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Fuck It !!!!!!
fuck the world  «
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FrEe BiRd!!!!!
i know why people do drugs and drink now!!!!!!!!!!!
Mood:  irritated
Topic: fuck the world
hey how is it going? well i have discovered the purpose of life. it is a video game that someone up there is playing and i am ready to quit it. i think i only have one life left so maybe i will fall off a Cliff or something. i can not handle it anymore. if anyone reading this b/s is under 15 . never grow up try your hardest to stay young and keep you friends at your reach cause it is a bitch to get them back. never have sex it just complicates things if you do ,do it right and make sure you know the person well and they are always going to be there. if anyone reading this shit is 20+ and is stuck in a very miserable relationship that you hate. leave , just leave you can always get whatever you lose back and don't worry about what other people think. they are not you and never will be. do not stay b/c you have kids together ,the kids will be happy if they don't have to see the fighting all the damn time. trust me. you are to young to be miserable all you life. you know when you are happy it is in a kiss. i know that is cliche
but the song was right. i hope some one reads this and takes it with them. bye

Posted by al4/friebird at 1:46 PM EDT
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