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Carebear's Blog
Thursday, 19 August 2004
Look Out!
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Gonna Getcha Good - Shania Twain
I am in one of those rare moods where I actually feel like cleaning stuff. All of that piano sheet music still laying on my floor had better watch out because it is getting cleaned up tonight along with the rest of my house. I am ready to get everything unpacked and be able to shop living out of boxes. Wish me luck!

Posted by amiga2/kaylacarebear at 4:01 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 17 August 2004
I am so frustrated!! Layla, my new puppy got another one of my favorite pieces of piano sheet music. I had it sitting on the coffee table, but she somehow got it anyways. Oh my gosh! AHHHHH!. Its ok thought I guess. You live and you learn.
I am starving. I am hungry for steak. Is anybody else excited about the Amazing Race being on tonight? I really hope that Charla wins, but her cousin Mirna is ANNOYING!!! Too bad we can't vote her off.

Posted by amiga2/kaylacarebear at 6:09 PM EDT
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Monday, 16 August 2004
Cubbies Win!
My weekend in Chicago was amazing! I had so much fun plus, it was nice getting away from all of the work that I have to do at home including all of the cleaning jobs and from organizing my piano sheet music. Of course it was all sitting there waiting for me when I got home, but that is a whole new thing.

Posted by amiga2/kaylacarebear at 2:51 PM EDT
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Friday, 13 August 2004
I have an awesome weekend ahead of me. I am going to Chicago for the first time ever and we are going to go and see a Cubs game. We have no idea what else we are doing. I still have to do a ton at home like cleaning and filing the rest of my piano sheet music but I am going to just forget about that for this weekend, and go and have fun!

Posted by amiga2/kaylacarebear at 10:17 AM EDT
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Back To School?
I am so excited right now. I saw that they are offering a 2 week workshop on writing and arranging music. That is so awesome. I can't wait to write my first piece of piano sheet music. I have to come up with $200.00 before next week though! Yikes!

Posted by amiga2/kaylacarebear at 10:06 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 11 August 2004
I miss having cable so much. All of my favorite shows that I watched were on cable. Newlyweds, Road Rules, Real World, What Not To Wear, 7th Heaven. . I think I am gonna cry! Now we only get about 2 channels and that is if we are lucky. We need to get a TV too. We are using a little tiny borrowed one. No fun.

Tonight I need to find some piano sheet music song Josh and I can play a song together for the singspiration coming up.

I miss my puppy. I want to go home and play with her! :( We are taking her to see my sister in St. Louis next month. That should be interesting.

Posted by amiga2/kaylacarebear at 9:50 AM EDT
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Monday, 9 August 2004
Long Long Day
I have a really long day ahead of me. First I am working from 7:45a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and then I am going over to my parents house to eat dinner and to work on thank you notes. Somewhere tonight I need to fit in grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning bathrooms and finding piano sheet music for the singspiration that is at our church in a couple of weeks. I didn't get much sleep last night for some reason and Layla woke me up this morning. I am drinking some serious Mountain Dew this morning, let me tell you what!

Posted by amiga2/kaylacarebear at 9:39 AM EDT
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Friday, 6 August 2004
Yes, its true and if you can't tell I am really really excited. We were in no way planning on getting a dog last night but when I went in to the pet store to buy pet supplies, we fell in love with her. Her name is Layla and she is a puggle. Picture the body structure of a beagle with the coloring of a pug. ADORABLE. I can't wait until I can go home and see her.

She really likes to grab paper and run off with it so I need to make sure that I do not leave any piano sheet music or any homework laying on the floor. Nobody is going to believe the excuse "My Dog Ate It"!

Posted by amiga2/kaylacarebear at 8:59 AM EDT
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Thursday, 5 August 2004
Happy Thursday
Its finally Thursday, the day when my parents get back from their 2 week vacation in Alaska. I have missed them a lot, and I am glad that they are coming home. We have been taking care of their house and their dog while they were gone and that has taken up all of our time. We haven't even had time to clean our own house, practice my piano sheet music that I purchased BEFORE THE WEDDING, or unpack my clothes. I will be ready for the couple hours a night that their being home creates. Also, Josh's ball games are over for the year, so that will give me some time to cook some awesome meals. I am so excited.

Posted by amiga2/kaylacarebear at 10:07 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 3 August 2004
Music Filing Cabinet
I started filing all of my piano sheet music and boy is it going to take me a while. I have about 3-4 stacks that are as tall as I am. I also am not sure whether or not to file the music under book names, primary composers, or what. That is going to take some thinking.

I have to go and clean out my parents pool tonight and Josh is going to mow their yard. They are getting back from vacation on Thursday and Josh and I get to go and pick them up. That will be fun. I also get my hair cut on Friday, I am excited about that.

Posted by amiga2/kaylacarebear at 3:59 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 3 August 2004 4:00 PM EDT
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