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Friday, February 21, 2003
the true reason why it takes students an entire semester to finish a project:

Tuesday, February 18, 2003
reason #196 why art is dangerous

i was substituting for the sixth grade art class the other day when i heard this loud yawp-as if someone had lost a limb. it seems that one of the students, while attempting to shade in an area on his picture, rubbed a liiiiittle too hard and almost burnt his finger. strange what kids do. i have never seen that happen before. they will amaze you every time.

Monday, February 17, 2003

sometimes, my students say the strangest things....and sometimes i realize just how strange the things that i say seem to my students.

we have been working for quite some time on an art show that will be held next tuesday. MUCH preparation has gone into this show, and the students are ready for everything to be finished. one student, in particular, has been working on his piece since before i came on staff. he mentioned the other day that he has worked on it all semester. it shows. this last week, while he has been finishing up, we have been discussing the name for the piece, and as it is a drawing of an elven mythril blade, the conversations have been quite...well, odd. one day, during such a discussion, another student that was diligently working stopped us only to interject "i like cars" as if to bring some sanity to the conversation. it was then that i realized that not everyone could understand what in the world we were talking about.

thanks, guys, for keeping me in line.

Thursday, February 06, 2003

research stuffy stuff

Wednesday, December 11, 2002
i am using this to update two sites, so periodically i will post my pics in this blog as well. i have started on the webcomic, but my brain is so scattered that i am having problems focusing. i have been spending a lot of time with a writer friend of mine, and he is providing a lot of interesting ideas...not by things that he writes, but by just the way he acts. i am sure he will end up somewhere on the site.

Sunday, December 08, 2002
i know it has been awhile since i last updated this site. sorry bout that. been having quite a few server issues. i have had to revert back to the angelfire mirror...which i will say never fails me. BUT has silly banner ads. soooo...i guess this is where i will be for now. anyway.... i have decided to do a few changes to my book, and also to try to publish a book of poetry based around the characters i am creating. since my scanner is working, i am going to try to get a webcomic up and running again. weee! we shall just see about that, neh? i have a lot on my plate, but right now i just need to find a job. something to support my art habit. it is sorta expensive, ya know? in the meantime, be praying that i can find work, or i will have to stop everything and join a nunnery...which would change a lot of things in my life.

Friday, November 15, 2002
found two new subjects for my knows, the other doesn't...mwuhahaha!!!