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Disclaimer: As much as I wish they were, they aren't mine. They're his. Even though they have much more fun with me...

Rated NC-17 This is not a story for the kiddies. If naughty words and strong same-sexual images disturb you, run! Go and never come back. There’s tons of angst, a touch of violence, bad words, a whole bunch of sweet moments and even...dare I say it...the "L" word thrown in for good measure. If sugar isn’t in your diet, I’ll give you a second warning. Run!!

Admission VI
Uh... Mom?

By Aries

"She’s gonna hate me, Fox, I know she is."

Alex stood in front of the mirror, fussing with his hair for the umpteenth time.

Fox came up behind him and draped an arm across his chest. "If she does, try not to take it too much to heart. She’s not really fond of me, either."

"Oh, I feel so much better, now. Thank you."

Fox kissed the side of his lover’s neck and moved away. "Leave your hair alone, and let’s get the table set."

"But it’s doing this thing on the right side. Looks like I just woke up."

The older man walked back and scrutinized Alex’s reflection. "No, it doesn’t."

"Yes, it does. Look." He pointed to the strands in question. "Right here. You can’t see that?"

Fox rolled his eyes. Hooking his hand under Alex’s arm, he pulled the younger man out of the bathroom. "Your hair is fine. God, I bet Scully doesn’t spend that much time on her hair..."

Alex jumped at the sound of the doorbell. He looked to Fox, wide-eyed. The other man placed a steadying hand on his shoulder, gave him a quick kiss, then headed for the door, taking a couple of deep breaths, along the way.

The silver-haired woman looked up at her son as the door slowly opened. He gave her a tremulous smile and stepped forward.

"Hi, Mom."

She remained stiff as she briefly put her arms around him, then withdrew.

"How are you, Fox?"

Her eyes answered her question.

There was a healthy glow to his skin, and it looked as though he might have put on a few pounds. And although he seemed a bit nervous, there was an overall serenity to his expression that she couldn’t ever remember seeing.

"Good. Good...uh..." He stepped aside, allowing her to enter. "Come in."

She entered, giving the apartment the once-over.


Pristine, in fact.

He must have been cleaning for two weeks straight, to get the place this spotless.

And those aromas coming from the kitchen...he must have had dinner catered...

"Thank you for coming, Mom."

"Well, you said it was very important."

Fox nodded, then moved to take his mother’s coat. He hung the garment in the closet, then steered her toward the sofa. "I’ll be back in a minute, okay?" He disappeared quickly into the kitchen, where Alex was hiding.

"What are you doing in here?"

"Checking the roast."

"Yeah. Right. I thought you were behind me when I went to the door."

Alex searched for a response, but all he could manage was an apologetic shrug.

Fox jerked a thumb toward the door. "Let’s go."

Alex whined softly, as his lover shoved him out of the room.

Mrs. Mulder rose to her feet, momentarily confused as a man who was not her son, practically fell into the room. Fox immediately followed, ignoring the other man’s glare.

"I’m sorry," she said politely, casting an unsure glance at the dark-haired man, who had come to stand a couple of steps behind Fox. "I thought we were alone."

"No. Uh...Mom? This is Alex. Alex, my mother."

Alex moved past Fox and offered his hand. "Very nice to meet you, Mrs. Mulder."

"Nice to meet you, you have a last name?"


She nodded, withdrawing her hand. "I don’t think I’ve ever met any of my son’s friends before. Well, except for his partner."

Fox ushered his mother back to the sofa, then took a seat beside her, while Alex sat across from them in the chair.

"So. How long have you two been friends?"

Alex’s mouth dropped open as he thought of something to say.

"Alex and I go back a few years, Mom."

"Really? So, you’re good friends."

Fox looked to Alex, raising his eyebrows. "Yeah. Very good."

Alex fidgeted in his seat.

"It’s nice to have a good friend. I know you’re close to your partner Fox, but she’s a woman. I think it’s easier to share certain things with someone of your own gender..."

Alex closed his eyes and bowed his head, then snapped it back up when he heard the oven timer going off.

"Dinner’s ready. Excuse me."

Before Fox could say a word, the other man jumped from his chair and practically ran into the kitchen.

