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Ranma 1/2 Superhighway

Divergence Alley 
The difference between Divergences and Altaverses have always been the hardest to define, but here goes nothing. 
1. An event causes the storyline to go in a different direction than the original.

Examples: A fire breaks out at Furinkan High, preventing the Romeo & Juliet storyline. One or more of the cast is involved in an auto accident.

2. A member of the cast does or is made to do something differently than the original storyline.
Examples: Ranma does not find Shampoo while looking for the memory-restoring shampoo. Kunou's first challenge to the "pig-tailed girl" really *is* a challenge rather than a "declaration to date." 

Basically, any deviation that occurs (more or less) within the story's original timeline. This is where it can drift into that "grey area."
Would the cast's early childhood be considered part of the original timeline? How about their pre-Jusenkyou teenage years?

That grey area depends on the reader. Personally, I think the answer to both those questions is yes, as far as events that directly affect them are concerned. World-affecting events (a deadly plague for example) would still make in an Alterverse

But it all still comes down to the reader. : ) 




A - C / D - F / G - J / K - M Divergence Alley N - P / Q - S / T - V / W - Z
A - C / D - F / G - J / K - M Continuation Road N - P / Q - S / T - V / W - Z
A - C / D - F / G - J / K - M One-Shot Way N - P / Q - S / T - V / W - Z
A - M Altaverse Drive N - Z
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