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11/27/05 I just added an Inuyasha Blinkie Maker page!

11/24/05 Please do not direct link my images. My bandwith is almost maxed out. If it continues to be a problem, my images will be moved. Thanks!

10/08/05 I added a page of icons & avatars. Check it out!

09/22/05 Sorry about the lack of updates...classes have started so I'm trying hard to find time. I have one more episode summary up. I'll try to watch the episodes on cartoon network and get some summaries up, and do the screenshots later.

07/28/05 I added an Inuyasha & Kikyou and a Miroku & Sango image gallery. Hope you like it!

07/12/05 I put up some more epi summaries & screenshots. Hopefully more tomorrow too! ;-)

07/10/05 Well, I couldn't stand the ugliness anymore so I gave the front page a make-over. I think it looks much better. I'm also going to update the links page again, and possibly work on getting some character bios and a brief non-spoiler show summary up.

07/03/05 I just updated my links page and also added some pics to the galleries. I'm still working on getting the episode summaries and screenshots up, but they take so long to do! I'm going to redo the look of this page soon too.

Email me

Inuyasha Blinkie Maker
Episode Summaries
Image Gallery
Iconts & Avatars

Layout ©
Komet Tails Designs

Image ©
At Pictures

Galaxia Graphics

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi

Inuyasha Picture Gallery

Pictures are shown as thumbnails and you can click on them to enlarge them, and then use the back button to return to the gallery. It might take a while for some of the pages to load. None of these pictures are mine. I found them all somewhere else.







Inuyasha & Kagome

Inuyahsa & Kikyou

Miroku & Sango

Miscellaneous Characters

Group Pictures

Messanger Icons & Avatars
