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Click on a volume to get a deatailed summery of the volume. I will have the criminal at the end I will have the conclusion and who the murderer was in the backround coulor. Highlight it to get the answer. I will ahve the stuff after the murder too, as for FILE 1 there is alot to highlight. A quick way to do it on a PC would be to press 'ctrl' and 'A' at the same time.

Please take into the account that the accuracy of these summeries might not be 100%. I've tried to make sure of all details but if you see a mistake, feel VERY free to tell me.

Disclaimer 6_6!
I do not hold ANY rights to any of the manga stories or charecters here. If you Can read Japanese or it is in your language, It's a MUST get, better than my summeries... ^_^! The pictures belong to Gosho Aoyama, I either scanned myself them or used them off (the japanese official site), The pictures with coulour are coulored by me and some I made myself with the normal manga. As for the original text, I typed it all, so DON'T copy it.
Sorry if I sound mean here. I hope you enjoy the manga summeries.

Select A Manga To Read About

Volume1 FILE1
Volume1 FILE2
Volume1 FILE3
Volume1 FILE4
Volume1 FILE5
Volume1 FILE6
Volume1 FILE7
Volume1 FILE8
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