"He made dinner?"


"A very good friend. Did he lose a bet or something?"

Fox smiled down at the floor. "No."

Before his mother could ask any more questions, Alex poked his head into the room. "It’s ready."

Fox rose and directed the unsuspecting woman toward the dining table. "I’ll be right back." He vanished into the kitchen, where Alex was busy filling platters and bowls.

"How’s it going?"

Fox threw up his hands and whispered, "How the hell am I going to approach this? I was sort of hoping that just your presence would get her thinking, then maybe it wouldn’t be such a shock, but..."

"Why would she? As far as she knows, you’ve never had any such inclinations."

"I don’t know. Scully’s always telling me how obvious we are, even when we’re trying not to be. I just thought she’d see something.

"Looks like you’re just going to have to come out and tell her."


"When? So I’ll know when to disappear..."

"Oh no you don’t, you’re going to sit right there and face this with me."

Alex blew out a long breath. "Maybe it won’t be as bad as you think."

"Right. Maybe it’ll be worse."

Alex picked up two bowls and nodded at the platter on the counter, beside Fox. "Let’s see."

"This is very good, Alex." Fox’s mother commented halfway through the virtually silent meal.

"Thank you."

"Did your mother teach you to cook?"

"My grandmother, actually."

"I suppose I should have taught Fox. But then, I never thought he’d be single this long..."

Fox twisted his bottom lip and looked away.

"Are you married, Alex?"


"A handsome young man like you? Surely you’ve got someone in your life."

Alex cleared is throat. "Well... yes..."

"I’ll bet she appreciates the fact that you can cook."

"Mom." Fox broke in. "Umm... how’s Aunt Greta?"

His mother shot him a surprised look. "She’s fine. As a matter of fact, she called me last week. Bobby is engaged."

Great, Mulder. Now you did it.

"Really. Good for him."

Mrs. Mulder turned to Alex. "Bobby is Fox’s cousin. We all thought he’d never get married. Not exactly a catch..."

Alex nodded mutely, risking occasional glances at Fox, who sat with one hand shading his eyes.

"That’s everybody, now. Well... almost..."

Dinner came to a conclusion... finally, and Fox rose to help Alex clear the dishes.

"Let me do that," Mrs. Mulder rose to help, but Fox refused.

"No, Mom. We’ve got it. Why don’t you go back into the living room and relax? I’ll bring you some tea in a minute."

The older woman cocked her head. "All right." She nodded her thanks to Alex, who pulled her chair out as she rose from the table.

When his mother was out of earshot, Alex turned to Fox. "That wasn’t so bad."

"Are you kidding? She mentioned my single status, every chance she got. She does seem to like you, though... for now."

"Jeez, you dangle the hope in front of my face, then you snatch it right back."

"Sorry, but... trust me. Our news is not going to thrill her. Let’s get this stuff cleaned up and get this over with."

Twenty minutes later, they returned with a cup of tea for Mrs. Mulder, and dessert.

Alex set the cup down in front of her, followed by a slice of key lime pie.

"That looks good."

"Hope it tastes good. It’s a first attempt."

"You made it?"

Alex nodded, seating himself across from the sofa.

"I hope that young lady, whoever she is, holds on to you, with both hands. Now..." She turned to Fox, who was rubbing his knuckles against his temple. "What did you want to talk about? I gather it’s nothing you can’t discuss in front of your friend, or he wouldn’t be here..."

"Yeah." Fox closed his eyes, then opened them, slowly. "Yeah, uh... Mom... I’ve spent a long, long time trying to find the best way to say this to you..."

Mrs. Mulder furrowed her brow. "Directly is always the best way, Fox."

"Right." He got up and started to pace. She followed him with her eyes, impatience just starting to creep into her voice.


"Alex is here for a reason, Mom. He’s not here as a chef, or for moral support, though he is that for me, quite often." He glanced down at the man who sat quietly, his eyes cast down toward the floor. "He lives here... with me."

"A roommate?" She still wasn’t getting it.

"Y-yeah, Mom. We share a room..." He drew a deep breath and released it. "The bedroom."

Mrs. Mulder’s eyebrows drew down into a distinct frown. "Fox, what are you saying?"

