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My name is Jamilah Ben Hammou (nicknamed Jenna). I am so glad that you stopped by my page. First I would like to congratulate you on finding my web page out of those millions sites.  Please, have a look around. I'm sure you'll walk away from here with some kind of information you find valuable. As long as you're here, sign my guestbook! Let me know what you thought of my page! I like any kind of feedback. I like knowing that someone's been checking out my work. Thanks a lot! Have fun!
I have been encouraged to build this page by My Friend Samirah Allali who already made a modest one (she is gonna beat me up for saying that), thanks God she is away from Florida until August. I think her site is the second most boring site on the net..Mine is  the first of course..She is my roommate in case you do not know and I want to say that we live in peace since she moved to New York!!
I am somewhat expert in web design, but since it is time consuming , I just made this simple and humble page to help beginners start their home pages.. If you are interested scroll down.
I guess you want to know some information about me.
Ammmmmm.....where should I start?...well...Currently I go to school at University of Florida, Gators home, not that I am a football fan or something. I study Information Systems (2 more years to go).
I admit that neither do I have the talents nor the encyclopedian background of Samirah. but 
I am kind of a smart (top 5% of my class)
Are you looking for a school in USA??? here is a list of all american Universities home pages....GOOD LUCK

algerian flag
I was born in Oran  in Algeria September, 15, 1979. Oran or "Wahran" in Arabic is a city in west Algeria near the Moroccan border. I was named Jamilah after Jamilah Bou-Hairad, the legendary Algerian woman who fought against the French colonial army.
Oran is well known for being the home of the world famous music form of Raï, of which performers like Khaled and Cheb Mami are almost household names. The atmosphere of Oran is  a good indicator on how this inventive music form came to be moulded just here.
Click here to listen to the best Rai Music, choose top10, and then select from Rai Music
Click here to listen to some Rai music by Khaled and Cheb Mami
I am not the only famous person who was born in Oran. Nobel prize-winning novelist Albert Camus was born in Oran and used the city as the setting for his two greatest books, The Plague and
The Stranger. French fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent was also born in Oran. 
Algerian Links

Rare Pictures: Pictures of daily life during the French rule of Algeria!!!
Algeria(1830-1962): this site contains rare pictures from algeria during the Frevch Rule
Algeria's second bloody war: Read about the Algerian dirty civil war 
Oran The Marvellous: algerian music from oran 
Window on Algeria: informative site about algeria 
Algerian News Agency: (in french only) 
WAAC: a site full of information about Algeria, political, famous figuers, and more 
Algeria Info: in arabic, french, and got chat rooms also
Miftah Shamali Algeria:: all you want to know about Algeria
Algerian Currencies:: A nice collection of Algerian currencies from 1962 uptill now
Noureddine Morceli:: All you want to know about the greatest middle distance runner in history
Algerian Stamps:: A nice collection of Algerian stamps
How To Make A web Page
(For beginners only)
Making a web page is very simple. If you are a beginner and you wonder how it is done then please start with me. If you have already visited Samirah page, please bear in mind that she is literally ignorant in computer programing, however she was able to build a reasonable site. 
  * You have to find a place  that host your page, i.e. web host , I have tried many and I found that the best two are: 
Geocities: it is a free service with good utilities 
Angelfire: free service but they provide less space compared to Geocities. Go for Angelfire unless you are planing on huge site 
  * A programing language called HTML is used for web design, but you do not even need to know this language. You might use Front Page which is a software that comes free with Internet Explorer. It is straight forward and very simple to use as long as you have your content and graphics ready. 
For those who use Netscape Navigator, you might use Page Composer which is included into your Netscape Browser (you will find it under Communicator). Please notice that I used Page Compser to design this site. 

If you are confused now, let me suggest to you that Microsoft FrontPage 2000, is the best product, whether you are putting company online or just designing a personal page.

   * You think Front Page and Page Composer are tough??, do not worry, you can use Geobuilder in Geocities or Create and Edit in Angelfire, it is as simple as it gets. 
  * To learn some basic HTML, you may want to visit HTML Remedies, it will give you an idea about the essentials of HTML. Remember that you can build a good page without knowledge of HTML. 
  * To add some flavor to your site see my selection of backgrounds, and animated gifs. you may also use solid colors as a background, if so here is the color cube. Feel free to copy any background or animated gif that you like and you want to add  to your web page. 

You may want to create your own graphics for your Web site. Most professionals use tools such as Adobe Photoshop, but most people use a simpler product such as: Adobe Image Ready, Macromedia Fireworks, Microsoft PhotoDraw 2000, NetGraphics Studio2.

