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Sorcerous Stabber Orphen




This part of the site has been lurking around since Christmas, and I've only just gotten around to starting to work on it properly ^_^()
But yes, you guessed it, this will be about the Anime and Manga Sorcerous Stabber Orphen, a slightly above-average anime that has recently been turned into an appalling Playstation 2 game (if they're gonna hash up an anime, can't they make it even good? *Mutters something nasty about Sony*).
Anyway, enough of the griping of this Dreamcast owning girl (that reminds me, there will be a games review section up soon too...), I will have some pics...umm...when I have them. Please bear with me on this...
You could, if you wanted, link to this page (if you have an Orphen-themed site) with this HTML and banner (please download it onto your server though, or you'll end up with a nasty little image saying 'image hosted by angelfire').

[ Ye Olde Anime Gallery ]

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