Fox stepped behind the seated man and ran a hand gently across his tense shoulders. The contact gave his courage a needed boost. "Alex and I are lovers. We have been for almost a year, now."

He watched as all the color drained from his mother’s face.

"You... you’re..."

"Mom, are you all right?"

"All right?" she gasped. "No, I am not all right. How could you, Fox? How could you do a thing like this, to me?"

Fox closed his eyes and dropped his head. Alex covered his mouth with one hand and kept his eyes to the floor.

"I didn’t raise you like this, Fox. I don’t... I don’t understand. What did he do to you?"

Fox spoke softly. "All Alex has done is love me."

"Oh," she shook her head in disgust. "Oh my... God. This can’t be, this can’t... this is a nightmare. But, oh dear Jesus, I can’t wake up."


"I thought that after losing your sister... my heart could never be broken like that, again. But this..."

"Come on, Mom..."

"You’re father must be turning over in his grave..."

"Oh, give it a rest, would you?" Fox’s voice boomed, the explosion startling both his mother and Alex. "Every time I tick you off, you bring Dad into it. What the hell for? Can you stand there and honestly tell me that you’d give a shit what he’d think? You divorced him for Christ sake, and the split was far from amicable. So, what is it with you and your, ‘dearly departed, sainted father’ routine?"

The shocked woman looked from her son to Alex, then back again. "This is no time for discussing such things."

"Why not?"

"I will not air our dirty laundry in front of strangers."

"Alex may be a stranger to you, Mom...and he probably always will be, but that’ll be because it’s your choice...but he’s no stranger to me. He’s shared more of my life in the ten months we’ve been together, than you ever have! And what do you mean, this isn’t the time? The timing was just fine for the rant you went off on just a couple of minutes ago..."

"Fox," Alex broke in, trying to somehow smooth this mess over. "Your mother has just been handed quite a shock. It’s an awful lot for you to expect her to absorb..."

"She could have from now till next Christmas and she still won’t have absorbed it, because she doesn’t want to!" He turned back to his mother, the anger giving ground to pleading. "Most mothers wish for happiness for their children. I’ve got that, Mom. Alex has given that to me. Can’t you find it in your heart to be the tiniest bit happy for me?"

"I just find out that my son is sleeping with another man, and you want me to be happy?"

"I’ve been screwed up in one way or another, for over ninety percent of my life, Mom. Until I met Scully, I thought that my dysfunctional relationships were normal. Now I know that they weren’t. For the first time in my life, I had a real friendship. And now, for the first time, with Alex, I’ve got real love..."

"Real love? He’s a man, Fox! How can you stand there and tell me that you’re in love with a man?"

Fox shook his head and turned away.

"And you!"

Alex looked up.

"You’re going to tell me that you love him?" She motioned toward her son, who watched the exchange carefully.

"Yes, I do. Deeply."

"This is sick." She glared at Alex. "My son was fine. Whatever has happened to him is your doing!" She rose to her feet and screamed at Alex. "Leave him alone! Take your perversions somewhere else, you sick, vile..."


The infuriated woman looked up at her equally infuriated son.

"That’s enough! You know, I knew this wouldn’t be easy. And I knew you’d be upset. I was ready for that. But I will not have you insulting Alex. He doesn’t deserve your contempt. It’s me you can’t stomach. You haven’t been a real mother to me since Samantha was taken. I tried. I tried so goddamn hard to make you proud of me. To try to make it up to you. But it was never good enough, was it? I was never good enough!"

"Your father took my daughter from me, because you were the one, he said, who would be able to stop whatever mess they started and bring her back to me. Well, what have you done? What? Now, I know. You’ve been busy playing sick little games with your boyfriend here, while my daughter is God knows where! I can’t forgive you for that, Fox. I will never forgive you for that!"

Fox stood staring mutely, as the angry woman whirled around and headed for the closet. She snatched her coat off of the hanger and fled the apartment.

After she was out the door, Alex approached his lover carefully, and eased him down into the chair. He kissed the side of Fox’s head, then turned and walked out the open door.

"Mrs. Mulder."

She ignored him, frantically pressing the elevator button.

"You and I need to talk."

