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Carebear's Blog
Thursday, 29 July 2004
Christmas Countdown
I heard on a TV commercial this morning that Christmas was under 180 days away. I don't know why I think that is so exciting, but I do. I absolutely love Christmas! I love everything about it including hot cider, christmas trees, cookies, shopping for gifts, family get-togethers, and EVERYTHING ELSE. Instead of practicing my regular piano sheet music yesterday, I practed from a christmas book, just for fun.

My christmas list:

A Fossil Watch
A Dog Cage
Dog Accessories
Necklaces From New York & Company
A red trumpet
Hall crystal flute


Posted by amiga2/kaylacarebear at 9:06 AM EDT
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Thursday, 8 July 2004
Stop The World. . . I Want To Get Off!!!
Last night was crazy! After going to church and helping people move things and work on the church, I went home to find that my rabbit was sick. She looked horrible so I ran her to the emergency animal hospital where $200.00 later then told me that they would have to keep her because they didn't know what was wrong. Also I can't walk on my left foot for some reason and I have to wear 6 inch shoes in 2 days. ahhhhhh!

On the plus side, Linsay played some of the piano sheet music that we had bought for me so I could hear what it sounded like. It all sounded so beautiful, it almost made me cry.

Wow, since these next 2 days are going to be nuts and then I am going on my trip, I am not going to be writing in my journal for a week or so. The next time that I write in my journal I will be married. . . yikes!

Posted by amiga2/kaylacarebear at 8:44 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 8 July 2004 8:45 AM EDT
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Monday, 5 July 2004
The weekend. . .
This past weekend was busy but fun. Nothing special, but I feel like I got a lot done. Yesterday with July 4th so I went to see the fireworks with some friends. Then we went to Steak N Shake and I had some nasty chilly stuff. I sat by our pianist Linsay at the fireworks and she told me that she had found piano sheet music for a short pretty classical piece to use as a mother's song. That made me happy.

One of my two best friends got engaged this weekend. Congratulations to her. I am so excited for her!!!

Posted by amiga2/kaylacarebear at 9:35 AM EDT
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Friday, 2 July 2004
The Final Countdown (da da da da . . da da da da da)
I am kinda at the point where I feel like I have too much to do and not enough time to do it all, so I have to pick what is most important to me at this point. I know that I want to find the piano sheet music to a very special song to use as a mothers song and I know that I need to get most of my stuff moved over to the new house because I do not want to worry about moving it afterwards. Somebody help me get all of this done!

Posted by amiga2/kaylacarebear at 2:13 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 29 June 2004
Still more to do . . .
With only 11 days left until "the big day" I am left running around trying to get everything done. I am beginning to think that I spend too much time on some things (making our thank you gifts pretty) and not enough time on other things (planning what piano sheet music we need, planning vacation things) but hey I will get to those too.
Can anybody tell me why planning a wedding has to be so stressful. I have a friend getting married next year and I think that I am going to have to write her a manuel for getting all of this stuff done. I wish somebody would have done that for me!

Posted by amiga2/kaylacarebear at 5:06 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 23 June 2004
One more week of school
I only have one more week of school and then I am done for a month or so. That makes me sooo happy because I will be able to work more and not have to worry about getting my homework done for a month!

Things that I have to do tonight:

1.) Go to the hobby store and buy a picture frame
2.) write thank you cards
3.) Move a load of stuff to the new house
4.) Run all of the over to the pianist
5.) get gifts ready for helpers

busy busy busy. . .

Monday, 21 June 2004
Long Day
Today has been such a long date. I am not a big fan of Monday's, but who is I guess. I am looking forward to going home and practicing piano. I am playing in church on Sunday and I havn't really got a chance to check out the piano sheet music yet. Everybody wish me luck!

Posted by amiga2/kaylacarebear at 4:40 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 21 June 2004 4:41 PM EDT
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Friday, 18 June 2004
For a while now I have been wanting to write a children's book or a song. Although I have been leaning a lot more towards a children's book, I really think that it would be fun to write piano sheet music someday.

Posted by amiga2/kaylacarebear at 9:01 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 15 June 2004
Insaine Sheet Music
Ok, so I started purchasing the piano sheet music and guitar sheet music for my upcoming class, and it is totally a lot harder then I expected it would be. I am going to have to get on the ball and start practicing this music right away, cause I want to ace the class!

Posted by amiga2/kaylacarebear at 6:01 PM EDT
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Friday, 11 June 2004
Music Expression Class
I am taking a class next semester called Introduction To Music Expression. I am excited about it, so I think that I am going to start looking for school supplies right away. My list says that I need a guitar, recorder, keyboard, piano sheet music, guitar sheet music and musical instrument card products. Wow, that is a long list. I had better stop writing about it and go shopping!

Posted by amiga2/kaylacarebear at 5:30 PM EDT
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