peaks of the Soldamir Mountains. It was the happiest time of his life... ...but all good things must come to an end.

He was captured as a young dragon by the Nemira Clan of ninja and was to be used as a victim in their rite of initiation for new ninjas to prove their worth, but when the time came for his struggle for life or death, his executioner was thankfully Aislyn Nemira... the only sane member of the Clan who saw no reason to take his life, and instead freed him, putting her own life at risk to do so. She took only a single scale from the dragon in hopes it would serve as an acceptable trophy, and he escaped with his life very much intact, now wary of humans. He was right to be wary, for within the year, the mortal armies led an assault on all dragonkind.

The armies of humans, elves, and dwarves eventually came to a tentative alliance, seeking to destroy all Dragons. Some men fought for glory, others for sport, still others simply because they were instructed to do so. This came to be known as the War of Eternal Flame, and lasted for 7 years, the ruthless assault led by Lucien Nemira (who was of course possessed by Lujein, and sought to slay the dragons out of fear for their power.) He managed to escape with the help of a certain fairy, having suffered fatal wounds at the hands of the mortal attackers. By chance, or perhaps fate, he fell dead at the feet of a powerful necromancer who was also nearing death... a man named Eivan. The angel was now nowhere to be seen, but this man took pity upon the dragon despite all odds, and merged his soul into the dragon's, giving the dragon new life in a spirit form, and the ability to take on the form of a human to avoid detection. He was also granted all of the necromancer's powers, but the necromancer could not overcome the dragon's soul, and was devoured. The creature arose, now calling itself Eivan Ven'ahrl, a Ghost Dragon and Necromancer sworn on revenge against all living things. He hated the living for what they had done to him, and vowed that as long as he bore his transparent scars, he would not forgive them for their sins.

The bracelet he wears is the source of his un-life. The necromancer transformed his knowledge, power, will, and very life essence into a mystical bracelet, which he put around his own left arm and chanted out a powerful curse of binding. This bracelet was supposed to give the necromancer power over the dragon's body, but even the necromancer's curse could not overcome the dragon's spirit. Instead, the two merged, though the dragon took predominance and essentially devoured the necromancer's soul. This merging of a live spirit resurrected the dragon, who now possessed all the dragonic powers of his former self, along with the life energy and dark powers of the necromancer. As an added bonus, he was able to take the form of a dragon or human, though taking on a dragonic form now drained him of his power rather quickly, and he could not maintain the form for long. The bracelet is tied to the mortal plane and the Astral Plane, and as such, cannot be easily destroyed or removed. The spirit-portions of Eivan's body were lost when he was attacked by the mortals, and are the result of his body-fusion with the necromancer. The necromancer's limbs and flesh took the place of the dragon's, but since both were not originally present, they now exist in spirit form, though they are fully capable of contact with the physical world. If the bracelet is somehow removed or destroyed at both locations, Eivan will become mortal and fully die within a short time, unless the bracelet is restored or another life joined with his.

Character Profile #8:
Name: Emirasu
Age: Ancient (She IS immortal, after all)
Birthdate: 8/23
Hair color: Dark Blue
Eye color: Red
Height: 5'7"
Race: Half-Angel, Half-Demon
Weaponry: Staves/ Rods/ Wands
Fighting Style: Magic
Occupation: Banished Demon, Wanderer
Affiliation: Good
Main Element: Light
Support Element: Darkness
Personality: Melancholy and sorrowful, yet kind at heart.
Likes: Magic, and flowers.
Dislikes: Being alone.
Fears: Outliving her friends and loved ones.
Special Ability: Absorb (Drain HP, SP, or MP and restore them to the party)
Quote: "The brighter the light, the darker the shadow cast."

