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my's a little dark in there, bring a flashlight


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wMonday, May 26, 2003

i hear one thing, but see another...
actions speak louder than words-has noone ever told you that
i tire of this nonsense, this play of words that speaks to me of beauty and friendship and eternal bliss....
then nothingness...
your words are hollow...shallow pools that i lose myself in.

then why do i care?

posted by k at 5:14 PM


wTuesday, April 29, 2003

darkness slowly creeping in -
the shadows of what were once sweet memories
quickly show their true form
in my mind's eye.

"friend of foe?"
my heart cries,
but none return the hail -
no relief for a troubled spirit
can be found...
where have you gone?

ticker tape parades postponed
and a yellow ribbon-bound heart
signal your homecoming...
but how will i see you in the dark?

that is my fear -
and here i lay-

posted by k at 4:29 AM


wMonday, April 28, 2003

my mind wanders to a day when i did not have to wear yellow to remember your smile
your laugh...

posted by k at 7:58 AM


wTuesday, March 04, 2003

how intoxicating is that twice bless'ed moonlight
that filters through a slat in my heart,
transcending the chasm in my soul.

her incomprehensible inky fathoms
pierced by the spindly fingers of the moon.
bathed in starsong, the world beneath transforms.
a surrealist landscape is born.

posted by k at 8:11 AM


wSunday, February 09, 2003

bamboo bound faeries
whispering into the dead of night

feather soft kisses and
blood-stained tears.

memories ne'er forgotten nor escaped.

whirling insanity of the surreal
surrounds my mind until i cannot breathe.
i lay gasping,
my last wish never to be fulfilled.

posted by k at 8:55 PM


wFriday, January 10, 2003

all numb.

how many days were lost to the memory of you?

love's lost ashes tossed to the winds,
swept out to sea-
a fathomless sea of my own creation.
every teardrop a memory purged from the depths of my soul.

but, like the waves,
memories return as quickly as they are forgotten.
some, tumultuosly violent,
some tiptoeing up softly to kiss your feet

utterly lonely am i
in a prison of my own fashioning
memories my only companion
in the cold night air



-from petit angeli to a dear friend- you know who you are. thanks for the memories.

a note from the author:
the people that parade across the stage of our live slowly begin to weave an intricate tapestry that, when stepping back, shows to be our lives. while we are close to that tapestry-in that moment if you will- the experience may seem changing to the extent that we cannot understand how this could possibly help us. but that one thread that runs through the fabric, as ugly and as rough as it may seem at the time, can be what actually holds everything together. friendships work like that. not everyday will be all peaches and sunshine. i am glad. i could not live in that world. some days will be those that try our very existance. those days...days that we think we will never live through...are the days that make us strong. when the dust has settled, we can step back and see the tapestry for what it is... what will yours look like?

posted by k at 4:13 AM


wFriday, November 15, 2002

*i hate it when i cannot write anything. poop on you, st00pidhead. my brain is all foggy. now i have to go teach. meh!*

posted by k at 4:36 AM



dreams come to me in my waking
crying dreams

surreal creations of my own imaginings
spawned from the depths of a soul in purgatory

forever anonymous the dreams now have form
names to cry into the night

why do the haunt me as they do?

posted by k at 4:21 AM
