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Fansubs Preowned VHS Cassetes

Do you think $25 to $30 is too much for a one hour video cassete?
If so, maybe we can help.

Animeflow is now offering preowned VHS tapes. All of these cassetes are in great working quality and are probably in a condition that is better than many of the new releases at your local video rental. But the best thing is that these tapes are priced at only a quarter of the retail price for the same video off the rack at the mall.

Also, see anime before the U.S. distributors get them. AnimeFlow also offers Japanese animation fans to see videos of shows and films (subtitled by fellow anime fans) that have not officially been released.

So take a look around at our offerings, and we hope you find what you are looking for.

Fansubs Preowned VHS Cassetes

Fansub Selection:

To avoid international copyright issues the cost of these tapes are only S&H and the cost of the blank cassete.

If you see a video you that you think you want to take the effort to enjoy, just click on "Yes" from its row that is under the "Interested?" column to send me an e-mail. Make sure your all information is correct.





Street Fighter 2: Unedited Version 102 minute, theatrical film
Macross 7: The Movie 30 minute, motion picture
Sailor Moon Star Volume 1 Four 30 min. TV episodes
Evangelion: Death and Rebirth 90 min. theatrical double feature
Subtitled in Chinese
Fansubs Preowned VHS Cassetes

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