Emirasu was born half-angel, half-demon. She was rejected from Heaven due to her "imperfection", and lived a good deal of her life in Hell. Her Angel-half fused with the demon powers to give her incredible magical powers. The demons sought to use her power in their war against the humans, but she refused to kill so many innocents, and was charged with treason. The demons tortured her for years, and eventually forced her to use her powers, which resulted in the destruction of Arc te Larium. Her powers went berserk, however, and also destroyed a large portion of the standing demon army. The demons carved tunnels beneath the city and bound Emirasu below the city she had destroyed, leaving her alone for all eternity. Before they left, however, they placed a cursed sword on a pedestal in a distant room to act as a magical seal: so long as the cursed sword stayed upon the pedestal, she could never be free. As a final blow against their oppressor, the demons brought her back to consciousness and forcibly tore her wings from her body, leaving her crippled, weakened, and bound, to be alone forever. The one thing the demons never planned on was the cursed sword longing to be free... and a power-hungry soul accepting its curse, inadvertently freeing her from her prison.

Character Profile #9:
Ifria I'calna
Name: Ifria I'calna
Age: 20 (looks a bit younger since she's half-demon)
Birthdate: 7/18
Hair color: Reddish with streaks that shift color like fire
Eye color: Right eye is grey, Left eye used to be a demon's eye (cat-eye pupil with fire iris)but since demons are considered beyond evil in her village, her care-taker was forced to close it permanently somehow so she would not be persecuted because of her demon heritage.
Height: 5'5"
Race: Half-human/ Half-demon
Weaponry: Claws
Fighting Style: Martial Arts
Occupation: Drifter
Affiliation: Good
Main Element: Fire
Support Element: Spirit
Personality: Shy and sort of a loner, incredible temper when angered, strong sense of justice, and somewhat silly and likes to play pranks.
Likes: Heat, sweets, animals, music, sleeping...
Dislikes: Most people, cold, being dirty, vegetables
Fears: Spiders and demon hunters
Special Ability: Rage (Her father Akaihi was a fire fox demon, so when prompted, she can turn into a sort of demi-fox which gives her heightened senses and speed, and adds increased fire damage to her attacks... at the cost of defense and enhanced weakness to water.)
Quote: "...." (She doesn't really talk much.)

Ifria is a dancer from a tribe of desert dwelling humans who live near active volcanos. She was raised primarily by her care-taker, since her mother died in giving birth to her and her father was a demon. Her entire city maintains the sense that all demons are beyond evil, and were a major force in the war against the demons 700 years ago. When the city of Arc te Larium fell to Emirasu's power, they knew the war against the demons was over for a time, though they also knew that it was far from permanent. The stalemate left them with bitter hearts at the loss of so many loved ones; having been robbed of the possibility of vengeance, they now harbored an exceeding hatred for all demonkind. Although Ifria had been born with all the normal characteristics of her human mother, she had also the misfortune of being born with one of her father's eyes... an eye that was clearly that of a demon. Her caretaker, worried about what might happen if the villagers discovered the child's lineage, decided that she must somehow shut the eye forever, to hide the demon's blazing eye from the rest of the populace. Unable to seal it by magic, she was left with no coice but to gouge the eye out with a dagger, leaving the girl's face scarred... but her life preserved. She eventually grew to be a fairly skilled dancer, though she was rather far from the stereotype where personalities were concerned. She maintains the strong sense of justice inherited from her people, but has also inherited her father's demon rage, and has one hell of a fiery temper. (No pun intended.) She travels with the party for the purpose of broadening her horizons, and trying to unravel the mystery around her birth.

Character Profile #10:
Lucien Nemira
Name: Lucien Nemira
Age: 26
Birthdate: 9/17
Hair color: Black/Purple
Eye color: Glowing Gold
Height: 6'1"
Race: Half-Elf
Weaponry: Katana/ Dragon Claw
Fighting Style: Martial Arts
Occupation: Ninja/Dragonslayer
Affiliation: His loyalties lie with the highest bidder.
Main Element: Poison
Support Element: Fire
Personality: Silent and cool-headed, he does not speak to anyone outside his clan, except on business terms. Within his clan, he is a natural leader, being both strong and intelligent. He never panics, but lately his mind has been noticeably troubled.
Likes: Seeing new places, experiencing new things.
Dislikes: Diplomacy, regulations, and being told how to do his job.
Fears: He fears the demon within him, and what it might cause him to do.
Special Ability: Break (Damages enemy and lowers stats)
Quote: "You just don't seem to understand me... Hell, I don't even understand myself!"