"No, we don’t. Stay away from me."

"Yes, we do." Alex reached her and slipped his hand between her finger and the button.

"I have nothing to say to you," she spat.

"Fine, I’ll do the talking. What kind of a mother are you?"

"How dare you..."

"Oh, I dare. Where Fox is concerned, I dare a lot. How can you hurt him like that and just walk away?"

"What about what he did to me?"

"What did he do to you? Tell me."

Mrs. Mulder let out an exasperated breath and turned her face.

"Can’t answer?"

Still, nothing.

"Of course, you can’t. Because he’s done nothing to you. The loss of your daughter is terrible, but it’s not his fault. And his father had no right to pin all that responsibility on him. And you, as his mother, shouldn’t let him try to live up to all those expectations. You’re just as responsible as your husband was, for screwing him up."

"You have no right to speak to me this way..."

"I have every right." He pointed toward apartment forty-two. "I love that man in there. And I’ll do whatever... take on whoever, to protect him."

"He’s my son..."

"Yeah? Gee, you know, you really could have fooled me. I’ve never seen a mother cut her child down like that before. Do all mothers do that, or is it just a Mulder family thing?"

"You impudent... no wonder, he’s attracted to you. You’re just like him."

Alex gave her a hard smile. "No, not just like him. You don’t want to see the ways that I’m not like him..."

Mrs. Mulder snorted. "Please step aside. I’ve heard just about all I care to."

"How was your Christmas with Aunt Greta?"


"Must’ve been one hell of a party, that you couldn’t take two minutes to wish your son a happy holiday..."

"He just tells you every little thing, doesn’t he?"

"Yes. But he didn’t have to tell me that. I was there when he called you. And when you hung up on him, I was there to put my arms around him and comfort him"

"So Fox went trotting off to the tropics with you on Christmas, and I should be sensitive of his feelings..."

"We didn’t trot anywhere. I took him there for a very good reason... you have no idea what’s happened to him over the past ten months, have you?"

No answer.

"Unbelievable. He could have been dead for months before you found out."

"What are you talking about?"

"Fox was shot in the back, last summer."

A look of shock crossed the woman’s face, then she quickly masked it. "He never told me."

"No, he never did. I can’t imagine why. But he was in the hospital for weeks. A person would think that in Fox’s line of work, if his mother didn’t hear from him for a few weeks, she’d try to find out if everything was all right. But you never did." Alex shook his head. "He almost died, you know."

She squared her shoulders. "But he didn’t. You obviously are as good a nurse as you are a cook."

Another shake of the dark head. "No. I had nothing to do with his recovery. By that time, I had dropped out of his of life. It’s a long, drawn out story, but I blamed myself for the shooting, and I took off. I was afraid that if I stayed with him, he’d get hurt again. I was all wrong, but I didn’t come to that realization until five months later, and by then, he was fully recovered from the gunshot wound but was a complete, emotional wreck. And it had taken a terrible physical toll as well... but all of this is still new to you, isn’t it? Of course. Anyway, we finally got things straight, and I took him away, to the Bahamas, away from work, away from stress... to recover. Not just for the holidays, for two months. You didn’t know he was gone that long, did you? I didn’t think so."

"All of this is over and done. He’s fine now. He looks fit to me. So, why do you feel the need to tell me this?"

Alex had all he could do to keep his temper in check. "I don’t know. I just thought that you might like to know... him being your son and all, I thought you might care that he almost died. I thought you might care that he was so sick. I guess I was wrong."

"Don’t you presume to tell me what my feelings are."

"Okay." Alex threw up his hands. "You’ve got the information. What are you going to do with it?"

"That’s none of your business."

"See, that’s where you’re wrong. Fox is my business. You’re going to leave here. You’re going to go home, be pissed off for a little while, then you’ll just dismiss the whole thing and not think about it again. But me? I’m going back in there. I’m going to look into those hurt eyes and try to explain away his mother’s inexcusable behavior. Then I’m going to put him to bed and wrap my arms around him and hold him all night long, while he stares into the dark, at nothing. Then maybe sometime next week, or next month, at some early hour in the morning, while you’re fast asleep, I’ll be comforting him after he’s had a nightmare about his sister’s disappearance. He has those, every once in a while. You didn’t know that either, did you?"

