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Vol 1, Story 7


The Murder In The Idols Room

Yamagishi turns to Kogorou for the answers and Yoko looks tearfully at the body. Kogorou yells at Yamagishi and yells at Ran to get the police.

Local residences that live in the same apartment as Yoko wonder what is going on. The police won’t let them pass. In the room Kogorou turns to Megure and announces that he is ready to help. Megure sighs in annoyance because Kogorou is such an idiot. Megure loosens his tie asks Yoko why she has the heating this high she replies that she was sure she turned it on when she left. Meanwhile Conan is looking with a magnifying glass down at the floor. He can see what seems to be water and reports this to Kogorou. At the side of the body is a single chair that hasn’t been overturned while the rest of the furniture is lying on its side. Conan tells this to Kogorou and starts pondering. Megure looks at Conan in surprise and Kogorou hits Conan for interfering. Megure asks who Conan is and Kogorou tells him that he is just living with them. Megure asks if anybody else has the key to Yoko’s room. Yoko says that only she and Yamagishi do. Megure asks Yoko and Yamagishi if they know the man who has been killed. Yoko and Yamagishi go to the front of the body to see and they look alarmed and frightened. Yamagishi looks closely at the face but slips on the blood and falls down onto the body and jumps back in fright. Conan notices something. The police yell at Yamagishi and he apologises.
Yamagishi as he fell, grabbed the dead mans hand and took something…hair. Conan sees him place the hair into his pocket shakily. One strand, unnoticed by Yamagishi, falls onto the floor. Conan runs to it and puts his slipper on it to stop Yamagishi from noticing. Yamagishi looks puzzled at Conan but does not realise what he is doing and walks away. Conan looks at the hair once Yamagishi is gone. He sees that it is it is too long to be Yamagishi or the dead mans hair.

Later on in the night, the body has been removed and a white line determines its original place. Megure is sitting on the single standing chair and looks rather out of ideas. The atmosphere is tense and Conan makes a snide remark at Kogorou but Ran silences him. While Yoko and Yamagishi talk Kogorou watches them.

Suddenly he proclaims he knows who the killer is. He turns to look at Yamagishi and accuses him of killing the man. He says that Yamagishi could get in so he could have easily done this. Megure says that Yoko could have also done it because it was her apartment. Kogorou holds Yoko’s shoulders and say that she is far too cute to do that. Megure and Conan look unimpressed. Yamagishi looks defensive and says that he lost the key. Kogorou grabs Yamagishi by the shirt collar and asks him where he lost the key. Yamagishi, looking nervous, says that he lost it at the TV studio. Yoko confirms it by telling Kogorou that she helped Yamagishi look for it at the TV studio and it was lost. While Yamagishi, Kogorou and Yoko discuss this Conan is looking for clues. He finds himself by the TV and notices that under it is an earring. He runs to Kogorou and Megure and tells them about it. Kogorou tells him to go away. Conan goes away and thinks that they would listen to him if he were an adult. Suddenly he remembers the gift that Agasa gave him…a voice changing bowtie. He looks at it gratefully as it is finally coming in usfull. He turns the knobs so he sounds like a young man, hides behind a sofa, and directs Kogorou and Megure to the earring. Megure looks and finds it. Suddenly Yoko says that she has seen that before. She says that is belongs to another female singer called Yuko Izawa that she and Yamagishi met. Yamagishi says that she was jealous of Yoko. Yoko confirms it sadly. Kogorou, who has been quiet until now, yells to Megure’s assistants to fetch this Yuko Izawa!
Kogorou, who is sure Yuko Izawa is the killer, is grinning wider than ever. Megure thinks that the killer is Yoko Okino. Conan thinks the hair that Yamagishi put in his pocket was strange but doesn’t know who is the killer.
He needs just one more piece of this puzzle to complete the whole picture.
To be continued in FILE 8

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