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Last Updated ON October 2003


-Facts & Myths
-How to become a werewolf
-Origin of the Werewolf

Thx To

Big thx to
Marc Desjardin(best french, science teacher EVER!

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A werewolf has few weaknesse's but if hit by its weakness canot recover.The werewolves greatest weaknest involves silver. Any object or item made of silver that strikes the werewolf agresivly will be forever marked with the scare's pain .An other of the werewolf's weakness is that he/she can not atack or harm intendedly a real wolf.Although the wolf(ves) may frealy atack or damage his mutant opponent at all time.The last weakness of this formidable foe is a Ritual.The Ritual consested of three elements first and most importent was a person that the humain form of the werewolf truly loves.A huge quantaty of candals of the same origin . The last but valuble element is that it must be midnight on a full moon.The steps of this Dangerous Ritual are as the following. First:In the moon light make a circle of candles and place the girl/boy in the circle on her/his back.Second: Take a sharp knife or sword made of silver . Third: Strike the heart of the person with the weapon the persson will not be injurd put the werewolf will feel the blow.

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