"Quick Curl Casey" was made by Mattel in 1971. She has the same face mold as "Best Friend Cynthia", but unlike Cynthia she is not a talking doll. Instead her main feature is her hair, which contains some fine wires allowing it to easily hold a curl when bent. Mattel also used this hair on the "Quick Curl Barbie" doll series produced during the same timeframe.
Casey was approximately 18 1/2 inches tall. She had dark brown hair and golden brown painted eyes. She came dressed in a blue and white checked long dress with red rick-rack trim. I have seen this doll pictured in a reference book with what may have been a white removable lace collar. Her head is marked "1971 Mattel Inc., Hong Kong". Her lower back is marked "1971 Mattel Inc., USA, US Patent Pending".
Above are some new photos of Casey with a different hairstyle. ****Updated 05-July-2003
Above are photos of Casey and her twin Cynthia. Click here to see my Cynthia page