~Addicted to Them~

This page is dedicated to all my great buds. You guys make things go round.

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Now for all u Fondy guys *s*
  • Dave: Hey you. Your not supposed to let that one thing happen you know. And it issss. Boy, I'm such a whiner huh? sowy.
  • Steve: See! I did it. All by myself! (To all you ppls, Steve has got a really cool homepage)
  • Dan L.: You know that invitations always open. I hope u pick it up.
  • Nick.R: Hey darlin.I love you. Thanks for being there when things got bad. Thing have changed but..like..not THAT much. *hugs* ~your lil one~
  • Seth: Hmmm...I can't think of anything cool to say. hehe. uh oh. Well. I'll tell you something cool when I see you. So talk to you soon buddy.
  • Ryan.M: Glad you and Nick liked the necklaces.. your a good guy. *buddies forever* =c)
"Dont pick ya nose. I'm watchin u."
"A true friend stabs you in the front" ~K.E.A.~
or how about "A true friend doesn't stab you at all." ~Eric Urban~

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*HeAdInG bAcK tO tHe FiRsT pAgE* (hehe. that reminds me of head. hehehe)