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dumb ass people
Fuck It !!!!!!
fuck the world
i hate mondays !!
new arrival!!!
song of the day......
songs of the weekend.....
that shit was so funny
to bodly go...........
todays fun......
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FrEe BiRd!!!!!
when will it be over?.......
Mood:  irritated
hey ppl hows it going ? pretty shitty here but i am alive and in one peice which i should be thankful for. sorry i haven't posted in forever. So much has been goin on latly. i kinda feel like Green Day right now. and no not Dookie! lol But Wake me up when September ends....

well i finally changed my layout on this site. hope it looks alright. it is gonna stay that way for a while b/c i am moving to Grennville ,Al. This weekend. i am sure someone is gonna be happy about that one.

So i wish everyone i love the best and i hope they keep in touch. Well here is one last song for a while , it is for Mikee , i know the song is very said but he played it the other night and it makes us all think.....

Darryl Worley >>

Buddy you and me go way back
Camp all June, all through high school and before that.
So I don't mind tellin you I'm scared to death.
The doctor is goin in on the 25th
It's the same thing my daddy had
Thank God they caught it fast.

But if something should happen
Stop in some time and say hello to Catherine
You and Marianne could always keep her laughing
Because shes gonna need a lot of that
Take her out to a movie
It's gonna take sometime before shes back on her feet.
I know you think I'll be fine and I'm talkin crazy
But theres always that chance
That's why I'm askin
If something should happen

Little Nathan is growing up so fast
This November he'll turn 10
He wants to play quarterback.
I'm supposed to coach his team this fall
But I may not get to afterall
He's gonna need someone to catch a pass
And to throw it back

If something should happen
Oh promise me you'll take that boy out campin
Throw a line out in the water every now and then
Answer and questions that he has
Maybe once he gets older
You can sit and have that first cold beer together
And tell him a couple stories on his father
He's always known your my best friend.
That's why I'm askin
If something should happen

I hope I live until I'm 80
And I get to see my son get married
And have some babies
And make a million more memories with my wife.
Yeah buddy I pray alright
But if it's my time to leave
Could you watch over them for me?

If something should happen.

Posted by al4/friebird at 3:44 PM EDT
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