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Sumatran Tigers at Taronga Zoo

The Tigers

  • Taronga original pair were Nico and Meta, both now deceased.
  • This pair had a total of seven cubs.
  • Two cubs, born in 1980, were sent to Ueno Zoo in Tokyo, to form part of a breeding program there.
  • Five more cubs were born between 1983 and 1988.
  • Three are now at San Diego Zoo, one sent to Wellington Zoo (Jambi) and the fifth (Shiva) was kept for Taronga's new pair.
  • Taronga Zoos breeding success continued when Seletan arrived from Melbourne in 1992. The daughter of Melbournes resident breeding pair, Frank and Poetry , Seletan has since had four cubs with Shiva.
  • The first cub Kemeri was born in Nov 1994 and is now at Adelaide Zoo.
  • On 26th October 1995, three male cubs were born. They were moved to Western Plains Zoo and have since been dispersed to other zoos in Australia, Ramalon to Melbourne and Dougall to Mogo. The third, Juara is still at Western Plains.

    After the death of Shiva, Taronga Zoo sent Seletan to Western Plains and brought in the pair from there, Juara and Assiqua. This was in February/March 2003 This move has proved fruitful. In October 2003 three cubs, two male and one female were born and have emerged from their den in December 2003.

  • The cubs have since been named. The males are
    • Sendin - Indonesian for solitary and
    • Dumai - a city in Sumatra that establshed the Senepsis Sumatran Wild Tiger Reserve.

      The Female is

    • Jumilah - Indonesian for friendly

Juara having a lazy day.

The half grown tiger cubs, 2004