Lucien was until recently very close to his sister Aislyn, but recent events have torn them apart, and they are now mortal enemies. Lucien periodically goes into a trance-like state, and is overtaken by the demon living within him. It is this demon that has forced him to murder his own father. However, as the next in line, he has become the leader of the Nemira clan with his father's death. Since Aislyn was the only witness to the murder, he has placed the blame on her in order to keep the trust of his kinsmen. He will not do a job unless he is paid, regardless of the outcome, unless his clan is threatened by his not doing it. The red scale armor he wears is actually the hide of his first kill; a red dragon. due to the dragon's natural powers, this armor has the power to absorb flame, and is incredibly resilient against physical attacks. It is also fairly lightweight, and flexible enough the he is not hidered by wearing it. The claw he wields is the forearm of another dragon; the claws are said to be able to split through steel as if it were paper, and are also incredibly durable. The necklace he wears is a strap of leather with the teeth of dragons; one for each he has defeated. The one in the middle is the tooth of the last black dragon; a truly powerful enemy.

Character Profile #11:
Name: Lujein
Age: Unknown.
Birthdate: Also unknown.
Hair color: Black/Purple
Eye color: Blood red; the blood can be seen swirling beneath his eyes.
Height: 6'1"
Race: Demon
Weaponry: Katana/ Dragon Claw
Fighting Style: Martial Arts
Occupation: Madman
Affiliation: Evil
Main Element: Poison
Support Element: Darkness
Personality: The polar opposite of Lucien, Lujein is totally insane. He talks far more than he should, and kills for no reason, whether he is paid or not.
Likes: Destruction, death, chaos, etc.
Dislikes: Life in general, but especially dragons.
Special Ability: Blood (Regenerates wounds or performs massive attacks with his own blood)
Fears: Dragons and Angels.
Quote: "Now, take his lifeless form in your arms... and feel with your own hands... that the future... can never be changed..."

He is a Demon Lord who attacked the Nemira clan long ago while they were still a small band of demon-hunters, hoping to turn them to his cause. They naturally refused, and began a war with him which ravaged their country for many years, until at last, one brave warrior, the leader of the Nemira clan, sacrificed his own life to split the Demon Lord in two, leaving half of him tied to the katana wielded by the leader of the Nemira clan, and banishing the other half back to Hell. Lujein was able to influence the leader through this blade; an unfortunate event which the former leader had not foreseen. He used this influence to change the Nemiras' function; instead of hunting demons, they now began to hunt and slay dragons, who had long been at war with the demons. It became a rite of passage for the men and women of the Nemira clan to slay a dragon before being accepted as an adult, and Lucien was not excluded from this. After nearly a thousand years, Lujein had won.
Lujein was also able to use the half of himself that was free in Hell to invade the human world once more, many years after being sealed, and had possessed the soul of Lucien Nemira, the son of the new leader, while he was still in the womb. His soul warred constantly with the strong will of the boy, and eventually, the two ended in a stalemate. The boy was born with the mark of a closed eye emblazoned on his right hand, a sign that he had trapped the demon even before he was born. The demon lord could not sate his fury at being suppressed so thoroughly, and his anger often boiled over into Lucien's own emotions. On the day that Lucien was to become a man, he set out to slay a dragon; it was the perfect time, for a small red dragon had been seen in the area, allegedly attacking one of the villages. Lucien set out to battle the fiend, which turned out to be smaller than he was. Ignoring the fact that this was clearly a child, a dragon was a dragon, after all... he engaged the creature in battle, and nearly lost his arm in the process. He was assailed by his small but powerful foe, which began gnawing on his arm as he struggled desperately to free himself. As his energy began to fade, the lifeforce which had trapped the demon weakened to the point that he was able to break free. The eye tattoo on Lucien's hand burst open, revealing a spiral of 4 black and 4 white tendrils: Lujein's mark of terror! As the demon lord's power flowed over his own consciousness, the boy became vaguely aware of the events that followed. He saw his body hurl the dragon to the side, and mercilessly leap upon the fallen creature, driving his blade into it's underbelly over and over and over, relishing the blood that spewed from the open wounds. As the dragon screamed in agony, and fell to the ground in defeat, the boy felt his consciousness return to him. He could see what he had done... but had it really been him? He shook his head sadly, afraid of what had happened to him. Glancing down at his arm, he noticed that the wounds had already healed, though the scars remained. His tattoo had also sealed shut. He lifted the fallen corpse of the dragon over his back and carried it off toward home, where he would have its hide crafted into a marvelous armor. As he walked, however, he heard a faint voice echoing in his head... an echoing that has never stopped since. "Your soul now belongs to me... claim the sword... and set me free..."