  * when desigining a site keep the following in your mind: 

The Successful Web Site  
A clean, crisp, professional web site speaks volumes. This is where most of the work in web design is geared. Page layout, color coordination, design and graphic placement will tell who you are . If anything on your pages appears to be sloppy (i.e. bad links, graphics taking too long to load, bad grammar, visual inconsistencies), you immediately run the risk of losing the browser. Visual perfection can be achieved through:  
* Good graphic presentation 
* Easy navigation 
* Quality information 
* Good Graphic Presentation 
In most cases a quality photograph is preferred over clipart. You might want one or two animations to break the monotony of the text on-screen, but you do not want your browser to have "motion sickness." A mouse-over (Java) graphic presentation is a good option because the browser is able to control the amount of motion that he or she experiences.  

                                                              Useful Links   
HTML For Beginners: an interactive tutorial for beginners...a great site 
Introduction To Web Design: believe it or not, this good site for beginners has been created by a 16 years old Brandy. 
Software Library: hundereds of software to download freely 
Free Web Graphics: a lot of free backgrounds, buttons, banners. .....etc 
How To Make Animated Gifs??: Click to see details of making animated gifs 
Web Page Layout: backgrounds and animated icons 
Media Builder: You can make your animated banner online in this site 
Animation Factory: 3000+ animations for your site!  
Real Audio Guide: How to add music , video, or sounds to your site 
Daynamic Drive: Java scripts toutorial, not for the beginners

                                                              Advanced Links   
Devhead: probably the best site that deals with everything related to web publishing. tutorials and downloadable code for variety of scripting languages. 
Webmonkey: It covers almost any topic web developer might desire. 
Index.Dot HTML:HTML developers will find this a great reference for code, stylesheets, and more. 
Professional WebDesign:Perhaps one of the best written html tutorials on the net. Also includes downloadable file!  
Developer Zone:Highly advanced html tutorial-tables, meta tags, frames.  
SiteOwner: an excellent resource for putting the finishing touches on a site. 
Online Workshop:tips for incorporating various web technologies. 
projectcoolmedia:the latest programing developments for the seasoned pro. 
Slashdot:a great informational resource for developers. 
Web Building:focuses on news and articles about the latest web technology. 
Web Facts
* 1999's first three months saw the launch of some 10,000 new Websites everyday.
* A stuning 3.5 billion E-mail messages now shoot across the Net everyday.
* In 1998 U.S. companies spent $60.4 billion on Internet-related equipment and services!!!
* Spending is expected to be $203 billion by 2002.
(that is equivelent roughly to the National Gross Product of the whole Arab World)
* During the 1998 Christmas season, Americans spent about $5 billion shopping online.

Arabian Web
* As of June 1999, Users of the internet in the Arab World are as follows:
* United Arab Emirates.... ....90,000
* Lebanon.... ....55,000
* Saudi Arabia.... ....55,000
* Egypt.... ....52,000
* Kuwait.... ....30,000
* Jordan.... ....25,000
* Uman.... ....18,000
* Morocco.... ....16,000
* Qatar.... ....12,000
* Bahrain.... ....12,000
* Tunisia.... ....8,000
* Others.... ....20,000
* Total.... ....400,000
Amazing Sites
if you need to to receive faxes, you do not necessarily have to get a second phone line and a fax machine
to do so. Both CallWave and let you receive faxes free.
Just sign up, give your e-mail address, and get a fax number, Any faxes sent to that number will show up in your e-mail in-box as an attachement. The quality of the fax transmissions is impressive

A Quiz
a Quiz
Here is a question for you all visitors:
What is the longest arabic female name??????????
if you know the answer, please send it by express mail to my guest book.
In case nobody got the right answer in 30 days, then I
am gonna post it right here!!! 

Hopefully some smart person would get the right answer that I am looking for before July, 1, I have a big prize for the first to get the right answer.
Click here for the answer!!

only smart people should click here!!

A little boy
what is he thinking about??
Fly Fly Little Thing........
Don't Hold a Breath...
Don't Shed A Tear..

Poetry Links

100 Arabic Love Poems: beautiful arabic poems selected by Samirah
Marvellous Arabic Poems: 40 wounderful poems with brief introduction

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all files in this page are full of home grown viruses. you are not allowed to copy them without a written permission in advance from the owner of this page. Failing to abide by the rules shall result in a severe punishment. I am not responsible for any trouble brought to your computer by doing so..
In a second thought, forget the above warning.
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By signing my guest book.

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Samirah Allali Banner!!: homepage of my Roommate Samirah Allali

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100 Arabic Love Poems
100 Arabic Love Poems!!: the best place for those who interested in arabic poetry
