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I don't know if obsession ish the right word, but these are some things I been really crazy about, I'm sure the list will change in a month or two.

After so many years i'm still in love with school girl uniforms. They're so cute! In fact it was one of the reasons why i loved the Harry Potter Movie! :O~~ Polo vest, pleated skirts, knee high socks, and a cloak! What a combination. And over the years i grew to love the Sailor collars. Maybe its from watching the Escaflowne movie - or card captor. If only they sell those in the states. Plaid skirts have become this fashion trend over the years o.o maybe its due to the rise of Hot Topic. I dunno, whatever the case my favorite would be the Burberry print, or the baby blue and white.

I think many people have this on their list. I mean how many people wake up 2 hours early before going to school just to do their hair? Honestly, not me. I'm really lazy, but I envy people with beautiful hair. I like colorful dyed hair, and bleached hair if they're not too nappy looking. Yes, i'm still obsessed with white hair. Oh and Christina's Aguilera's hair in hte pic to the right...*-* its so nice! And of couse the long shiny black hair ish always pretty.

They're cute, they're yellow, and they look great the in the restroom (the ducky carpet ish actually from my bathroom)! Not to mention there's so many inside jokes the cult has that goes with it (notice the Pekkle doll)! I dunno what else to say except the Rubber Ducky techno remix kicks ass.

It started out when i ordered the wrong socks from dat damned place...i forgot what its called. I wanted loose socks but they gave me normal socks-but really nice normal socks. After that i just started to look at socks in a...different way. They're just so fun, and they come in so many styles and pattern! Loose socks, ankle socks, tabi socks, knee highs, toe socks, the list goes on!

So i'm not exactly the type to fall for celebrities-or so i thought. Last celebrity crush i had was in 6th grade- i liked JTT because EVERYONE did, i didn't even think he was cute. I gave into peer pressure. After that you have this 6 year gap. Pretty much self explanatory - yeah its so fucking pathetic, but you know what? i don't really care that i give myself false hope and act like a fangirl from time to time.