Character Profile #12:
Omega Shubi
Name: Omega Shubi
Age: Appears to be around 10 to 13
Birthdate: 1/1
Hair color: Steel blue with lavender bangs and one white lock in the front.
Eye color: Blinded. Glazed over and empty grey.
Height: 4'4"
Race: Unknown; she appears human.
Weaponry: Watches
Fighting Style: Magic
Occupation: Prophetess
Affiliation: Neutral
Main Element: Time
Support Element: Darkness
Personality: Depressive and brutally honest, but not intentionally rude.
Likes: Clocks, fortune-telling, and dogs.
Dislikes: Being called a fake (or any synonym thereof) and people who mock her blindness.
Fears: None that are known.
Special Ability: Divide (Causes enemy attacks to hit only one ally, reduces damage/potency of attacks or spells, splits damage between all allies, etc. for 2 rounds.)
Quote: "What is time, but a measurement of life? What is life, but a countdown to one's death?"

"No sight within the present, no vision but of things to be." Omega was born completely blind, but developed a shockingly accurate "sixth sense" of seeing the future. She can also gaze into the past of people she is currently touching, but she cannot alter those events. Her insights allow her to "see" people, but she can only view the lives of people she personally knows. She is incapable of viewing her own future, however, and only sees the future that is meant to be... not the future that absolutely must be. In other words, her visions can change people's lives and alter their destiny by simply leading them down a different path, although she has no direct control over past or future. Because of her skills, she makes her living as a fortune-teller, but is growing restless, and seeks an adventurer "with the potential to alter the very fate of the world." She is often correct when dealing with the affairs of humans, but, having never dealt with the monster race, relies heavily on Serisa for support in guiding the party's actions.

Character Profile #13:
Reyna Tearlin
Name: Reyna Tearlin
Age: 18
Birthdate: 5/2
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eye color: Green
Height: 5'7"
Race: Elf
Weaponry: Bows
Fighting Style: Marksmanship
Occupation: Huntress
Affiliation: Good
Main Element: Earth
Support Element: Wood
Personality: Cheerful, and friendly to a fault.
Likes: Archery, Nature, and Cooking... also likes Thorn.
Dislikes: Extremely hot or cold places, and certain Dark Knights.
Fears: None in particular.
Special Ability: Aim (wait a turn for 100% Hit Rate and 2x,3x,4x Damage, Pierce defense, Paralyze target, increase party's hit rate, etc.)
Quote: "It's not that I condone revenge... it's simply all I have to live on."

