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la Traccia degli Ospiti

Sit for a moment in the room of the guest, and leave a sign of your pass.
Any suggestion will be considered and appreciated.
Siedi un momento nella sala degli ospiti, e lascia un segno del tuo passaggio
Ogni consiglio sarà considerato e apprezzato.

Sign the Parchment on the wall - Firma la pergamena sul muro

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Read the Parchment on the wall - Leggi la pergamena sul muro

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Do you want to discuss about fantasy RPGs? - Vuoi discutere di GdR fantasy?
Warnig! Most forums are in italian only!
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If you wish to keep iformed about changes in the tower
se vuoi essere informato sui cambiamenti della torre

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...what will you see next?
Back to the cover - Alla copertinaThe Library of LegendsThe Fireplace of TalesThe Vault of FrescoThe Gallery of VisionsTo the Gate
The Trace of the GuestsThe Rings of MightThe Lord of the TowerSend me a message - Mandami un messaggioThe Landruler's CornerThe Order of the Black SnakeThe Blue Prism of Quests
The Memory of The WallsThe Shrine of RecallsThe Courtyard of PhilosophersThe Tapestry of NewsThe Advise for the TravellersThe Crypt of Light

...cosa vedrai ora?