Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or any of its characters.

Warnings: First and foremost, this fic is supposed to be a humor fic. Shounen ai and Yaoi next. Violence, blood and gore, supernatural elements, such as werewolves, vampires, evil leprechans, trolls, witches, and other stuff I think of along the way. Expect lemons, limes, death of insignificant characters, and angst. (heh!) OZ people are also going to really intermingle with the GW boys, particularly with Duo.

Synopsis: Duo Maxwell is an almost average guy in a small, rural town. He works at the only gas station for miles around, is gorgeous, but single. He also gets harrassed by the town's rich idiot. But what makes him different is that he's a clairvoyant; he can read thoughts by touch or he can simply 'hear' them. Kind of complicates matters. Yeah. So when he runs across a man whose thoughts he can't hear, although trying to gives him nosebleeds, he decides that that is a fair trade. That is until he finds out that the guy isn't a typical 'guy,' and that getting involved with him only leads to trouble...and a few dead bodies.

Pairings: Will be 5x2, 3x4, past 5x1 (and we're talking WAY in the past), Meizer+2/2+Meizer and everybody+2 (hey, everyone loves Duo).

"And if you don't believe the sun will rise,
Stand alone, and greet the coming night
In the last remaining light."

~ The Last Remaining Light by Audioslave

First Half: Second Half:
Careful What You Wish For
Wish Granted
Trouble Is A Redhead
Michael Mooney Was Mauled At Midnight
Larry Luna Tasted Like Licorice
Hi Ho, To The Morgue We Go
Surprise, Surprise
Questions and Answers
Danger, Will Robinson
Something Wicked This Way Comes
The Death of Alec
Curiouser and Curiouser
A Packmaster's Abode
How Trowa Met Quatre
I...Didn't Put That There
Heero's Secret
Her Final Moments As Told By Duo
The Spider Catches The Fly
A Killer Is Revealed
Quinze and His Mate, Trollé
No Ordinary Love
What To Choose
By: Hakkai-Duo
Blood or Chocolate?

Best Non-Canon Pairing
Tasuku Contest, Hosted by the Ventilation Shaft

Best Plot
Tasuku Contest, Hosted by the Ventilation Shaft

Best Alternate Universe
Tasuku Contest, Hosted by the Ventilation Shaft

Best Overall
Tasuku Contest, Hosted by the Ventilation Shaft

Val's Choice
Tasuku Contest, Hosted by the Ventilation Shaft

Loden's Choice
Tasuku Contest, Hosted by the Ventilation Shaft

KD's Choice
Tasuku Contest, Hosted by the Ventilation Shaft