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crickl's nest
Thu, Jul 5 2007
Movie review: Ratatouille
Topic: Other
I took my daughter and neice, both 9, to see the new Disney movie today. You just need some nice cool place to go on days like this....when the heat hovers around 116F and even lazing around in the swimming pool makes your head pound. So we grabbed our Harkins 'loyal patron' cups and went to the matinee.

First of all, it was a really cute movie....good characters, setting, and writing. It was very charming and I loved that.

I just can't get past it being about rats.

Rats crawling around kitchens, through sewer pipes, slinking about in the dark and stampeeding in a full hoard of swinging tails and weird noses and the slinking......aaaarg! Not to mention preparing food in a restaurant! I hated it I hated it I hated it! Even now my stomach is feeling lurchy just thinking about it.

The girls loved it though.

Maybe it is because I grew up in the Willard generation.....*shudder*

If you've seen the movie, did this bother you? Or am I just over sensitive? I just know I don't think I"ll watch it....ever....again.


ps....notice, no use of graphics or html links on this word from angelfire 'help' yet. *grumbling*

by crickl at 11:07 PM PDT
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Fri, Jul 6 2007 - 5:26 AM PDT

Name: "DebD"
Home Page:

I saw it this week as well and I didn't like it.  I thought it was boring.  The two kids I brought with me (6 + 11) like it.   Yes, the rats bugged me too - especially when they all swarmed together into the kitchen - gross!

Fri, Jul 6 2007 - 7:40 AM PDT

Name: "joannmski"
Home Page:

There is a new comment box. Interesting. And your page loaded on the first try, very nice.

I sent the big sister to take the little ones to the movie. Luke, who is bout to turn 6, LOVED it. He keeps going around the house yelling "RAT - TAT -TOO - EEEEEEEEEEEEE". Apparently Nadia was very bad, and her big sister is still mad at her for her behavior.

Fri, Jul 6 2007 - 4:19 PM PDT

Name: "e-Mom"
Home Page:

Hi Christie! Thanks for the fair warning... lol. I thought it might be a good clean movie based on the reviews, but hmmm, I'm not a big fan of rats either. If my husband insists we'll see it, otherwise, I think I'll pass. Have a blessed weekend!

Mon, Jul 9 2007 - 5:30 AM PDT

Name: "Julie"
Home Page:

We went and saw it last week and I loved it. If it had been about a bunch of bugs crawling all over a kitchen, it might have bothered me more. I can definitely see how that could turn your stomach! Part of the cleverness of the movie is that it IS absurd and disgusting for rats to do that--but if you remember, Remy DID steamclean the rats before they made that final big that helps you! sorry! :)

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