The older woman looked away.

"Right. So you see, your son and anything that happens to him is very much my business. I won’t stand by and watch him be hurt like this. Not as long as I can prevent it." He leaned in closer to the woman, speaking in a confidential tone. "You will never again treat him the way you have tonight, Mrs. Mulder. Are we clear on that?"

Alex held her eyes for a number of seconds before he backed away, allowing her to ring for the elevator. She gave him a last, hasty glare before boarding and letting the doors close.

Alex clasped his hands behind his head and arched his back. "Well, that was pleasant." He turned back toward the apartment, entering to find Fox in the same chair he’d left him in, staring at the floor. He approached his lover and squatted in front of him.


No response.

Alex rubbed his thigh. "Come on, lisa. Talk to me."

"I’m sorry, Alex. This was a bigger disaster than I thought."

"Forget it. You tried."

"And failed miserably. Just like always."

"Only in her opinion. Which, I gotta tell you honestly, shouldn’t mean jack shit to you. The woman is completely unreasonable."

A tiny, sad smile curved Fox’s mouth. "Told you."

"Yeah, you did."

"Where’d you go?"

"To talk to her."

Fox looked up at him.

"I couldn’t let it hang like that. She was dead wrong to say the things she did, and I couldn’t let her behavior go unanswered..."

The older man’s gaze dropped back to the floor.

Alex rose and moved to the back of the chair, wrapping his arms around Fox’s chest and murmuring against his cheek. "I won’t let her or anyone hurt you."

Fox grasped Alex’s wrist, leaning into his whisper. His eyes dropped shut, and he drew a deep, shaky breath.

Alex rocked him very slowly, from side to side, still speaking softly against his skin. "Let it go. It’s not worth the pain..."

Fox’s body began to sag, as the satiny smooth voice blanketed him.

"You did what you needed to do, and now it’s finished. Let it all go..."

The older man’s grip on Alex’s wrist loosened but did not release.


Slight nod of the golden-brown head.

"Come with me."

Taking Fox’s hand, Alex led him down the hall and into the bedroom, where he helped the older man undress and get into bed. Then, stripping his own clothing off, he slid under the blanket, beside him.

Fox curled himself into Alex’s side and lay his head on top of his chest. "I’ve seen my mother today, for the last time," he said, his voice almost too soft to hear.

"Not necessarily." Alex gently combed his fingers through Fox’s hair. "People have changes of heart all the time. She might come to realize one day that she was wrong."

Fox shook his head. "Not my mother. She’s written me off for good."

Alex went silent for a moment, then said, "You could probably smooth things over with her..."

"Yeah, only if you and I..." Fox’s head jerked up, realizing that Alex had started to make the same point. He looked his lover square in the eye. "Never."


The other man drew himself up, so that the two were now face to face. "Never."

Alex’s gaze dropped away.

"Alex... promise me that you won’t go and take off on me, to try and save my relationship with my mother." When he received no answer, he placed a hand on either side of Alex’s face and lifted. "Promise me."

Alex looked into frightened hazel eyes. He raised a hand, anchoring his fingers in the thick fringe of hair at the back of his lover’s neck. "Only two things could make me leave you."

Fox stared at him, shocked that he could even come up with two reasons.

"One... if I was dead. Two.... if you made me go... and that second one..." He shook his head doubtfully. "We’d have to fight about that one."

Fox tried to smile, knowing that was Alex’s objective. The younger man frowned and pulled Fox down to him. "Come here..."

Their lips met in the faintest whisper of a kiss, then parted. One brief, heart-melting look between them, and they came together again, slowly. Savoring the taste and texture either of them would know, blind.

Fox moaned softly, shifting his body so that their rapidly growing erections brushed each other. He then began a slow, seductive grind, as his tongue swept the interior of Alex’s mouth.

Alex pulled Fox away by his hair and looked up at him. "I thought you were tired," he breathed softly.

"I was. But you’ve got this amazing ability to wake me right up." Fox pressed down a little harder, rocking his hips from side to side.

"I wouldn’t do that again, if I were you."

