On other pages you have read, suggestions and ideas to include in your video. This page will give you tools to create a proper script. You have your own ideas, the purpose of the script is to enable you to make real those ideas of yours. You have many details, which must be considered the script is the document where you will first give form to these concepts.
The second link will take you to a site where you can view various actual video and film scripts. By reading a few of them you can get a better overall idea of how to write your own.
You will see that there has been considerable freedom for the director or photographer on some of these scenes.
I cannot, give you more than the most basic instructions, and so, here is a list of links, which will get you, started in the right direction. Some of these are tutorials, others are links are to professional services and software companies.
Click here on VIDEOMAKER this page contains the writers guidelines for Videomaker Magazine, your interest in writing may lead you to read this page as well.
That you are reading this section tells me you wish to do more than just point the camera and hope. Planning the successful video will start with a good script.
You may look forward to an addition to this page, by a retired Hollywood filmmaker.
The links list is somewhat small at this time, research underway to expand it for you. Please scroll down.
script writing success
CinemaSpot.com - Scriptwriting
Scriptwriting Secrets - Write scripts and screenplays better than ever!
WGA: Scriptwriting Software
Scriptwriting Basics
Video Scriptwriting
Hollywood Scriptwriter, The Trade Paper for Screenwriters
Scriptwriting - Suite101.com
Scriptwriting for Video & Multimedia
Scriptwriters Network - Triad Program Since scriptwriting is a process, it is helpful to get knowledgeable feedback on your works-in-progress.
Common Errors in English - an EXCELLENT SITE
Videomaker Magazine writers guidelines