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crickl's nest
Sun, Jul 1 2007
Topic: Photo entries
I finally got around to uploading the pictures of our new puppy, but now I can't get my blog to post pictures! (at all!) They are changing everything around on my server and although there is a button to insert a picture and it looks like you've uploaded does not appear on the page. *sigh*

So, I'm going to give you the links to see them. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. Apparently html code is not working either, so here are just the urls of the pics! aaarrrrrggg!

This is Maisy (rhymes with Daisy):

Looking coy:

The size of her scull is just smaller than this Easter egg:

Meanwhile I am going to go look into Blogger blog templates.....

by crickl at 7:41 PM PDT
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Tue, Jun 26 2007
Wordless Wednesday: The Lake
Topic: Photo entries
Three more weeks and we will be here:

**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

by crickl at 10:48 PM PDT
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Wed, Jun 13 2007
Wordless Wednesday: Red poppies
Topic: Photo entries

**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

by crickl at 12:31 PM PDT
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Tue, Jun 5 2007
Wordless Wednesday: Bethany
Topic: Photo entries
**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

This is Bethany (on the right).
Everything is larger than life when you're with her..... ;)

She is the princess and makes any activity an 'event'.
Even handing out cupcakes at a Harvest Party.

And now.....she is a missionary. At least for the summer.
Get ready for a summer full of larger than life events, lots of
drama and fun.....she has decreed it! And you must obey!

Have a great summer, Bethany!

by crickl at 8:24 PM PDT
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Tue, May 29 2007
Wordless Wednesday: Sinking sun
Topic: Photo entries

**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets,
the name of the LORD is to be praised.
Psalm 113:3

by crickl at 9:18 PM PDT
Updated: Wed, May 30 2007 12:10 AM PDT
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Tue, May 22 2007
Wordless Wednesday: Willow Creek Mine, Creede, CO
Topic: Photo entries

**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

by crickl at 10:15 PM PDT
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Tue, May 15 2007
Wordless Wednesday: Moon shadows
Topic: Photo entries

OK, it's not the moon, it's the Great Sand Dunes National Park and my silly daughters messing around.

**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

by crickl at 9:42 PM PDT
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Tue, May 8 2007
Wordless Wednesday: A path less traveled
Topic: Photo entries
Thank you all for the nice comments about this photo. Since many of you asked about where it is, here is the explanation. We were staying in Creede, Colorado and one day took a dirt road that turned off the 2 lane highway. It went up the mountain (we were down on that road that runs along the valley below in the pic). Then at the top of the mountain, there was a hiking trail that took off over the top, so we went walking. This is where the trail lead. And that is the Rio Grande river running through the valley too. The headwaters for the Rio Grande are in these mountains.

**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

by crickl at 10:09 PM PDT
Updated: Wed, May 9 2007 5:24 PM PDT
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Sat, May 5 2007
Sunday night hockey
Topic: Photo entries
I spent a long time today trying to find and apply the codes for thumbnail links to images. But I found it! And it's'll probably be seeing a lot more of it here, since it doesn't take up my disk space. If you want the code, just hollar at me....uh, or comment or email. =)

Here is what my 2 teenagers and my husband have been doing the past 2 months of Sunday nights. Just click on the little image to see the larger one.

This is our youth room. It is a huge room that they made over to be a hockey rink. Each team has a t-shirt design and banner on the wall. Their goalie masks decorate the end walls too. The bumper walls along the sides are covered with carpeting and the spectators sit on them to watch....or some chickens like me peek in from the doorways to avoid the little rubber balls that come flying.

Very cool logo! It stands for Revolution, the name of our youth ministry.

When Josh (youth pastor) has a game to play, my husband fills in as referree. Isn't he cute? =) The toilet paper decor all around the room is from the current TP wars that the youth group plays on Wednesday nights. ;)

Each game begins with a devotion by one of the youth and a prayer huddle.

by crickl at 10:49 PM PDT
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Tue, Apr 17 2007
Wordless Wednesday: First time drivers
Topic: Photo entries
Emma and Hannah


**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

by crickl at 11:35 PM PDT
Updated: Tue, Apr 17 2007 11:37 PM PDT
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Tue, Apr 10 2007
Wordless Wednesday: View from South Mountain
Topic: Photo entries

**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

by crickl at 10:35 PM PDT
Updated: Sat, Apr 21 2007 6:46 PM PDT
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Tue, Apr 3 2007
Wordless Wednesday: Resurrection Day
Topic: Photo entries

The tomb is empty and He's alive....Celebrate!

**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

by crickl at 10:03 PM PDT
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Tue, Mar 27 2007
Wordless Wednesday: Thunderbirds
Topic: Photo entries
**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

by crickl at 8:37 PM PDT
Updated: Tue, Mar 27 2007 8:43 PM PDT
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Tue, Mar 13 2007
Wordless Wednesday: Jerusalem streets
Topic: Photo entries
**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

by crickl at 11:24 PM PDT
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Tue, Mar 6 2007
Wordless Wednesday: Canyon Trail
Topic: Photo entries

Grand Canyon, that if those are the stairs, where is the elevator??

**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

by crickl at 10:09 PM PST
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