"Why not?" Fox grinned down at him. "Hair trigger?"

"Uh, yeah. Just don’t... mph... shit! Cut it out!"

Fox laughed, then shifted off center, taking the pressure off of his lover’s screaming erection. "Touchy, touchy."

"I got your touchy..."

"Yeah?" Fox lowered his head, covering Alex’s mouth with ravenous kisses, as his hands wandered, stroking and caressing every inch of exposed flesh within reach.

"Mmm..." Alex’s hands clenched in Fox’s hair, pulling him away. "Fox, I..." The words died on his lips and were replaced by a stream of unintelligible sounds, as the older man moved down his body, leaving a moist trail of kisses and nips along the way.

Fox listened to the soft whimpers and moans and smiled against Alex’s chest.

Power. It was a heady thing. And he had it over this man... in spades.

Alex’s mouth dropped open on a long gasp, as Fox made it down to one brown nipple, teasing it to almost painful hardness with the flicking tip of his tongue. When he thought he’d sufficiently tortured that nipple, he moved to the other, repeating his performance.

Alex gritted his teeth, making a conscious effort to let Fox move at his own pace, doing what he had to, to hand back to him some of the confidence and control that one gray- haired woman had so deftly stripped from him.

Fox moved on, following the hard planes of Alex’s stomach, tickling the smattering of sable hairs that led down and disappeared into the darker patch that surrounded his cock. The thick shaft twitched at the feel of warm breath, and Alex moaned, arching slightly, seeking out the mouth he so desperately needed to feel around him.

Fox heard the sharp intake of breath as he swirled his tongue around the velvety head of his lover’s cock. His lips closed around it and sucked gently. The loud groan brought a smile to his face.

"Fox," Alex choked. "Fox..."

Fox pulled away, leaving Alex twisting and moaning and completely frustrated. He lowered his head again, this time to lick the fuzz-sprinkled sac that rested heavily on the mattress. While he did that, his fingers wrapped around the solid shaft and gingerly stroked up and down the length of it.



Fox let his tongue wander up his lover’s cock, back to the head. He teased the moist tip for a moment, then relaxed his throat and slid down over the entire length.

Alex’s hands clenched in the sheets, and he arched up off of the bed. There was a sandpaper quality to the sound that ripped from his throat, as his cock was enveloped in wet heat.

"God... oh, Christ... lisa, please..."

Fox picked up speed, his head rising and falling quickly, as the man beneath him sobbed his need. Then suddenly, the intense pleasure was gone.


"It’s okay..."

"No, it isn’t! I need... Fox... let me..."

Fox turned Alex over onto his stomach, then scooped an arm under his hips, lifting him onto his knees. Alex buried his face in the pillows, whimpering into the puffs of cotton... waiting. He heard the quick swish of a drawer opening, felt a little movement, then a slick, hard presence, slowly entering him.

Roars of pleasure echoed through the room, as Fox buried himself deep inside of his lover. The tightening of his body told him that there was no way that this was going to be a long, leisurely session. He reached around, taking a firm grip on Alex’s cock, and began to move his hand in time to his hips.

"Are you ready, baby?"

"Yes! Oh God, yes..."

"Let’s do it, then. Come on..."

Fox worked Alex’s cock as he plunged into him, again and again. Their breaths came harder and faster, until they would not come at all. It was as though a vacuum had suddenly descended on the room, sucking out every last bit of air. Fox came first, falling onto Alex’s back, shuddering violently. His hoarse cries were soon joined by Alex’s screams, as he came, shooting over his lover’s hand and onto his own chest.

Both men collapsed on the bed, the air coming back to them in a rush. Fox kissed the sweat-slick valley between Alex’s shoulder blades and rested his head there. The deep, rumbling purrs vibrated against his cheek, bringing a satisfied smile to his lips.

When he’d finally regained the use of his muscles, Alex turned onto his back, drawing Fox into a protective embrace. "I love you, lisa," he murmured sleepily into his lover’s hair.

And this was what mattered. His mother’s angry dismissal, his friends’ apprehension... even Scully’s staunch support, as thankful as he was for it, all faded into the background, shadowed by these four words, whispered so lovingly.

Fox closed his eyes and slept.




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