Reyna is a charming, good-natured individual with the fortune (or misfortune) of surviving the destruction of her village. A Mysterious Dark Knight burned the village to the ground and slaughtered the inhabitants in order to obtain the Forest Seal. She has sworn vengeance on him and now follows his trail in order to avenge her village. She tends to be a fairly cheerful individual, and rather blatantly has a crush on Thorn, despite his also obvious disinterest. Born as a full-blooded elf, she is a natural at hunting as well as communing with the forces of nature to make the best out of most situations. She is connected to the spirit world through her blood, and as such, can speak to spirits that most others cannot even sense. Certain spirits, such as Eivan and Celcia, maintain a bond strong enough to the world that others can sense them; but only Reyna and the other spirits can speak to the spirits of the dead, the trees, or the water. Chaela can speak to those of the wind, but Reyna still proves valuable when dealing with the supernatural... while still in a natural setting. She also detests those who harm the land, and does not see why humans are so fond of destruction, especially their own.

Character Profile #14:
Name: Serisa
Age: 15
Birthdate: 3/3
Hair color: Green snakes instead of hair
Eye color: Rose Pink
Height: 4'8" from mid-tail to head; about 5'10" from head to tail.
Race: Medusa
Weaponry: Two Whips (preferably thorned)
Fighting Style: Melee
Occupation: Aspiring Diplomat
Affiliation: Good
Main Element: Lightning
Support Element: Poison
Personality: More mature than most of the party, despite her age. Calm and compassionate, despite her monstrous appearance and obvious lineage. Her quest for peace is futile, yet she is determined and refuses to give up hope, despite the many times her kin has ridiculed her and the many times that the humans have shunned her. She is not a pacifist by any means; she simply does not understand the reasoning behind war, and would prefer to seek a more peaceful solution. If the need arises, however, she will fight with all she has to protect her friends, her people, and her beliefs.
Likes: Snakes, humans, quiet places.
Dislikes: War in general, overcrowded places, and seeing her reflection.
Fears: Being unable to help, and war.
Special Ability: Gaze (Inflict status upon enemies at will, not automatically.)
Quote: "War is hell... the last thing we need is another fight."

Serisa is a Medusa, descended from a long line of Gorgons. She was raised in a war zone, watching countless people die and countless monsters be needlessly slain. Despite her tears, however, she was never able to stop the fighting between the humans and the monster races. She has seen horrors beyond reason, and tragedies beyond any one could cry for; no wonder she has matured more rapidly than most. She is often more humane than most humans, and does not understand why humans and monsters must fight and kill each other. She strives to make peace between their races by joining forces with Thorn and the others. Due to the cultural differences, her job is far from an easy one, but she has not given up the hope for peace. She is fairly well-liked by the monsters, though humans look upon her with disdain. Her maturity is often shocking to others due to her childlike appearance (and the fact that she's a monster). She is fairly level-headed and acts as an advisor to the group along with Omega, offering the other half of whatever insight the Prophetess might have. Her diplomatic tactics also tend to be quite effective: Would you rather drop your weapons and stop fighting, or remain a statue until the end of time?

Character Profile #15:
Shandris Allura Shandris Allura
Name: Shandris Allura
Age: 20
Birthdate: 2/14
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Purple
Height: 5'10"
Race: Human
Weaponry: Magic Masks
Fighting Style: Magic
Occupation: Runaway Princess, Priestess
Affiliation: Evil
Main Element: Light
Support Element: Wood
Personality: Loyal to a fault, Optimistic, but not overly cheerful.
Likes: Dae Eredin
Dislikes: Being a princess
Fears: Cockroaches, spiders, etc.
Special Ability: Illusion (Inflicts small damage and random status upon enemies)
Quote: "What's the point of life without love? I will stay with him, even if it costs me my life."

