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Welcome to Lynne & Shannon's Anime Notebook ML

(or Let's Play Nice)

       Due to possible content, members should be 17 or older.

       Absolutely NO flames.  If an author ASKS for constructive criticism and/or comments, please feel free to offer those.  But remember - if you wouldn’t say it to the author in person - face to face - don’t say it in an email.

       The above statement about flames includes prejudice of any kind - it will not be tolerated in any form whatsoever.

       Please refrain from sending one-liners.

       No email attachments are allowed.

       NO SPAM!  Anyone who spams the list will get only one warning, then you will be removed - permanently - from our list.

       No forwards!  If you have something that you feel is important (like a virus warning, etc.), please feel free to send it to one of the group’s moderators so that they can decide whether or not it should be sent through to the list.  And before you send the forward to the moderators, please go through the email and remove all the " >> " symbols.

       Fics, poetry, spoofs, etc., are welcome.  So is some off topic chatter.  We want everyone to feel welcome to share.

       With the above statement in mind, if you have a personal issue with another list member, (personal issue examples are: disagreements regarding certain couples used in a story, personal anime preferences and opinions, and general personal stuff.) please refrain from using the list to communicate - unless the issue at hand directly involves the list.

       In the case that there is an issue between list members, we prefer that you try to work out your differences privately - we aren’t here to arbitrate for - or to baby sit - you.  But if an issue arises, for example, involving someone flaming/harrassing you, or if you know that another member is plagiarizing another person's work or not posting proper disclaimers, or anything related to issues like this, please bring it to our attention at once in a private email to one (or all) of the moderators.  We will be happy to look into these situations and determine the appropriate course of action to take in each case.

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One of us will be happy to answer your email! ^_~

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Please Note:

All commentary and pages within this site Copyright © 2001 - 2002 Lynne & Shannon's AN ML.

All anime and their respective characters are Copyright © their original creators and current owners. Please see our Disclaimers page for more detailed information.

Stories, new and original characters, artwork, etc., copyright © their respective authors/creators.

This is all in fun and meant for entertainment purposes only - no infringement is intended.