Shandris Allura is the Princess of the Golden Leaf. Born in the city of flowers, she spent her early years studying herbal medicines and potions. As she grew older however, she was sent to the Tower of Light in Xel Maira to train as a Priestess due to her exceptional skill with magic. It was later discovered that her exceptional skill stemmed from an ancient prophecy, which spoke of a Maiden of Light who would determine the fate of the world. A few years into her training, she met with Dae Eredin, the current heir to the Blue Rose Priesthood, who was also in the city to train in his magical prowess. To make a long story short, they fell in love, but her family refused to accept this man for their daughter, as her newfound position as the Maiden of Light was too important to allow her to dabble in such trifiling things as love. In blatant disregard to her parents wishes, Dae and Shandris snuck out of the city together, with the intent of libing out their lives safely back within the Undersea Palace. However, upon their return, Dae found that his mother had been stricken with a fatal illness. He begged the High Priest and the others to help her, but they failed, and his mother died before his eyes. He cursed the incompetence of the priests, and their refusal to train him sooner, and angrily left the city, and Shandris, behind, in search of a power that supposedly had the ability to do anything one's heart desired. Shandris was not to be left alone however, and immediately set out to find him. When she finally found him, however, he had taken the curse of the Dark Blade 'Soulcrusher' upon himself, and been transformed into a full-fledged Dark Knight. Unable to throw away her loyalties to him, she vowed to assist him in achieving his goal. At first he refused, then realized that she was the only one able to open the Seals that barred him from his goal. The two have traveled together ever since, wreaking havoc and killing those who stood in their way, in search of the ultimate power.

Character Profile #16:
Dark Shandris
Name: Dark Shandris
Age: 20
Birthdate: 2/14
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Purple
Height: 5'10"
Race: Human
Weaponry: Magic Mask/ Dreamsmasher (the dark side of the blade which formed Soulcrusher)
Fighting Style: Magic
Occupation: Dark Queen
Affiliation: Evil
Main Element: Darkness
Support Element: Wood
Personality: Evil, spiteful, insane.
Likes: Anything evil, especially bones.
Dislikes: Dae and Thorn Eredin
Fears: Cockroaches, spiders, etc.
Special Ability: Hallucination (Inflicts heavy damage and severe status upon enemies)
Quote: "This world, and every other, shall bow down before me..."

Upon seeing Dae's weakness and inability to defeat Thorn and the others, Shandris went completely mad. Dae's sword was split in two during the battle with Thorn, one Light half and one Dark. Shandris snatched the Dark Blade away from her lover, using it to strike him down. She then struck the Light Sword, sending it hurtling across the room, far from Thorn's reach. Casting a spell to paralyze the party, she then turned to face Thorn one on one, wielding the Dark Blade with brital efficiency. Thorn managed to defeat her, but she escaped, and set off to unlock the sword's true power, and gain the power of the Devils in order to conquer the world. Thorn retreived the sword and laid it atop his brother's fallen corpse, only to witness an unexpected miracle... the sword shone brightly, resonating with Thorn's pearl, which had absorbed the evil of the sword. These two Holy Artifacts combined to apparantly resurrect Dae, bringing him back not as a Dark Knight, but a Paladin...

Character Profile #17:
Thorn Eredin
Name: Thorn Eredin
Age: 20
Birthdate: 4/28
Hair color: Black w/ white bangs
Eye color: Right eye Purple, Left eye Blue
Height: 6'2"
Race: Half-Human/ Half-Angel
Weaponry: Glaives/ Double Glaives
Fighting Style: Melee
Occupation: Mercenary/ former Priest of the Blue Rose
Affiliation: Good
Main Element: Water
Support Element: Ice
Personality: Sarcastic, calm, and relatively independent.
Likes: The waves, playing his flute, and helping people... for a price.
Dislikes: Lectures, bad food, and being called anything other than Thorn.
Fears: Not really a phobia, but he has a general aversion to the unknown.
Special Ability: Multiply (Causes all attacks to strike twice, hit all enemies, or have increased potency, etc. for the next round)
Quote: "A Rose by any other name... would still have Thorns."

Thorn may be a mercenary, but he doesn't like to take a job without knowing all the details up front. A calm, calculating person, he claims to be in it for the money, though he has more than once helped someone free-of-charge. He attributes this to his priestly training of helping those in need, but usually goes rather vague if questioned on the matter. It is blatantly obvious that Reyna likes him, but he treats her with a casual indifference.

He may come across as rude, snide, or even uncaring, but he can be kind and generous to his friends... if he manages to make any, that is. He is a quiet individual when he's not smarting off, and it is difficult to say what his true motives are.

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